۱۴۰۰ شهریور ۱۸, پنجشنبه

Here’s the chilling reality of what daily life might look like under a social-credit system in a so-called democracy

Here’s the chilling reality of what daily life might look like under a social-credit system in a so-called democracy
Government issued QR-code health passes could represent the first step to implementing a Chinese-style social-credit system. Imagining how this might actually work shows its potential for truly frightening consequences.

The Covid-19 crisis has given governments worldwide a golden opportunity to roll out a new system of control over their citizens under the guise of protecting their health. Although it’s now clear that Covid jabs don’t prevent contamination or transmission, they have provided our democracies with the perfect pretext to introduce state-issued QR codes to access aspects of daily life which our overlords apparently deem “non-essential” – including certain means of transport, food services, or health and fitness venues.

At first, we were told that these passes would be a temporary measure. But now, leaders such as French President Emmanuel Macron have admitted that they may persist longer than initially announced. Similarly, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pledged $1 billion for a whole new system of pass management and coordination between Canadian provinces if he’s re-elected on September 20.