۱۳۹۰ آبان ۸, یکشنبه

توتمهای حیوانی؛ سیاهگوش

Lynx's Wisdom Includes:

Keenness of sight
Developing psychic senses
Keeper of all secrets and mysteries
Movement through time and space

Excerpt From: Animal Walk By Julia C. White

A member of the big cat family, the lynx is found from the temperate regions of the northern U.S. throughout Canada, and into the subarctic zones. It has a stout body, unusually long legs and oversized paws for
its size. This enables it to navigate through deep snow with the paws acting much like snowshoes. While the lynx feeds on weaker animals and some birds, their primary diet is the snowshoe hare. The size of the lynx
population can be tied directly to the abundance of the snowshoe hare. The lynx is shades of gray with a ruff around its face, hair tufts which protrude from its ears, and a short, stubby tail. It is often confused with the bobcat which also has a short, stubby tail. However, the bobcat is found further south, and is reddish in color. The lynx is deeply rooted in both history and mythology. The animal is actually named for the Greek mythological figure of Lynceus whom they believed could see through solid objects. For the Norse and Scandinavians, it was the sacred
animal of Freyja whose chariot was often depicted as being drawn by lynx. Italian mythology credited Cerberus as the guardian of the underworld. Italian scholars formed the Academy of Lynxes for the great minds of the time, and its symbol was the lynx tearing at Cerberus with its claws in order to learn the secrets of the world he protected. Galileo was a member of this elite group.

The lynx is the knower of secrets, and this carries many messages and
implications for those with lynx medicine. It would give you additional
insight to study the master number 11, since lynx is also connected to inspiration, revelations and mysticism. It is associated with clouds, and you may be intrigued with the changing formation of clouds, fog and mists. While others may seek bright, sunny days, you are in your element when the mists roll in and you can revel in the muted, moist air.

Lynx power gives you a type of vision into the unknown and unspoken
similar to an x-ray of the soul and spirit. It's impossible to lie to you, mislead you, spin false tales, or put up a facade of pretense. You know better. You can see beyond the image and the words into the truth. This is a natural ability that needs no work on your part to activate.

As with all gifts of the spirit, this ability must be used and exercised or
it will diminish with time. If you block your powers, ignore them, or fear them, you are failing to honor an exceptional gift that could benefit many. However, you do need awareness and courage to trust what you discover, and you must behave accordingly. You may have earned the reputation as a "counselor" of types for people have a need to confide in you. The fact that you can be trusted to keep secrets, and guard the sharings from the dark and most guarded parts of a person's being is something that oozes from your very essence. You do nothing to perpetuate this. It's who you are.

You have an extraordinary ability to encourage people to reach beyond
their limitations for you are aware of talents they may not even know they possess. You are also aware of the fears that hold them back and form obstacles in their paths, even though such fears may be unknown to the person. Without revealing any of your own knowledge, you can guide others to a better, happier, more peaceful life.

Those who carry lynx energy with the medicine of owl and mountain lion are a force to be reckoned with, and will never be diminished. If you are one of the gifted few who are able to see into the Akashic records of
others, you are indeed using lynx power. You have been blessed with
great supernatural abilities which you use for the highest and best good of others.

On the physical side of lynx, you glory in cold weather and all forms of
sports for snow and ice. You probably have heat prostration when the temperature explodes at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I wouldn't be surprised to find you a member of the Polar Bear Club!

As a culinary, you were an avid tree climber, and probably had a tree house.
You still enjoy climbing, and maybe have ventured into some glacier and ice field exploration. Your secret desire might be to visit the North and South Poles; just to see what's there.

There is heavy responsibility that comes with lynx medicine. In your
ability to see into the spirits of others, you will discover both the bad and the good. You will learn things you really didn't want to know, and you must take care not to hold this knowledge in your own energy field. Acknowledge what you learn, act on it for yourself alone if that's necessary, and let it pass through your being. You must be the soul
of discretion in all things, and keep your own counsel at all costs. You must never betray the trust Spirit has placed in you in giving you such power.

Since so many confide in you, you are the holder of their secrets. You
could do great damage with this knowledge. You must never repeat what you're told; never gossip; never behave in any way that could suggest that you know something other people don't. Always be on guard against those who pry into the affairs of others.

There is a danger in secrets. If you withhold information that could cause
harm to others, you could make a bad situation worse. We are seeing people around the world search for their roots; their identity; their heritage. This has been caused by generations of secrets kept out of shame and fear. As we have learned and become more aware of the
dangers of secrets such as this, we are more forgiving and understanding. We are also more knowledgeable of the dangers in not knowing your medical background, genetic history, and the many physical elements that have made us what we are.

If you are a part of a family who's kept such secrets, try to shed light on the importance of sharing information before it's too late. We have no control over where we came from. We have total control over what we become.

From: Medicine Cards By Jamie Sams #18
Lynx – Secrets

Prayer –
Lynx . . .
You know the secrets
So very well,
The Dreamtime and the magic,
But you'll never tell.
May I learn to hold my tongue.
Observe like the Sphinx,
Powerful, yet silent,
The medicine of Lynx.

It is said that if you want to find out a secret, ask Lynx medicine. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get the silent Lynx to speak. To be confronted by the powerful medicine of Lynx signifies that you do not
know something about yourself or others.

Lynx is the keeper of the secrets of lost magical systems and occult knowledge. Lynx has the ability to move through time and space, and to go into the Great Silence for unravelling any mystery. Lynx is not the
guardian of secrets, but the knower of secrets. The problem lies in getting Lynx to instruct you. He or she would rather be off chasing a bird or kicking sand in your face than running circles around you.

Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance. If this medicine is strong in you, you will get mental pictures concerning other people and the exact things they have hidden either from themselves or from others. You will see their fears, their lies, and their self-deceptions. You will also know where they have hidden the treasure, if there is any. You never speak of these revelations – you simply know.

The only way you can coax information about yourself out of a Lynx medicine person (in case you have forgotten where you hid the treasure) is to respect the practices of his or her tradition. If you go to a Gypsy with Lynx medicine, you must show your respect by paying with money after the reading. If you go to a Choctaw medicine person, he or she will reach into your midsection, or use other traditional methods to help you. A blanket or tobacco should be given in exchange for the medicine he or she has performed for you. This operative is known as the law of the Lynx people, and is practiced by Native American, Gypsy, Sufi, and Egyptian culture, among others.

If you have pulled the Lynx card, you can be sure that "secrets," are afloat. If this is your personal medicine, you should listen to your higher self. Be still and pay attention to the revelations you receive in the form of mental pictures or through a high singing voice in your inner ear. Perhaps you will receive information in the form of omens. You can be
sure that Mother Earth is signalling to you in some manner.

If Lynx is at your door, listen. Brother or Sister Lynx can teach you of your personal power and of things you have forgotten about yourself. Lynx can lead you to lost treasures, and connect you to forgotten brotherhoods or sisterhoods.

Some medicine people believe that the Sphinx of ancient Egypt was not a Lion but a Lynx. This Lynx does not say much. With an enigmatic smile, the great cat watches over the sands of forever.