بفتح ها و سکون را و فتح فا و کسر راء
مهمله و سکون واو و کسر راء مهمله و یا لغت هندی است
ماهیت آن
ثمر درخت هندی است بزرک و شاخ آن انبوه
و برک آن طولانی اندک عریض املس غیر مشرف و سبز شکفته در شاخهای باریک و در دو صف مقابل
بهم و کل آن بسیار ریزه صندلی رنک و ثمر آن مدور شش پهلو و ترش و در خامی سبز و بعد
رسیدن زردرنک می کردد و آن را می خورند خام و پخته و مخلل آن را نیز ترتیب می دهند
طبیعت آن
سرد و تر در سوم
افعال و خواص آن
قامع صفرا و مسکن غلیان خون و حرارت و
مولد بلغم است
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
چیکو نام یکی از میوههای گرمسیری با پوستی قهوهای و
مزهای شیرین است. مزه آن نوعی شیرینی خاص است اما اگر میوه آن نرسیده باشد همچون
خرمالو بسیار گس میباشد.. درخت چیکو، ساپودیلا نام دارد و صمغ آن درخت که پیشتر برای
درست کردن سقِّز (آدامس) بکار میرفت چیکل نام دارد. چیکو بومی منطقه یوکاتان است. همچنین درخت چیکو در
استانهای سیستان و بلوچستان و هرمزگان کشت شده و شرایط آب و هوایی
ومحیطی لازم برای رشد را دارد.در حال حاضر چیکو یکی از میوه های مورد علاقه ی مردم
چابهار و سیستان و بلوچستانی ها است.
سبوتة مألوفة (الاسم
العلمي:Manilkara zapota) هي نوع من النباتات يتبع جنس السبوتة من الفصيلة السبوتية[1][2]. وأيضا تعرف باسمسابوديلا,[3] شجرة دائمة الاخضرار ذات عمر طويل
موطنها جنوب المكسيك, أمريكا
الوسطي و منطقة البحر الكاريبي.[4] وهي تنمو بشكل طبيعي علي
سواحل ولاية
يوكاتان في منطقة بيئية تسمي بيتينيس مانجروفيس حيث تنمو كنوع شجرة
فرعية،[5] واستقدمت إلى الفليبين وقت الاحتلال الإسباني، و
تزرع بكميات هائلة في تايلاند, الهند, ماليزيا, اندونيسيا, بنغلاديش, المكسيك وفي المناطق الجنوبية من باكستان.
اسم سبوتة "zapota" يأتي من أصول لغات ناواتل عن طريق الكلمة الإسبانية zapote تلفظ إسباني: /sa'pote/."
Fruit, cross-section
Fruit & Spice Park,
Homestead, Florida. (1 of 4)
Fruit & Spice Park,
Homestead, Florida. (2 of 4)
Fruit & Spice Park,
Homestead, Florida. (3 of 4)
Fruit & Spice Park,
Homestead, Florida. (4 of 4)
دراسات علم الأحياء[عدل]
هناك دراسات تفيد أن مواداً مستخلصة
من أوراق هذه الشجرة أظهرت تأثيراً مضاداً للسكري ومضاداً للتأكسد ومخفض
للكوليسترول عند تجربته على الجرذان.[6]
مقتطفات الأسيتون من البذور أظهرت
تأثيرات مضادة للجراثيم كبيرة ضد سلالات الزائفة الزيتية (بالإنجليزية: Pseudomonas oleovorans) وضمة
الكوليرا (بالإنجليزية: Vibrio cholerae).[7]
مرادفات الاسم العلمي[عدل]
- Achradelpha mammosa(L.) O.F.Cook
- Achras breviloba (Gilly)
- Achras calderonii (Gilly)
- Achras conzattii (Gilly)
- Achras coriacea Lundell
- Achras cosaguico La Llave
- Achras dactylina Lundell
- Achras gaumeri (Gilly) Lundell
- Achras latiloba Lundell
- Achras lobulata (Lundell)
- Achras lucuma Blanco
- Achras mammosa L. nom. illeg.
- Achras meridionalis (Gilly)
- Achras occidentalis Cels ex
- Achras paludosa Lundell
- Achras petenensis(Lundell)
- Achras rojasii (Gilly) Lundell
- Achras sapatilla J.Paul
& W.Arnold
- Achras sapota f. aspermaM.Gómez
- Achras sapota var.candollei Pierre
- Achras sapota var.globosa Stokes
- Achras sapota var. lobata(A.DC.)
- Achras sapota var. ovalisStokes
- Achras sapota var.pedicellaris Pierre
- Achras sapota var.sphaerica (A.DC.)
- Achras striata (Gilly) Lundell
- Achras tabogaensis (Gilly)
- Achras tainteriana Lundell
- Achras tchicomame Perr.
- Achras verrucosa Stokes
- Achras zapota L.
- Achras zapota var. majorJacq.
- Achras zapota var.zapotilla Jacq.
- Achras zapotilla (Jacq.)
- Calocarpum mammosum(L.) Pierre
- Calospermum mammosum (L.)
- Gambeya mammosa (L.)
- Lucuma mammosa (L.) C.F.Gaertn.
- Lucuma zapota (L.) Urb.
- Lucuma zapota var. anguaiRojas
- Manilkara achras (Mill.)
- Manilkara breviloba Gilly
- Manilkara calderonii Gilly
- Manilkara conzattii Gilly
- Manilkara gaumeri Gilly
- Manilkara grisebachii(Pierre)
- Manilkara meridionalisGilly
- Manilkara rojasii Gilly
- Manilkara sapota (L.) Van
- Manilkara striata Gilly
- Manilkara tabogaensisGilly
- Manilkara zapotilla (Jacq.)
- Manilkariopsis lobulataLundell
- Manilkariopsis meridionalis (Gilly)
- Manilkariopsis petenensisLundell
- Manilkariopsis rojasii(Gilly)
- Manilkariopsis striata(Gilly)
- Manilkariopsis tabogaensis (Gilly)
- Mimusops grisebachiiPierre
- Nispero achras (Mill.) Aubrév.
- Pouteria mammosa (L.)
- Sapota achras Mill.
- Sapota zapotilla (Jacq.)
Coville ex Safford
- Vitellaria mammosa (L.)
^ Morton, J. (1987). "Sapodilla". In
Julia F. Morton. Fruits of
Warm Climates. Florida Flair Books, Miami, FL. صفحات 393–398.
^ "Manilkara
zapota (L.) P. Royen". Germplasm Resources
Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 1995-11-16. اطلع عليه بتاريخ2010-04-30.
^ World Wildlife Fund. eds. Mark McGinley,
C.Michael Hogan & C. Cleveland. 2010. Petenes
mangroves. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the
Environment. Washington DC
^ Fayek NM, Monem AR, Mossa MY, Meselhy MR,
Shazly AH (2012). "Chemical and biological study of Manilkara
zapota (L.) Van Royen leaves (Sapotaceae) cultivated in
Egypt.". Pharmacognosy Res. 4 (2): 85–91. PMID 22518080. doi:10.4103/0974-8490.94723.
^ Kothari V, Seshadri S (2010). "In vitro
antibacterial activity in seed extracts of Manilkara zapota, Anona
squamosa, and Tamarindus indica.". Biol Res. 43(2):
165–8. PMID 21031260. doi:10.4067/S0716-97602010000200003.
قس در دیودهی(مالدیوی):
ސަބުދެލި(ސައިންޓިފިކް ނަން: Manilkara zapota)ނުވަތަ (އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުން: Sapodilla)އަކީ ގަހެއްގައި އަޅާ ފޮނިމޭވާ އެކެވެ.
މި ދޮންވީމާ ފުށްގޮތެއް ހުރެއެވެ. މީގެ ބޭރުތޮށި ހުންނަނީ ވިލާތު އަލުވީގެ ތޮށީގައި
ހުންނަ ކުލަޔާ ގާތް ކުލައެއްގައެވެ. ސަބުދެލި ގަސް ފުރަތަމަ ފެނުނީ މެކްސިކޯ އިންނެވެ.
އެއަށްފަހު ފިލިޕީންސް އިންނެވެ. ސަބުދެލި ގަހަކީ 40-30 މީޓަރުގެ އުސްމިނަށް ހެދޭ ގަހެކެވެ.
ސަބުދެލީގެ ތަފާތު ވައްތަރު ތައް ހުރެއެވެ. ބައެއް ވައްތަރުގެ ސަބުދެލި ހުންނަނީ ވަށްކޮށެވެ.
އަނެއް ބައި ވައްތަރު ހުންނަނީ ދިގުކޮށެވެ. ވަށް ސަބުދެލީގެ ވަށަމިނުގައި 8-4 ސމ ވަރު
ހުރެއެވެ. އަދި ސަބުދެލީގެ އެތެރޭގައި 10-2 ވަރަކަށް އޮށް ހުރެއެވެ
قس ساوو مانیلا در باسای اندونزی:
manila (Manilkara
zapota) adalah pohon buah yang berumur panjang. Pohon dan buahnya dikenal dengan
beberapa nama seperti sawo (Ind., Jw.), sauh atau sauh
manila, atau ciku (Mly.).
dalam berbagai bahasa: tsiko (Filipina), ciku (Malaysia), chikoo atau sapota (India), sofeda(Bangladesh), xa
pô chê atau hồng xiêm (Vietnam), rata-mi (Sri Lanka), lamoot (ละมุด) di Thailand, Laos dan Kamboja, níspero (Venezuela), sugardilly (Kep. Bahama), naseberry (Hindia
Barat), sapote (Nicaragua), sapoti(Brasil), sapotillier (bahasa
Perancis) dan sapodilla (bahasa
قس ساوو در باسای جاوی:
Sawo (Manilkara zapota)
iku woh-wohan ijo langgeng sing umuré
dawa. Sawo uga bisa diarani neesbery|neesbery utawa sapodilas|sapodilas[1].
Wit sawo akèh ditandur ing Nagara India, Sri Lanka, Filipina, Meksiko, Venezuela, Guatemala,
lan Amérika Tengah. Ing Indonésia,
lumrahé sawo didadékaké tanduran pekarangan kang bisa didhahar wohé, mligi ing
laladan Sumatra Kulon,Jakarta,Jawa Kulon, Jawa
Tengah,Jawa Wétan, lan Nusa Tenggara Kulon[2]. Wiji
sawo bentuké ireng utawa soklat semu ireng, gepeng tur gedhé.
قس چیکو در پنجابی:
چیکو اک بوٹے تے ایہدے فروٹ دا ناں اے۔ ایہدا اصل دیس میکسیکو تے کریبین اے۔چیکو لمے چر تک جینوالا تے سدا ہرا رکھ اے۔
قس مانیلکارا زاپوتا در ترکی
Manilkara zapota, sakız üretiminde kullanılan bir ağaçtır. Yaprakları iğne
şeklindedir. Eski Kızılderili halkı bu ağaçtan sakızı elde ederek baharatlar ve
bunu çiğnerdi.
قس چیکو در اردو:
چیکو کا نباتاتی نام manilkara zapota ہے۔ اسے انگریزی میں sapodilla کہتے ہیں۔ اس کا چھلکا آلو کی طرح ہوتا ہے۔ اس میں دو سے لے کر
دس تک کالے بیج ہوتے ہیں۔ یہ گول یا بیضوی، یعنی ایک طرف سے نوکدار شکل میں ہوتے
ہیں۔ چیکو کا درخت سال میں دو مرتبہ پھل دیتا ہے۔ اس کا ذائقہ میٹھا اور دار چینی
جیسا جب کہ شکل سیب اور ناشپاتی جیسی ہوتی ہے۔چیکو کا ایک درخت سال میں دو ہزار
پھل دیتا ہے۔
Manilkara zapota
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
M. zapota
Sapodilla, raw
Fruit, cross-section
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
347 kJ
(83 kcal)
19.96 g
5.3 g
1.1 g
0.44 g
0.02 mg
0.2 mg
0.252 mg
0.037 mg
14 μg
14.7 mg
21 mg
0.8 mg
12 mg
12 mg
193 mg
12 mg
0.1 mg
μg = micrograms • mg
= milligrams
IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated
using US recommendations for
Source: USDA Nutrient Database |
commonly known as the sapodilla (/ˌsæpəˈdɪlə/),[1] is a
long-lived, evergreen tree native
to southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.[2] An example natural
occurrence is in coastal Yucatán in the Petenes mangroves ecoregion, where it
is a subdominant plant species.[3] It was introduced
to the Philippines during
Spanish colonization. It is grown in large quantities in Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Mexico.
name "zapota" from the Spanish zapote [θaˈpote] ultimately derives from
the Nahuatlword tzapotl.
Sapodilla tree.
can grow to more than 30 m (98 ft) tall with an average trunk
diameter of 1.5 m (4.9 ft). The average height of cultivated specimens,
however, is usually between 9 and 15 m (30 and 49 ft) with a trunk
diameter not exceeding 50 cm (20 in).[4] It is
wind-resistant and the bark is rich in a white,
gummy latex called chicle. The ornamental leaves are
medium green and glossy. They are alternate, elliptic to ovate, 7–15 cm
(2.8–5.9 in) long, with an entire margin. The white flowers are inconspicuous and bell-like,
with a six-lobed corolla. An unripe fruit has a firm outer skin and when
picked, releases white chicle from its stem. A fully ripened fruit has saggy
skin and does not release chicle when picked.
The fruit is
a large berry,
4–8 cm (1.6–3.1 in) in diameter.[5][6] Inside, its flesh
ranges from a pale yellow to an earthy brown color with a grainy texture akin
to that of a well-ripened pear. Each fruit contains one
to six seeds.[6] The seeds are hard,
glossy, and black, resembling beans, with a hook at one end
that can catch in the throat if swallowed.
fruit has an exceptionally sweet, malty flavor. The unripe fruit is hard to the
touch and contains high amounts of saponin, which has astringent properties similar to tannin, drying out the mouth.
trees can only survive in warm, typically tropical environments, dying easily
if the temperature drops below freezing. From germination, the sapodilla tree
will usually take anywhere from five to eight years to bear fruit. The sapodilla
trees yield fruit twice a year, though flowering may
continue year round.[citation needed]
is known as mispel in the Virgin Islands[1]and Dutch
Caribbean, zapote in Honduras, níspero in Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guyana, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombiaand Venezuela, dilly in the Bahamas, naseberry in Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean, sapoti in Brazil (Portuguese
pronunciation: [sɐpuˈtʃi])
and Haiti, chico in the Philippines and chicosapote or chicozapote in Mexico, Hawaii, and Florida.[7][8]
is known as chikoo (chiku, "चीकू") in Northern India and
Pakistan, ("چیکو" chiku and "ਚੀਕੂ" in Punjab) and sapota in some
parts of India ("சப்போட்டா" in Tamil Nadu, "ಸಪೋಟ" in Karnataka, "సపోటా", "sapota"
in Telugu, Andhra
Pradesh, "സപ്പോട്ട " in Kerala), sapathilla or rata-mi in Sri Lanka, sobeda/sofeda (সবেদা or সফেদা) in eastern India and Bangladesh, sabudheli ("ސަބުދެލި")
in Maldives, sawo in Indonesia and saos in
the province of West Sumatra, hồng
xiêm (lit. Siamese persimmon), lồng mứt or xa
pô chê in Vietnam, lamoot (ละมุด) in Thailand, Laos and
(ល្មុត) in Cambodia.
is called ciku (pronounced chiku) in
standard Malay and sawo
nilo in Kelantanese Malay.
In Chinese, the
name is mistakenly translated by many people roughly as "ginseng
fruit" (人參果), though this is also
the name used for the pepino, an unrelated fruit;
it should instead be "heart fruit" (人心果) because it is shaped like the heart.[citation needed]
extracted from the leaves showed anti-diabetic, antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic (cholesterol-lowering) effects in rats.[9]
extracts of the seeds exhibited in vitro antibacterial effects
against strains of Pseudomonas
oleovorans and Vibrio cholerae.[10]
Achradelpha mammosa (L.) O.F.Cook
Achras breviloba (Gilly) Lundell
Achras calderonii (Gilly) Lundell
Achras conzattii (Gilly) Lundell
Achras coriacea Lundell
Achras dactylina Lundell
Achras gaumeri (Gilly) Lundell
Achras latiloba Lundell
Achras lobulata (Lundell) Lundell
Achras lucuma Blanco
Achras mammosa L. nom. illeg.
Achras meridionalis (Gilly) Lundell
Achras occidentalis Cels ex Ten.
Achras paludosa Lundell
Achras petenensis (Lundell) Lundell
Achras rojasii (Gilly) Lundell
Achras sapatilla J.Paul & W.Arnold
Achras sapota L. [Spelling variant]
Achras striata (Gilly) Lundell
Achras tabogaensis (Gilly) Lundell
Achras tainteriana Lundell
Achras tchicomame Perr.
Achras verrucosa Stokes
Achras zapota L.
Achras zapotilla (Jacq.) Nutt.
Calocarpum mammosum (L.) Pierre
Calospermum mammosum (L.) Pierre
Gambeya mammosa (L.) Pierre
Lucuma mammosa (L.) C.F.Gaertn.
Lucuma zapota (L.) Urb.
Manilkara achras (Mill.) Fosberg
Manilkara breviloba Gilly
Manilkara calderonii Gilly
Manilkara conzattii Gilly
Manilkara gaumeri Gilly
Manilkara grisebachii (Pierre) Dubard
Manilkara meridionalis Gilly
Manilkara rojasii Gilly
Manilkara striata Gilly
Manilkara tabogaensis Gilly
Manilkara zapotilla (Jacq.) Gilly
Manilkariopsis lobulata Lundell
meridionalis (Gilly) Lundell
Manilkariopsis petenensis Lundell
Manilkariopsis rojasii (Gilly) Lundell
Manilkariopsis striata (Gilly) Lundell
tabogaensis (Gilly) Lundell
Mimusops grisebachii Pierre
Nispero achras (Mill.) Aubrév.
Pouteria mammosa (L.) Cronquist
Sapota achras Mill.
Sapota zapotilla (Jacq.) Coville ex
Vitellaria mammosa (L.) Radlk.
Wikimedia Commons has
media related to Manilkara
Wikispecies has information related
to: Manilkara
1. ^ Jump up to:a b Morton,
J. (1987). "Sapodilla". In Julia F. Morton. Fruits of Warm Climates. Florida Flair Books,
Miami, FL. pp. 393–398.
2. Jump up^ "Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen". Germplasm
Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture.
1995-11-16. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
3. Jump up^ World Wildlife Fund. eds. Mark
McGinley, C.Michael Hogan & C. Cleveland. 2010. Petenes mangroves.
Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment.
Washington DC Archived 2011-10-15 at the Wayback Machine.
4. Jump up^ Manilkara zapota Sapotaceae
(L.) van Royen, Orwa C, Mutua A, Kindt R, Jamnadass R, Simons A.
2009. Agroforestree Database:a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0 (http://www.worldagroforestry.org/af/treedb/)
6. ^ Jump up to:a b Harris,
Kate (2009). Trees of Belize. Belize: Bay Cedar Publishing.
pp. 94–95. ISBN 9780992758202.
8. Jump up^ "Ten Tropical Fruits of Potential Value for Crop
Diversification in Hawaii", College of Tropical
Agriculture and Human Resources. Retrieved on 2009/03/26
9. Jump up^ Fayek NM, Monem AR, Mossa MY,
Meselhy MR, Shazly AH (2012). "Chemical and biological study ofManilkara
zapota (L.) Van Royen leaves (Sapotaceae) cultivated in Egypt". Pharmacognosy
Res. 4(2): 85–91. doi:10.4103/0974-8490.94723. PMC 3326762 . PMID 22518080.
10. Jump up^ Kothari V, Seshadri S (2010).
"In vitro antibacterial activity in seed extracts of Manilkara zapota, Anona
squamosa, and Tamarindus indica". Biol Res. 43 (2):
165–8. doi:10.4067/S0716-97602010000200003. PMID 21031260.