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Reed Abbitt MooreReed Abbitt Moore > Quotes


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“Writing is like painting with words, the paper is the canvas, the pen is the brush, the words are the colors and the verbs, nouns and adjectives are the blending of the hues that add depth to the picture you are creating.
-Reed Abbitt Moore-”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Enjoy life! Because it sure enjoys you...

-Reed Abbitt Moore-”
― Reed Abbitt Moore
“Art is the expression that the soul makes without having to explain itself, nor regard the criticism of others.

Reed Abbitt Moore”
― Reed Abbitt Moore
tags: art
“Art is the expression that the soul makes without having to explain itself, nor regard the criticism of others.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore
tags: art
“The things that lurk inside your thoughts, though hidden sometimes they seem.
Will be revealed in the night’s sweet sleep, manifested in the mind as dreams.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore
“It's always darkest before the dawn: coldest before the Spring. It's most quiet before the storm and before the angels sing.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Darkness and light can both blind you,
Just as truth and lies can misguide you,
Beauty and foulness hypnotize you,
Justice and corruption can both deny you.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Why do I believe in God? Because things look pretty good when you get rid of the finality of it all.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“There is knowledge and goodness in everything if you just give it a chance. Once in awhile you just have to pull that curtain back and look at the man behind it. You have to if you want to know how to get out of Oz.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Mother Nurture is Mother Nature.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“A blanket statement is the argument of a fool.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Oooo, I'm having a very esoteric morning!”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“There are no more countries, nations, states, counties, cities or towns. There are no more humans, peoples or individuals, there are no more races, nationalities or cultures. There are no more rights, freedoms or choices. You have all become nothing more than cogs in the machine who's only goal is to propel the Beast, this monstrosity forward into the future to trample any resemblance of humanity that may take root and try to grow once again. If one cog breaks another will rise to take it's place, if on rebels it will be removed and replaced by another order follower, the machine is self sustaining and the only we to beat, break or destroy the machine is for every cog to rebel at the same time and says “NO MORE! WE WILL NOT SERVE YOU ANY LONGER!” This is the only way the machine can be destroyed, when every cog stops thinking of it's own safety, comfort and self interests and becomes non complacent, willing to lay it's life down for the good of the whole. Then freedom can rise again.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Don’t you know that
Darkness and light can both blind you,
Just as truth and lies can misguide you,
Beauty and foulness hypnotize you,
Justice and corruption can deny you,
Life and death can both satisfy you.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“There are no more countries, nations, states, counties, cities or towns. There are no more humans, peoples or individuals, there are no more races, nationalities or cultures. There are no more rights, freedoms or choices. You have all become nothing more than cogs in the machine who's only goal is to propel the Beast, this monstrosity forward into the future to trample any resemblance of humanity that may take root and try to grow once again. If one cog breaks another will rise to take it's place, if one rebels it will be removed and replaced by another order follower, the machine is self sustaining and the only way to beat, break or destroy the machine is for every cog to rebel at the same time and says “NO MORE! WE WILL NOT SERVE YOU ANY LONGER!” This is the only way the machine can be destroyed, when every cog stops thinking of it's own safety, comfort and self interests and becomes non complacent, willing to lay it's life down for the good of the whole. Then freedom can rise again.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result then sanity is to change what you are doing until you see the result that you want.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Prayer bridges the gap of sin, space, and time engulfing us on all sides, separating us from the closeness we once shared with our Creator.

If the church is the ship, the Holy Spirit the wind in its sails and Christ the anchor, then prayer is the rudder that guides the Christian’s life in the stormy sea that is this world.

Prayer is the hand we extend to help someone that has fallen, the blessing we speak to comfort someone who grieves, the joy we express when a child does well, and the mourning we do when a loved one passes away.

Prayer is the sword that strikes at our enemies, the shield that defends against their attacks and the victory song we sing when the adversary has been defeated.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“I may think everything is FAKE, but you think everything is REAL. I will never live in FEAR but you always WILL.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“If there is no fight, then it is a surrender.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Sometimes the Lord brings us to the edge of death that we may look behind us and see life more clearly.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Do pushups, so if you fall down you can get up fast, do pullups, so you can pull yourself over a fence if need be, do sit ups, so you can get out of bed in a hurry, do squats, so you can jump up with power, do calf raises, so you can climb hills like a young roe, and run, run so you can out pace the enemy, and fast while the food is plenteous so you'll be prepared when the food is none.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“I'm not the man I once was, but I'm still the man I could be.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Do push-ups, so if you fall down you can get up fast, do pull-ups, so you can pull yourself over a fence if need be, do sit-ups, so you can get out of bed in a hurry, do squats, so you can jump up with power, do calf raises, so you can climb hills like a young roe, and run, run so you can out pace the enemy, and fast while the food is plenteous so you'll be prepared when the food is none.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Do push-ups, so if you fall down you can get up fast, do pull-ups, so you can pull yourself out of a hole, do sit-ups, so you can get out of bed in a hurry, do squats, so you can jump up with power, do calf raises, so you can climb hills like a young roe, and run, run so you can out pace the enemy, and fast while the food is plenteous so you'll be prepared when the food is none.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Master the physical realm and the spiritual realm opens new doors for you.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Twitter makes you think you're intelligent,
Instagram makes you think you're a talented,
Facebook makes you think you have friends, Tiktok makes you think you're a success. Illusions for the masses to keep them distracted so they can't see how weak the chains are that bind them.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Twitter makes you think you're intelligent,
Instagram makes you think you're talented,
Facebook makes you think you have friends, Tiktok makes you think you're a success. Illusions for the masses to keep them distracted so they can't see how weak the chains are that bind them.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“Insults are the last refuge of a fool.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day
“There's U and I in universe! Uni = One, Verse = Spoken Sentence, so one spoken sentence created you and I!”
― Reed Abbitt Moore
“There are only 3 needs in this world for any biological form living here, air, water, and food the rest is a luxury.”
― Reed Abbitt Moore, Piggy Sense!: Save It for a Rainy Day