بصل القی . [ ب َ ص َ لُل ْ ق َ ءِ ] (ع اِ مرکب ) پیازی است
ریزه و پوست او سیاه و برگش شبیه به برگ بلبوس و در طول از آن درازتر است . (مخزن الادویه
). دیسقوریدوس در رابعه آرد که برگ آن درازتر از برگ بلبوس است و آن ریشه ای است شبیه
به بلبوس دارای پوستی سیاه . (مفردات ابن بیطار و ترجمه فرانسوی آن ). رجوع به بلبوس شود.
بصل القی
بفتح قاف و سکون با و همزه
ماهیت آن
پیازی است ریزه و پوست آن سیاه و برک آن شبیه ببرک بلبوس و
در طول از ان درازتر
طبیعت آن
بسیار کرم
افعال و خواص آن
چون در آب جوش دهند و آب آن را بیاشامند قئ را بهیجان آورد
و چون قدری زیاده از ان بخورند و یا جرم آن را بیاشامند از غایت شدت قئ فضله بقئ دفع
کرده و بسا باشد که منجر بخناق و سقوط قوت کردد و اولی ترک استعمال آنست خصوصا بیخ
آن مکر در هنکام شدت حاجت در شخص قوی المزاج ممتلی البدن با مقویات معده مانند حب الاثل
و مانند آن نه بتنهائی
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
بصل القیء:
دیسقوریدوس فی الرابعة:
ورقه أطول من ورق البلبوس، و له أصل شبیه بالبلبوس علیه قشر أسود، و هذا الأصل إذا
أکل وحده و طبخ و شرب طبیخه هیج القیء. جالینوس فی السادسة: مزاج هذا أسخن من مزاج
الدواء الذی ذکرته قبل بصل الفار و هو بصل العنصل، و سیأتی ذکره فی حرف العین.
الجامع لمفردات الادویه و الاغذیه
بط. [ ب َ / ب َطط ] (اِ) بت . در عربی مرغابی را گویند.
(برهان ). مرغابی . (ناظم الاطباء). جانور معروف و این معرب است . (غیاث ) (آنندراج
). جانوری است مشهور. (موید الفضلاء). نوعی از مرغابی . بطة، یکی ، یستوی فیه المذکر
و المونث و لیست الهاء للتانیث و انما هی لواحد من جنس . (منتهی الارب ). مرغابی و
بت . (فرهنگ نظام ). اردک . عُلجوم (منتهی الارب ). فمما اخذوه (ای العرب ) من الفارسیة...
البط للطائر المعروف . (جمهرةبن درید بنقل سیوطی در المزهر). از پرندگان آبی است یکی
آن بَطَّة برای مذکر و مونث و آن در نزد عرب از نوع اُوَّز (مرغابی ) است . (از صبح
الاعشی ج 2 ص 69). و رجوع به شعوری ج 1 ورق 170 شود. بفارسی اُرْدَک بهندی چنیابدک
و تبخ نیز نامند. اسم صنفی از طیور آبی است ابلق مختلف الالوان کوچکتر از اوز که بفارسی
قاز و بهندی راج هنس نامند و پایهای آن کوتاه و اهلی و وحشی و جنگلی میباشد. (مخزن
الادویه ). و رجوع به (اختیارات بدیعی و تذکره داود ضریر انطاکی و دزی ج 1 ص 92) شود.
مرغابی یا اردک یا بَت [۳] نامی است که معمولاً برای تعدادی
از گونههای مرغابی سانان در خانواده اردکیان به کار میرود. مرغابی ها به چندین زیرخانواده
تقسیم میشوند. مرغابیها اغلب پرندگان آبی هستند که بیشترشان کوچکتر از همخانوادههای
غاز و قو هستند. مرغابیها هم در آب دریا و هم در آب شیرین زندگی میکنند.
مرغابی پرندهایست تخمگذار که بیشتر در آب زندگی میکند.
گونههای زیادی از مرغابی در دنیا هستند که هنوز شناخته نشدهاند.این پرنده پرهای چربی
دارد تا با تماس به آب، پرها خیس نشود و پرنده پس از خارج شدن از آب سنگین نشود.
به عربی بط:
البطية أو فصيلة البط (الاسم العلمي:Anatidae)
هي فصيلة من الطيور تتبع رتبة الإوزيات الشكل من صف الطيور الحديثة[1][2][3][4][5].
وكلمة البط معربة عن الفارسية بت[6]) .(يدعى ذكر البط علجوم، و هذا الأسم يطلق على
ذكر الضفدع و الأتان كثيرة اللحم أيضاً) بط الأنهر والمياه العذبة مثل الخضير والبط
الأسود, والبط البحري مثل البط آكل السمك, والبط الداجن مثل بط بكين ذو اللون الأبيض
والجسم الطويل ويزن حوالي 4 كغم تبيض حوالي 150 بيضة سنويا حيث يربى لغرض لحمه المشهور
بالصين والأستفادة من ريشه. ومن غرائب البط أن صوت البط لا يرد الصدى.
به عبری وغووز:
בשם ברווז (צירוף של המילים "בר" ו"אווז" - משום שהם קטנים מהאווזים) קוראים למספר מינים במשפחת הברווזיים (Anatidae).
הברווזים אינם קבוצה משותפת אך הם בכל זאת שונים מסוגים אחרים במשפחה כמו אווזים וברבורים בכך שהם בעלי גוף וקטן יותר, צוואר קצר יותר ומקור גדול יותר.
הברווזים הם עופות מים שנמצאים רב הזמן במים יכולים להיות מים מתוקים או מלוחים. רבים מהם הם עופות נודדים שעוזבים מקומות קרים בחורף ושבים אליהם בקיץ. הברווזים מקננים הן על הקרקע והן על עצים.
ישנם שתי קבוצות (לא טקסונומיות) של ברווזים המתחלקים ע"פ הרגלי האכילה שלהם: ברווזים צוללים וברווזים משתכשכים.
הברווזים הצוללים כשמם צוללים אל מתחת לפני המים וצדים או שולים את מזונם מתוך המים. הברווזים המשתכשכים ניזונים ממזונות שצפים על פני המים תוך כדי שיט רגיל ולעתים גם ניזונים ממזון יבשתי. הם אוכלים בעיקר מזון צמחי או רכיכות קטנות אם כיחלק יאכלו מאכלים גדולים יותר כמו דגים קטנים, חרקי מים ואפילו נבלות.
ברווזים רבים הם עופות אקזוטיים שמגודלים בגנים רבים בעולם כולל מדינות שהם לא ילידים בהם. שני מיני ברווזים בויתו לגמרי - ברווז הביתשבוית מהברכיה והברבר וכן המולארד שנוצר משניהם.
به سندی بدڪ:
بَدڪ پاڻيءَ جي پکين
جو هڪ وڏو ڪٽنب آهي، جنهن
۾ کوڙ ڪٽنب ۽ قسم آهن. سائنسدانن
هن ڪٽنب جي پکين جو ڪافي غور سان
مشاهدو ڪيو آهي ۽ کين عادتن ۽ رنگ روپ جي
بنياد تي جدا جدا جنسن ۾ ورهايو آهي. هن گروهه
جو وڏي ۾ وڏو پکي راج هنس
آهي، جيڪو مانسرور ڍنڍ ۾ ٿيندو آهي. هنج
پکي جا ٻيا به قسم آهن جيڪي سياري ۾ گرم علائقن
ڏانهن لڏ پلاڻ ڪندا آهن. ننڍين بدڪن جا به کوڙ قسم آهن. جن
جا سنڌي نالا هن ريت آهن:
بدڪون پاڻي ۾ ترندي
گَرو ھنج (Graylag
Goose/ Anser anser)
قـاز (Barheaded Goose/ Anser indicus)
للو ھنج ، مُنگھه، کٽئين، سرخاب
(Brahminy Duck/ Tadorna ferruginea)
باتشاھه، لال سر رتبو (Redcrested
Pochard / Netta rufina)
ٿرهـانـڊو، ٿـورانـدو (Common
Pochard / Aythya ferina Nyroca feina)
ھنجر (Spotbill
/ Anas poecilorhyncha)
ڊگوش ڪوڪڙالي ((Pintail
or Northern Pintail / Anas acuta
هُراڙو ، ڪَرڙو، چيڪلو (Common
Teal / Anas crecca)
چُـوئي (بدڪ) (Marbled
Teal / Marmaronetta or Anas angustirostris)
ٽـُٻڻو ( (Garganey
/ Anas querquedula
نيرڳ، نيرڳي بدڪ ((Mallard
/ Anas platyrhynchos
ڦاڙهائو بدڪ ((Wigeon
/ Anas Penelope
لنگهو، ڳهڻو، اليپت (
(Nothern Shoveller/ Anas clypeata
ٻُـوئر، ٻُـوئري، ٻُئاري، ٻُھر، ٻـُرڙ ((Gadwall
/ Anas strepera
رُونهارو (Tufted Duck or Pochard / Aythya
fuligula, Nyroca fuligula)
ٻُـرڻـو (Whiteeyed
Pochard, Ferruginious Duck / Aythya nyroca)
ٻـُرڻو (وڏو) (Greater
Scaup / Aythya marila)
چيهه (Lesser Whistlingduck
ڪڪڙ وانگر پالتو گهريلو
پکي به آهي، يورپ ۾ ان جي فارمنگ به ٿئي ٿي ۽ ان جو گوشت
ڪڪڙ وانگر عام خوراڪ طور کائيندا
آهن. ڀٽائيءَ جو بيت آهي[1]:
هنج مڙيئي هنجهه، ميرو منجهن
ناهه ڪو،
جتي رهن سنجهه، سو سَرُڪن سُرهو!
به اویغوری اُردِک
به ترکی اردک:
Ördek (Anatinae) alt familyasından hemen hemen bütün
dünyanın sulak bölgelerinde yaşayan, perde ayaklı sukuşlarına verilen ad.
From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
This article is
about the bird. For duck as a food, see Duck (food). For other
uses, see Duck
(Bucephala albeola) |
Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the waterfowl familyAnatidae, which also includes swans and geese. The ducks are divided among several
subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group (the group
of all descendants of a single common ancestral species) but aform taxon, since swans and geese are not
considered ducks. Ducks are mostlyaquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and
geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.
Ducks are sometimes confused with several
types of unrelated water birds with similar forms, such as loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots.
Mallard landing in approach
Pacific black duck displaying the characteristic upending "duck".
The word duck comes
from Old English*dūce "diver", a derivative of the verb *dūcan "to
duck, bend down low as if to get under something, or dive", because of the
way many species in the dabbling duck group feed by upending; compare
with Dutch duiken and German tauchen"to dive".
This word replaced Old English ened/ænid "duck",
possibly to avoid confusion with other Old English words, like ende"end"
with similar forms. Other Germanic languages still have similar words for
"duck", for example, Dutch eend "duck" and
German Ente "duck". The word ened/ænid was
inherited from Proto-Indo-European; compare: Latin anas "duck",Lithuanian ántis "duck", Ancient Greek nēssa/nētta (νῆσσα, νῆττα) "duck",
and Sanskrit ātí "water bird", among others.
A duckling is a young duck in downy plumage[1] or baby duck;[2] but in the food trade young adult
ducks ready for roasting are sometimes labelled "duckling".[citation needed]
A male duck is called a drake and the female duck is called a duck,
or in ornithology a hen.[citation needed]
Mallard drake
The overall body plan of ducks is elongated
and broad, and the ducks are also relatively long-necked, albeit not as
long-necked as the geese and swans. The body shape of diving ducks varies
somewhat from this in being more rounded. The bill is usually broad and contains
serrated lamellae, which are particularly well defined in the filter-feeding species. In the
case of some fishing species the bill is long and strongly serrated. The scaled
legs are strong and well developed, and generally set far back on the body,
more so in the highly aquatic species. The wings are very strong and are
generally short and pointed, and the flight of ducks requires fast continuous
strokes, requiring in turn strong wing muscles. Three species of steamer duck are almost flightless, however.
Many species of duck are temporarily flightless while moulting; they seek out protected habitat with good
food supplies during this period. This moult typically precedes migration.
The drakes of northern species often have
extravagant plumage, but that ismoulted in summer to give a more female-like appearance, the
"eclipse" plumage. Southern resident species typically show
less sexual dimorphism, although there are exceptions like the paradise shelduck of New Zealand which is both strikingly
sexually dimorphic and where the female's plumage is brighter than that of the
male. The plumage of juvenile birds generally resembles that of the female.
Pecten along the beak
Ducks exploit a variety of food sources
such as grasses, aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms, and small molluscs.
Dabbling ducks feed on the surface of water or on land, or as deep as they can reach
by up-ending without completely submerging.[3] Along
the edge of the beak there is a comb-like structure called a pecten. This strains the water squirting from the
side of the beak and traps any food. The pecten is also used to preen feathers
and to hold slippery food items.
Diving ducks and sea ducks forage deep underwater. To be able to
submerge more easily, the diving ducks are heavier than dabbling ducks, and
therefore have more difficulty taking off to fly.
The others have the characteristic wide
flat beak adapted to dredging-type jobs such as pulling up waterweed,
pulling worms and small molluscs out of mud, searching for insect larvae, and
bulk jobs such as dredging out, holding, turning head first, and swallowing a
squirming frog. To avoid injury when digging into sediment it has no cere, but the nostrils come out through hard
The Guardian (British
newspaper) published an article on Monday 16 March 2015 advising that ducks
should not be fed with bread because it damages the health of the ducks and
pollutes waterways.[4]
The ducks are generally monogamous, although these bonds generally last
only a single year. Larger species and the more sedentary species (like fast
river specialists) tend to have pair-bonds that last numerous years. Most duck
species breed once a year, choosing to do so in favourable conditions (spring/summer or wet seasons). Ducks also tend to
make a nest before breeding, and after hatching to lead their ducklings to water.
Mother ducks are very caring and protective of their young, but may abandon
some of their ducklings if they are physically stuck in an area they cannot get
out of (including nesting in an enclosed courtyard) or are not prospering due to genetic
defects or sickness brought about by hypothermia, starvation, or disease.
Ducklings can also be orphaned by inconsistent late hatching where a few eggs
hatch after the mother has abandoned the nest and led her ducklings to water.[citation needed]
Most domestic ducks neglect their eggs and
ducklings, and their eggs must be hatched under a broody hen or artificially.
Females of most dabbling ducks[citation needed] make the classic "quack"
sound, but despite widespread misconceptions, most species of duck do not
"quack". In general, ducks make a wide range of calls, ranging from whistles, cooing, yodels and
grunts. For example, the scaup – which are diving ducks – make a noise like
"scaup" (hence their name). Calls may be loud displaying calls or
quieter contact calls.
A common urban legend claims that duck quacks do not
echo; however, this has been shown to be false. This myth was first debunked by
the Acoustics Research Centre at the University of Salford in 2003 as part of the British Association's Festival of Science.[5] It was also debunked in one of the
earlier episodes of the popular Discovery
Channel television show MythBusters.[6]
Distribution and habitat
Ducks Foraging
along the Lake Okanagan shoreline in Winter near Maude Roxby Wetlands
The ducks have a cosmopolitan
distribution. A number of species manage to live on
sub-Antarctic islands like South Georgia and the Auckland Islands. Numerous ducks
have managed to establish themselves on oceanic islands such as Hawaii,New Zealand and Kerguelen, although many of these species and
populations are threatened or have become extinct.
Some duck species, mainly those breeding in
the temperate and Arctic Northern Hemisphere, are migratory; those in the
tropics, however, are generally not. Some ducks, particularly in Australia
where rainfall is patchy and erratic, are nomadic, seeking out the temporary
lakes and pools that form after localised heavy rain.[citation needed]
Worldwide, ducks have many predators.
Ducklings are particularly vulnerable, since their inability to fly makes them
easy prey not only for predatory birds but also large fish like pike, crocodilians, predatory testudines such as the Alligator
snapping turtle, and other aquatic hunters,
including fish-eating birds such asherons. Ducks' nests are raided by land-based
predators, and brooding females may be caught unaware on the nest by mammals,
such as foxes, or large birds, such as hawks or owls.
Adult ducks are fast fliers, but may be
caught on the water by large aquatic predators including big fish such as the
North American muskie and the Europeanpike. In flight, ducks are safe from all but a few predators such as humans and
the peregrine falcon, which regularly uses its speed and strength to catch ducks.
Relationship with
Ducks have many economic uses, being farmed
for their meat, eggs, and feathers (particularly their down). They are also kept and bred by
aviculturists and often displayed in zoos. Almost all the varieties of domestic
ducks are descended from the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), apart
from the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata).[7][8]
In many areas, wild ducks of various
species (including ducks farmed and released into the wild) are hunted for food
or sport, by shooting, or formerly by decoys. Because an idle floating duck or a duck squatting on land cannot react to
fly or move quickly, "a sitting duck" has come to mean "an easy
target". These ducks may be contaminated by pollutants such
as PCBs.
Cultural references
In 2002, psychologist Richard Wiseman and colleagues at the University of
Hertfordshire, UK, finished a year-longLaughLab experiment, concluding that of all
animals, ducks attract the most humor and silliness; he said, "If you're
going to tell a joke involving an animal, make it a duck."[9] The word "duck" may have
become an inherently funny word in many languages, possibly because ducks are seen as silly in their
looks or behavior. Of the many ducks in fiction, many are cartoon characters, such as Walt Disney's Donald Duck, and Warner Bros.' Daffy Duck. Howard the Duck started as a comic book character in 1973, made in 1986 into a movie.[10] The 1992 Disney film The Mighty Ducks, starring Emilio Estevez chose the duck as the mascot
for the fictional youth hockey team who are protagonists of the movie, based on
the duck being described as a fierce fighter. This led to the duck becoming the
nickname and mascot for the eventualNational Hockey
League professional team Anaheim Ducks. The duck is also the nickname of
the University of Oregonsports teams as well as the Long Island Ducks minor
league baseball team.
See also
1. Jump up^ "Duckling". The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton
Mifflin Company. 2006. Retrieved 2015-05-22.
2. Jump up^ "Duckling". Kernerman
English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version). K. Dictionaries Ltd. 2000–2006.
Retrieved 2015-05-22.
4. Jump up^ http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/mar/16/dont-feed-the-ducks-bread-say-conservationists
5. Jump up^ Amos, Jonathan (2003-09-08). "Sound science is quackers". BBC News. Retrieved 2006-11-02.
7. Jump up^ "Anas platyrhynchos, Domestic Duck; DigiMorph Staff - The University
of Texas at Austin". Digimorph.org.
8. Jump up^ Sy Montgomery. "Mallard; Encyclopædia Britannica". Britannica.com. Retrieved 2012-12-23.
External links
Ducks at a Distance, by Rob Hines at Project Gutenberg - A modern
illustrated guide to identification of US waterfowl.
بطارخ . [ ب َ رُ ] (اِ) بطراخیون . اسم ماده تخم ماهی است که هنوز تخم نشده باشد و جامد او بقدر
انگشتی وسایل او نیز میباشد مانند ریگ ،و بهترین آن تازه مایل به زردی سایل آن است . (مخزن الادویه ). و رجوع
به تذکره داود ضریر انطاکی شود.
بفتح با و طا و الف و ضم راء مهمله و خاء معجمه اسم مادۀ تخم
ماهی است که هنوز تخم نشده باشد و جامد او بقدر انکشتی و سائل او نیز می باشد مانند
ریک و بهترین آن تازۀ مائل بزردی سائل آنست
طبیعت نمک سود آن
در دوم کرم و خشک
افعال و خواص آن
قاطع بلغم و جالی قصبۀ رئه و جهت کرده و سپرز و ریاح نافع
مضر محرورین و سریع التعفن مصلح آن زنجبیل و بالخاصیه قاطع تشنکی آن سکنجبین و ترشیها
است مطلقا و آنچه در کیلان تخم ماهی را اشبیل می سازند قریب الفعل است بدین
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
اَشپَل یا اشبل ( در متون طب سنتی بطرخ/بطارخ) به تخم ماهی
یا دیگر جانوران دریایی گفته میشود.
اشپل در آشپزی ملل گوناگون به کار میرود. خاویار (تخم ماهیان
خاویاری) گران و پرطرفدار است. اشپل معمولاً دارای هستند. در شمال ایران در ساحل دریای
خزر به ویژه استان گیلان و استان مازندران، با اشپل ماهیهای گوناگون غذا درست میکنند.
از جمله ماهی سفید، خاویار، ماهی کولی و ماهی سیم (در زبان گیلکی: کولمه). در ایران
گاه با آن کوکوی اشپل میپزند.
تاراماسالات، سالاد تاراما، گونهای مزه در آشپزی یونانی و
آشپزی ترکیه
اشپل دودی ماهی cod.
ایکورادُن، یک کاسه
برنج که روی آن اشپل میریزند. ژاپن
نودل خام درست شده
از اشپل میگو، ژاپن
اشپل توتیای دریایی
سالاد اشپل رومانیایی تزئین شده با زیتون سیاه
Wikipedia contributors, "Roe,"
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Roe&oldid=600799100 (accessed
April 9, 2014).
در ویکیانبار
پروندههایی درباره اشپل موجود است.
نماد نیاز این
نوشتار نیازمند تصویر است. با توجه به رعایت حق تکثیر با بارگذاری و افزودن تصویر.
به عربی بطرخ:
البطرخ (بالإنجليزية: hard roe)
(جمعها بطارخ) هي البيوض تامة النضج التي تطلقها أو الموجودة على شكل كتلة في مبيض
السمك أو الحيوانات المائية الأخرى مثل روبيان أو الأسقلوب أو قنفذ البحر.
محتويات [أخف]
1 البطارخ في
2 البطارخ في
3 طالع أيضا
4 المصادر
البطارخ في المطبخ[عدل]
تعد البطارخ من المأكولات البحرية حيث تطبخ في أطباق مختلفة.
حيث تعد بطارخ سمك السلمون وسمك النازلي مصادر ممتازة لأوميغا-3.[1]
بطارخ سمك الحفش هي المادة التي يصنع منها الكافيار.
البطارخ في اللغة[عدل]
البطارخ طعام محضر من بيض السمك يملح ويجفف في الشمس أو يدخن
تقدم البطارخ في مطاعم الأسماك.[2]
طالع أيضا[عدل]
البطرخ الناعم أو اللقح
^ Roe of Marine Animals Is Best
Natural Source of Omega-3 Science Daily, 11 December 2009.
^ موقع المعاني، البطارخ
به عبری دِگیم:
ביצי דגים הוא כינוי לגוש של ביציות בשלות (זיגוטות) של דגים, ושל בעלי חיים ימיים מסוימים, כדוגמת קיפודי ים, חסילונים, וצדפות. כסוג של מאכלי ים נעשה בביצי דגים שימוש כמרכיב בבישול של מאכלים רבים, ויש הנוהגים לאכול אותן כאשר אינן מבושלות.
קוויאר הוא כינוי למאכל העשוי מביצי דגים מעובדות ומומלחות של דג החידקן.
המאכל המכונה באנגלית "Soft Roe" (ביצי דגים רכות) או "White
Roe" (ביצי דגים לבנות) אינו מכיל ביצי דגים כלל אלא זרע של דגים.
מאחר שהפקת ביצי דגים כרוכה בהרג הדגה המטילה, רוב הצמחונים נמנעים מאכילתן.
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Prawns skagen
topped with cold-smoked salmon roe, on bread
Roe (/roʊ/) or hard roe is the fully ripe internal egg masses in the
ovaries, or the released external egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins. As a seafood, roe is used both as a cooked ingredient in many dishes and as a
raw ingredient. The roe of marine animals, such as the roe of lumpsucker, hake and salmon, is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.[1] Roe from a sturgeon or sometimes other fishes is the raw
base product from which caviar is made.
The large Indian population in KwaZulu
Natal consumes fish roe in the form of slightly sour curry or battered and deep
In the United States, several kinds of roe
are produced: salmon from the Pacific coast, shad and herring species like theAmerican shad and alewife, mullet, paddlefish, American bowfin, and some species of sturgeon. Shad, pike and other roe are sometimes
pan-fried with bacon. Spot Prawn roe (hard to find) is also a delicacy from the North Pacific. Flounder roe, pan-fried and served with grits is popular on the Southeastern coast.
In the province of New Brunswick, roe
(caviare) of the Atlantic sturgeon is
harvested from the Saint John river.[citation needed]
Roe is also extracted from herring, salmon,
and sea urchins.
In Chile, sea urchin roe is a traditional food
known as an "erizo de mar". Chile is one of many countries that
exports sea urchins to Japan in order to fulfill Japanese demand.
In Peru, roe is served in many seafood
restaurants sauteed, breaded and pan fried, and sometimes accompanied by a side
of fresh onion salad. It is called Huevera Frita. Cojinova (Seriolella
violacea) yields the best roe for this dish. Despite the fact that many people
like it, it is hardly considered a delicacy. Upscale restaurants are not
expected to offer it, but street vendors and smaller restaurants will make
their first daily sales of it before they run out. Cojinova itself (considered
a medium quality fish) is caught for its fish meal, not for its roe, which is
considered a chance product. Sea urchin roe is considered a delicacy and it is
used (at customer request) to add strength to ceviche.
Roe from the Ilish fish is considered a delicacy
in Bangladesh. The roe is usually deep-fried, although other preparations such as mashed
roe where the roe crushed along with oil, onion and pepper, or curry
of roe can also be found.
In many regions in China, crab and urchin
roes are eaten as a delicacy. Crab roe are often used as topping in dishes such
as "crab roe tofu" (蟹粉豆腐). Nanxiang Steamed
Bun Restaurant serves "crab roe xiaolongbao" as their special. Shrimp roes
are also eaten in certain places, especially around the downstream of Yangtze River, such as Wuhu, as toppings for noodle soup.
Among the tribal populace of eastern India,
roe that has been deeply roasted over an open fire is a delicacy. In this
region, the roe of rohu is also considered a delicacy and is eaten fried or as a stuffing
within a fried pointed gourd to make potoler dolma.
All along the Konkan coast and Northern Kerala, the roe of sardines, black mackerel and several other fish is
considered a delicacy. The roe can be eaten fried (after being coated with red
chilli paste) and also as a thick curry (gashi). In the state of Kerala, roe is deep fried in coconut oil, and is considered a delicacy. A
common method of quick preparation is to wrap the roe in wet banana leaves and
cook it over charcoal embers.
In Odisha and West Bengal, roe of several fresh-water fish,
including hilsa, are eaten, the roe being cooked separately or along with the fish, the
latter method being preferred for all but large fishes. Roe, either light or
deep-fried are also eaten as snacks or appetizers before a major meal.
In the Caspian provinces of Gilan and Mazandaran, several types of roe are used.
Called ashpal or ashbal, roe is consumed grilled,
cured, salted, or mixed with other ingredients. If salted or cured, it is
consumed as a condiment. If used fresh, it is usually grilled, steamed, or
mixed with eggs and fried to form a custard-like dish called "Ashpal Kuku".
Besides the much sought-after caviar, roe from kutum (also known as Caspian white fish
or Rutilus frisii kutum), Caspian roach (called "kuli"
in Gileki), bream (called "kulmeh" in Gileki), and Caspian salmon are highly prized. Roe from carp is less common and barbel roe is also
occasionally used.
Several sections of the Israeli cuisine include roe. In Modern Hebrew, roe is commonly referred to by its
Russian name "ikra" (איקרה). When necessary, the color is also mentioned: white or pink,
as appropriate. Israeli "white ikra" is commonly made of carp or herring eggs, while "red ikra" is
made of flathead mullet eggs or, in rarer cases, salmon eggs. The term "caviar" is separate, and denotes only sturgeon eggs.
Ikra is served as a starter dish, to be
eaten with pita or similar breads, particularly
in Arab restaurants. It can also be purchased in stores, in standard-sized
plastic packages. In home cooking it is similarly served as a starter dish.
In Judaism, roe from kosher fish--fish with fins and scales--is
considered kosher. Like fish in general, it is consideredpareve. Roe is considered kosher only if the fish
from which it's harvested is kosher as well. This means that sturgeon roe is not considered kosher from an
Orthodox Jewish perspective.
For most Orthodox Jewish consumers who keep kosher, roe
or caviar must be processed under kosher
supervision as well. The only exception to this rule is red roe, thanks to a
widely accepted responsa by the Bais Yosef.[2]
Salmon roe at
the Shiogama seafood market in Japan
Ikuradon, a bowl of rice topped with salmon roe
Uncooked noodle
made from shrimp roe
A variety of roe types are used in Japanese cuisine, including the
following which are used raw in sushi:
Ikura (イクラ) - Salmon roe. Large reddish-orange individual spheres. Since salmon eggs are
also used as bait, first-time sushi eaters who have experienced fishing may be
taken aback when served ikura. It is a loan wordfrom the Russian, "икра"
(soft-shelled eggs, in this context caviar)
Sujiko (すじこ/筋子) - Also salmon roe. The difference is that sujiko is still inside its sac
when it is prepared. It also has a different color; sujiko is red to dark-red
while ikura is lighter in color, sometimes almost orange. Sujiko is also
sweeter in taste.
Kazunoko (数の子/鯑) - Herring roe, yellow or pinkish, having a firm, rubbery texture and
appearance, usually pickled. The roe is in a single cohesive mass and so looks
like a piece of fish.
Mentaiko (明太子) - Alaska pollock roe, spiced with powdered red pepper and surrounded by a thin,
elastic membrane. Mentaiko is usually pink to dark red.
Sea urchin roe.
Uni (うに/雲丹) - Sea urchin roe, soft and melting. Color ranges from orange to pale yellow.
Humans consume the reproductive organs ("roe") either raw or briefly
cooked. Sea urchin roe is a popular food in Japan, and it is called
"uni" in Japanese sushi cuisine. Apart from domestic
consumption, a number of other countries export the sea urchin to Japan in
order to meet its demand throughout the country. Traditionally considered
an aphrodisiac, sea urchin roe has been found to contain the cannabinoid anandamide.[3]
Karasumi (カラスミ/鱲子) - is a
specialty of Nagasaki and along with salt-pickled sea urchin roe and Konowata one of the
three chinmi of Japan. It is made by desalinating
salt pickled mullet roe and sundrying it.
All kinds of fish roe are widely eaten
in Korean cuisine, including the popular sea urchin, salmon, herring, flying fish, cod,
among others. Myeongran jeot (명란젓) refers to the jeotgal (salted fermented seafood) made with pollock roe seasoned with chili pepper powders. It is commonly
consumed as banchan, small dish accompanied with cooked rice or ingredient for altang (알탕), a kind of jjigae (Korean stew).
Sea urchin roe, or toutia توتية
as it is known locally, is eaten directly from the sea urchin shell fresh using
a small spoon. Some people add a twist of lemon juice to the roe and eat it in
Lebanese flat bread.
Particularly in Sarawak, Malaysia, Toli
Shad fish roe is a popular delicacy among locals and tourists. The roe is
usually found in the street market in Sarawak's capital city of Kuching. The
roe can be sold for up to 19 USD per 100 grams and is considered expensive
among locals, but the price can reach up to 30 USD in other states of Malaysia.
The roe is usually salted before sale but
fresh roe is also available. The salted roe is usually pan fried or steamed and
eaten with steamed rice. The fish itself is also usually salted and served
along with the roe.
The Maori people and other New Zealanders
eat sea urchin roe, called "Kina".[4] Kina is sold in fishshops,
supermarkets, and alongside the road. Most commercial Kina is imported from
the Chatham Islands.
All around the Mediterranean, botargo is an esteemed specialty made of the
cured roe pouch of flathead mullet, tuna, orswordfish; it is called bottarga (Italian),
poutargue or boutargue (French), botarga (Spanish), batarekh (Arabic) or
avgotaraho (Greek αυγοτάραχο).
Lumpfish (stenbider) roe is used extensively in Danish cuisine, on top of halved or sliced
hard-boiled eggs, on top of mounds of shrimp, or in combination with other fish or seafood. Another commonly eaten roe
is that from the cod (torsk).
Sea urchin roe (oursin in French) is eaten directly from the sea and in
restaurants, where it is served both by itself and in seafood platters, usually
spooned from the shell of the animal. Crab, shrimp and prawn roe still attached to those animals
is also considered a delicacy.
Common whitefish and especially vendace from the fresh water lakes in Finland
are renowned for the excellent delicate taste of the roe. Roe is served as
topping of toast or on blini with onion and smetana.
Taramasalata, salad made
Taramá is salted and cured carp or cod roe used to make taramosaláta,
a Greekmeze consisting of taramá mixed with lemon
juice, bread crumbs, onions, and olive oil; it is eaten as a dip.
Bottarga is primary the salted and dried roe
pouch of the Atlantic bluefin tuna; can be also prepared with the dried roe pouch of the flathead mullet, even if it is considered of low
quality and less tasty. It is used minced for dressing pasta or in slice with
olive oil and lemon (Fishermen style). The coastal town of Alghero, Sardinia,
is also known for its "bogamarì" specialty (fresh sea urchin roe).
In the Netherlands fried roe of herring is
Norwegian caviar is most commonly made from cod, but caviar made from lumpsucker or capelin roe is also available.
In some areas it is also common to fry the roe from freshly caught fish, to
be eaten on bread or with potatoes andflatbread.
Codfish roe and sardine roe are sold in
olive oil. The fresh roe of hake (pescada) is also consumed (a popular way of
eating it is boiled with vegetables, and simply seasoned with olive oil and a
dash of vinegar). In the South of Portugal, the "ouriço do mar" (sea
urchin) is highly appreciated. In the Sines area (Alentejo), a layer of dried
pine needles is placed on the ground and, on top of it, a layer of sea urchins.
This layer is topped with a second layer of dried pine needles. The pile is set
on fire. The roe is removed from the cooked sea urchins and eaten. Sea urchin
is not consumed in May, June, July, and August.
Fish roe is very popular in Romania as a
starter (like salată de icre) or sometimes served for breakfast
on toasted bread. The most common roe is that of the European carp; pike,
herring, cod are also popular. Fried soft roe is also a popular dish. Sturgeon
roe is a delicacy normally served at functions.
Romanian roe
salad decorated with black olives
In Russian, all types of fish roe are called
"икра" (ikra, caviar), and there is no linguistic distinction
between the English words "roe" and "caviar." Sturgeon roe, called "чёрная икра" (chyornaya
ikra, "black caviar") is most prized. It is usually served lightly salted on buttered rye
bread, or used as an ingredient in varioushaute cuisine sauces and
dishes. It is followed in prestige by salmon roe, called "red caviar,"
which is less expensive, but still considered a delicacy. More common roes,
such as cod, pollock, and herring are everyday dishes. Salted cod or
pollock roe on buttered bread is common breakfast fare and herring roe is often
eaten smoked or fried. The roe of freshwater fish is also popular but the
commercial availability is lower. Soft roe of various fishes is also widely
consumed, mostly fried, and is a popular cantina-style dish.
Roe found in dried vobla fish is considered delicious; though
dried vobla roe is not produced separately as a stand-alone dish, roe-carrying
vobla is prized.
Cod and hake roe is commonly consumed
throughout the country in many different forms: sautéed, grilled, fried,
marinated, pickled, boiled and with mayonnaise, or in salad. Tuna and ling dry brined roe is traditional
in Andalusia and the Mediterranean coasts since antiquity. In all the Spanish
coastal regions, sea urchin roe is considered a delicacy and
consumed raw.
Smoked and salted cod roe paste, commonly served as
sandwich topping is popular in Sweden. The most famous brand is Kalles kaviar.
Lightly salted roe of the vendace is called Löjrom in Swedish. It is
naturally orange in colour. The most sought after type isKalix Löjrom from Kalix in the northern
Baltic sea.
Most Löjrom consumed in Sweden is however
imported frozen from North America.
Stenbitsrom, the roe of lumpfish is naturally a bleak unappetizing gray, but is coloured black (to
emulate Black Caviar) or orange (to emulate Löjrom). Stenbitsrom sells in much
larger volume than Löjrom, but it has two drawbacks: it tastes little more than
its salt and artificial additives, and the colour additives tend to bleed into
other parts of the food you serve it with (such as a boiled egg), or to
discolour the porcelain dish.
There is also a trend to use more Laxrom
(Salmon roe), which is a natural orange colour, and has large diameter.
Roe consumed within the UK is
generally soft roe as opposed to hard roe. Though not
popular, herring roe is sold within many British supermarkets. Battered cod roe
can also be bought within many fish and chip shops. Various tinned roes are on
sale in supermarkets e.g. soft cod roes, pressed cod roes and herring roes.
Jump up^ Roe of Marine Animals Is Best Natural Source of Omega-3 Science Daily, 11 December 2009.
Jump up^ Bisogno; et al. (1997).
"Occurrence and metabolism of anandamide and related acyl-ethanolamides in
ovaries of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus". Biochim Biophys
Acta. 1346 (3): 338–48. doi:10.1016/s0005-2760(97)00009-x. PMID 9150253.
Jump up^ 2. Sea urchins - Starfish, sea urchins and other echinoderms - Te Ara
Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Other seafood
Health hazards
Advisory services
Animal welfare
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است بشکل خوشه های فلفل و سبز آن را حبةالخضرا گویند. (از اقرب الموارد). || میوه درخت سقز که بفارسی بنه گویند . (از ناظم الاطباء).
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(منتهی الارب ) (آنندراج ). ثمر درخت بطم .جوهری گوید: البطم ؛ الحبة الخضراء. (از
اقرب الموارد). بترکی آنرا چاقلان قوج گویند، که میوه درخت سقز است . حبةالخضرا. (دزی ج 1 ص 234) (بحر
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و مغز آن سبز و شیرین و با دهنیت شبیه بمغز پسته و از ان نازکتر و چرب تر و بالای
مغز آن پوست خشبی و زیر پوست سبز آن پوست صدفی شبیه بپوست پسته و از ان نازکتر و
نوعی از ان بسیار نازک می باشد و بفارسی کلنخنک نامند و نوعی اندک صلب و پوست آن
سبز مائل بسیاهی و طعم آن ترش و بفارسی بن نامند و خام آن با عفوصت و خوش رائحه و
طعم و در شیراز نبشه نامند و در ماستینه داخل می نمایند جهت خوبی رائحه و طعم آن و
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ص: 426
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و خشک در آخر اول و خشک آن در سوم کرم و خشک
افعال و خواص آن
محلل و قابض و با حدت و نطول پوست آن محلل
اورام و برک خشک کوبیده پیخته و به آب سرشتۀ آن خضابی نیکو است و با سرکه و روغن
جهت رویانیدن و دراز کردن و نیکوئی و رفع خشونت موی و خاکستر چوب آن با روغن و یا
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ان شاء اللّه تعالی مذکور خواهد شد
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
پسته کوهی (در متون طب سنتی بُطُم) با نام
علمی Pistacia terebinthus گیاهی از تیره
پستهایان است.
پسته کوهی در ترکیه
در ایران[ویرایش]
درختی به ارتفاع ۲-۳ متر و خودرو بوده که زیستگاه
اصلی آن در استان لرستان است ولی در دیگر نقاط کشور به طور پراکنده یافت میشود. از
میوه ان بیشتر در تهیه ترشیجات استفاده میشود اما حالت خشک شده ان دارای مغزی به شکل
و طعم پسته بوده و به کردی آن را وهنوشک و در خراسان بنه میگویند.در لری و لکی نیز
به آن قولنگ یا کولنگ میگویند ناصر خسرو در سفرنامه اش شرح مفصلی از پسته کوهی کوههای
قاین و گناباد- فردوس زیبد دارد.پسته کوهی بسیار مقوی است و از آن غذاهای سنتی تهیه
می شود.امروزه نسل این گیاه در کوههای فردوس گناباد از میان رفته است.
به عربی البطم التربنتيني:
البطم التربنتيني (باللاتينية: Pistacia terebinthus) نوع شجري معمر يتبع جنس البطم وينتمي إلى الفصيلة
البطمية (باللاتينية: Anacardiaceae).
البيئة والانتشار[عدل]
موطنه بلاد الشام والمغرب العربي وشمال حوض
البحر الأبيض المتوسط.[1]
الوصف النباتي[عدل]
^ المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي.
البطم التربنتيني (بالإنكليزية). تاريخ الولوج 17 كانون الأول 2012.
به آذری تربینت پوستسی:
Terebint püstəsi (lat. Pistacia terebinthus)[1] — püstə cinsinə aid
bitki növü.
به عبری:
אלת טרבינת (שם מדעי: Pistacia terebinthus), היא מין עץ ממשפחת
האלתיים, הנפוץ בחורש הים תיכוני בחלקו המערבי של אגן הים התיכון, ממערב טורקיה ועד
ספרד. זהו עץ נשיר דו-ביתי, בעל עלים מנוצים.
במזרח הים התיכון תופס את מקומו האקולוגי המין אלה ארצישראלית, הנבדל ממנו בעיקר
במספר זוגות העלעלים ובכך שעלעליו מחודדים בקצותיהם. יש חוקרים הרואים בשני העצים תת
מינים של מין אחד, ואחרים מסווגים כל אחד כמין נפרד. שניהם נחשבים טקסונים ויקריים,
כלומר טקסונים בעלי תכונות דומות המחליפים זה את זה באזורי תפוצה שונים.
به ترکی:
Menengiç (Çitlenbik) (Pistacia terebinthus), sakız ağacıgiller
(Anacardiaceae) familyasından bir ağaç[1] türü.
Pistacia terebinthus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pistacia terebinthus
P. terebinthus
Lentiscus vulgaris Garsault nom. inval.
Pistacia terebinthina St.-Lag. [Spelling variant]
Terebinthus communis Dum.Cours.
Terebinthus vulgaris Dum.Cours.
Pistacia terebinthus - MHNT
terebinthus, known commonly as terebinth and turpentine
tree, is a species of Pistacia, native to the Canary Islands, and the Mediterranean regionfrom
the western regions of Morocco, and Portugal to Greece, western and southeast Turkey. In the eastern shores of the Mediterranean sea – Syria,Lebanon and Israel – a similar species, Pistacia palaestina,
fills the same ecological niche as this species and is also known as terebinth.
is a species of flowering plant belonging to the
family Anacardiaceae (thecashew family). It is a small deciduous tree or
large shrub growing to 10 m tall. The leaves are
compound, 10–20 cm long, odd pinnate with five to eleven opposite glossy
oval leaflets, the leaflets 2–6 cm long and 1–3 cm broad. Theflowers are reddish-purple, appearing
with the new leaves in early spring. The fruitconsists
of small, globular drupes 5–7 mm
long, red to black when ripe. All parts of the plant have a strong resinous smell.
is a dioecious tree, i.e. exists as male and
female specimens. For a viable population both genders must be present. The
oblong leaf is bright green, leathery, with
10 cm long or more with 3-9 leaflets. Leaves alternate, leathery and
compound paripinnate (no terminal leaflet) with 3 or 6 deep green leaflets.
They are generally larger and rounder than the leaves of the mastic,
reminiscent of the leaves of carob tree. The flowers range from purple to
green, the fruit is the size of a pea and
turns from red to brown, depending on the degree of maturation. The whole plant
emits a strong smell: bitter, resinous or medicinal. In the vegetative period
they develop "galls" in a goat's horn shaped (from which the plant
gets the name cornicabra, the common name in Spanish), that occur on the leaves
and leaflets which have been bitten by insects. The species propagates by seeds
and shoots. Although marred by the presence of galls, is a very strong and
resistant tree which survives in degraded areas where other species have been
eliminated. Pistacia terebinthus is a plant related to Pistacia lentiscus,
with which hybridizes frequently in contact zones. The cornicabra is more
abundant in the mountains and inland and the mastic is usually found more
frequently in areas where the Mediterranean influence of the sea moderates the
climate. Mastic tree does not reach the size of the Pistacia terebinthus, but the
hybrids are very difficult to distinguish. The mastic has winged stalks to its
leaflets, i.e., they are flattened and side fins, whereas these stems in
Cornicabra are simple. In the Eastern Mediterranean
Coast, Syria, Lebanon and Israel, a similar species, Pistacia palaestina,
fills the same ecological niche of this species and is also known as
turpentine. On the west coast of the Mediterranean, Canary Islands and Middle East, Pistacia terebinthus can
be confused with Pistacia atlantica.
Pistacia terebinthus in Peñas Blancas,Cartagena (Spain)
Pistacia terebinthus in Yenifoça, Turkey.
prefers relatively moist areas, up to 600 m in height. Supports Mediterranean summer
drought and frost more intense than mastic. The plant is common in the garrigue and maquis. Appears in deciduous and oak. It has a
gray trunk very aromatic, may have multiple trunks or stems when grown as a
shrub. Usually reached 5 m. in height, although in rare cases can reach 10 m.
Pistacia terebinthus is one of the Anacardiaceae species present in Europe, it
is a family of about 600 tropical species. Can be found in meso-and Thermo
floors to 1,500 meters above sea level. Pistacia terebinthus is more moisture
demanding than the mastic and more resistant to cold. Requires a sunny exposure
and average soils, tolerating lime and some salt, often grows near the sea,
deep ravines and near salt lakes and streams.
of Mycenae John Chadwick believes that the terebinth
is the plant called ki-ta-no in some of the Linear B tablets. He cites the work of a
Spanish scholar, J.L. Melena, who had found "an ancient lexicon which
showed that kritanos was another name for the turpentine tree,
and that the Mycenaean spelling could represent a variant form of this
word "terebinth" is used (at least in some translations) for a tree
mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures (or
Old Testament), where the Hebrew word "elah" (plural
"elim") is used. This probably refers to Pistacia palaestina which
is common in the area. The Latin name is underlain by the Ancient Greek name
τερέβινθος, which, in turn, is underlain by a pre-Greek Pelasgian word,
marked by the characteristic consonant complex νθ.
from Oricum is referred to in Virgil's Aeneid, Book 10, line 136, whereAscanius in battle is compared to "ivory
skilfully inlaid in [...] Orician terebinth"("inclusum[...]
Oricia terebintho [...] ebur").
is referred to by Robin Lane Fox in Alexander
the Great: "When a Persian king took the throne, he attendedPasargadae, site of King Cyrus's tomb, and dressed in a rough
leather uniform to eat a ritual meal of figs, sour milk and leaves of terebinth."[3]
is used as a source for turpentine, possibly
the earliest known source. The turpentine of the terebinth is now called Chian,
Scio, or Cyprian turpentine.
fruits are used in Cyprus for baking of a
specialty village bread. In Crete, where the plant is
called tsikoudia, it is used to flavor the local variety of pomace brandy, also called tsikoudia. In the Northern Sporades the shoots are used as
a vegetable (called tsitsíravla).The plant is rich in tannin and resinous substances and was
used for its aromatic and medicinal properties in classical Greece. A mild
sweet scented gum can be produced from the bark, and galls often found on the
plant are used for tanning leather.
Recently an anti-inflammatory triterpene has been extracted from these
galls.[4]In Turkey, where it is known as menengiç or bıttım,
a coffee-like beverage known as menengiç kahvesi[5] is made from the
roasted fruit and a soap[6] is made from the
oil. Terebinth resin was used as a wine preservative in ancient Israel [7] and the ancient
Near East.[8]
Jump up^ John Chadwick, The Mycenaean
World (Cambridge: University Press, 1976),p. 120; Jose Melena, Durius
v. 2 "ki-ta-no en las tabillas de Cnoso" (1974), p. 45-55
Jump up^ Giner-Larza EM et al.,
Anti-inflammatory triterpenes from Pistacia terebinthus galls,
Planta Med. 2002 Apr;68(4):311-5. PubMed
Rushforth, K.
(1999). Trees of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins ISBN 0-00-220013-9.