۱۴۰۲ مهر ۲, یکشنبه

Drogues, or floats, for harpoon lines.

 دروگ یا شناور [چوبی]  که به ریسمان زوبین والگیری متصل می کنند.

"All whaleboats carry certain curious contrivances, originally invented by the Nantucket Indians, called druggs. Two thick squares of wood of equal size are stoutly clenched together, so that they cross each other’s grain at right angles; a line of considerable length is then attached to the middle of this block, and the other end of the line being looped, it can in a moment be fastened to a harpoon. It is chiefly among gallied whales that this drugg is used."  Melville, Moby Dick, 1851, p.588.
