۱۳۹۵ مهر ۱۷, شنبه

جکوتره/چکوتره، چاکوترا

بفتح جیم فارسی و کاف و سکون واو و فتح تاء مثناه فوقانیه و راء مهمله و ها لغت هندی است و بتاوی نیز نامند
ماهیت ان
نوعی از لیمو است درخت آن از درخت نارنج عظیم تر و برک و کل آن نیز از برک و کل نارنج بزرک تر و ثمر آن بزرک تا بقدر هندوانه متوسطی و پوست آن ضخیم تر از پوست نارنج و مغز آن سرخ رنک چاشنیدا و میخوش و کم آب تر از نارنج و در بلاد کرم سیراب کثیر الوجود و در بنکاله از همه بلاد هند خصوصا در هوکلی بهتر می شود شاداب و شیرین و ترشی کمی که بدون قند می خورند
طبیعت ان
سرد و تر در دوم
افعال و خواص آن
قریب بنارنج است
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
دارابی[۱][۲] یا پومیلو (در منابع طب سنتی چکوتره/جکوتره) (به انگلیسی: Pomelo) (نام علمی: Citrus maxima) میوۀ بومی آسیای جنوب‌شرقی و از خانوادۀ مرکبات است. پومیلو بزرگترین میوه از خانواده مرکبات است. رنگ آن سبز کم‌رنگ و گاهی هم زرد با گوشت سفید است و به ندرت صورتی و قرمز است. پوست آن بسیار ضخیم و شیرین است. نوع بومی شرق آسیا حدود ۱۵-۲۵ سانتی متر قطر دارد و وزن آن به ۱ تا ۲ کیلوگرم می‌رسد.[۳]

گریپ فروت نیز احتمالاً از پیوند پرتقال و دارابی به دست آمده است.[۴][۵] همچنین در برخی متون تاریخی و قدیمی انگلیسی زبان، نام گریپ فروت برای نامیدن پومیلو (دارابی) استفاده شده است.[۶]
به عربی بومیلو، پوملی:
الپوملي (بالإنجليزية: Pomelo) أو "الشادوك Shaddock" نوع نباتي ويسمى في العراق "سندي" يتبع جنس الحمضيات من الفصيلة السذابية. ينتج أكبر ثمار الحمضيات حجما، وقد يصل وزن الثمرة إلى عشرة أرطال. والثمرة ذات قشرة سميكة خضراء ومنعشة جدا. ويقال أن شجرته التي تزرع أساسا في دول الشرق، قد جلبها من الصين إلى جزر الهند الغربية الكابتن شادوك.
به اردو چکوترا:
آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے

ترش پھلوں کے خاندان سے سنترے جیسی لیکن بڑی پھانکوں اور موٹے چھلکے کا ہلکا زرد نیز سرخی مائل سبز پھل جس کا مزہ کھٹ مٹھا ہوتا ہے۔

لاطینی : Citrus Decumana۔

به دیوهی (مالدیوی):
ބަނބުޅަގޮސް(ސައިންޓިފިކް ނަންCitrus maxima)ނުވަތަ (އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުންPomelo)އަކީ ބޮނޑުލުބޯ ޒާތުގެ މޭވާއެކެވެ. މީގައިދޭނީ ހިތިފޮނި ރަހައެކެވެ. މީގައި ބޯ ތޮށިގަނޑެއް އޮންނާނެއެވެ. މިމޭވާ އާންމުކޮށް ހުންނަނީ މަޑުފެހި އަދި ރީނދޫ ކުލައެއްގައެވެ. މިއީ އާންމު ގޮތެއްގައި ދެކުނު އޭޝިޔާގެ ގައުމުތަކުގައި ހެދޭކަމަށް މަޝްހޫރު ވެފައިވާ މޭވާ އެކެވެ.
މިއީ ހުތް މޭވާތަކުގެ ތެރޭގައި ހިމެނޭ އެންމެ ބޮޑު މޭވާ އެވެ. މިމޭވާގެ ވަށަމިނުގައި 25-15 ސމ ވަރު ހުރެއެވެ. އާންމު ގޮތެއްގައި ބަނބުޅަބޮސް ގެ ބަރުދަނުގައި 2-1ކިލޯ ހުރެއެވެ. އިންޑިޔާ، ޕާކިސްތާން އަދި އަފްޣާނިސްތާން ފަދަ ގައުމުތަކުގައި މިމޭވާ އަށް ކިޔަނީ ޗެކޯޓާރާ އެވެ. މިމޭވާގެ ތޮށި ޗައިނީޒް ޑިޝް ތަކުގައި ވަރަށްގިނައިން ބޭނުންކުރާކަން ފާހަގަ ކޮށްލަން ޖެހެއެވެ. ގަދީމީ ބޭސް ވެރިކަމުގައި ފިޓްޖެހުން ހުއްޓުވުމަށާއި، ކެއްސުން ކުޑަކޮށްދިނުމަށް ބަނބުޅަބޮސް ބޭނުންކޮށްފައި ވެއެވެ. ހަންގަނޑުގައި އުފެދިފައި ހުންނަ ދުޅައާއި ފާރު ފަސޭހަކޮށްދިނުމަށް ބަނބުޅަބޮސް ގަހުގެ ފަތް މުގުރައިގެން ބޭހުގެ ގޮތުގައި ބޭނުންކޮށްފައި ވެއެވެ. ބްރެޒިލްގައި ބަނބުޅަގޮސް ގަހުގެ ބައިތައް ބޭނުންކޮށްގެން ކޯފް ސިރަޕް އުފައްދާފައި ވެއެވެ.
به هندی فیجی چاکوترا:
Chakotra (Scientific naam: Citrus maxima, English: Pomelo, Chinese grapefruit, Kaiviti: Molikana, Bengali - Batabi-Nimbu) ek rakam ke nabbu hai jon ki nabbu plawaar me sab se barraa hai. Iske size ek basketball ke rakam hoe sake hai aur iske weight 1 -2 kg tak rahe sake hai. Iske rang pale green se lae ke yellow tak rahe hai jab ki ii pakka rahe hai tab aur iske flesh pink nai to laal rahe hai. Iske jaada kar ke South East Asia ke des me pawa jaae hai.
به عبری پاملو:
פומלו או פומלה (pomelo, Citrus maxima) הוא פרי ממשפחת ההדרים, בדרך כלל בצבע ירוק חיוור, צהוב כאשר בשל. ברוב המקרים גדול בהרבה מאשכולית, בעל בשר מתוק וקליפה עבה וספוגית.

הפרי הובא לארץ ישראל מסינגפור בשנת 1907 על ידי שמואל צבי הולצמן. בתחילה נקרא בעברית בשמו הצרפתי - פומלו. הצורה העברית הנפוצה "פּוֹמֵלָה" נטמעה בלשון הדבור מתוך תהליך של גזירה לאחור מן הריבוי "פומלות"[1].
به سواحلی:
Mbalungi mkubwa (Citrus maxima) ni mti wa jamii ya mchungwa unaozaa mabalungi makubwa.
به پشتو چکوتره:
چکوتره (په انگرېزي: Grapefruit) يو ډول مېوه ده.
به ترکی استانبولی شادوک:
Şadok (İngilizceshaddock)[1] Çin greyfurdu diye de bilinen pomelo (Latince: Citrus maxima) sedef otugiller ailesinin alt oymaklarından Turunçgillere bağlı citrus cinsinin bir türü olan ağaca ve meyvesine verilen addır. Pomelo aynı zamanda turunçgiller içinde en büyük meyvelere sahip olan türdür. Meyvelerinin çapı 15–25 cm'i bulabileceği gibi[2]. Ağırlıkları 2 kilograma kadar çıkabilir. Jeruk Bali, lusho fruit, ya da jabong,pompelmous ya da Tamil lehçesinde pampa limāsu, (பம்பளி மாசு)[3]Pompous limonu bilinen diğer 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Pamplemousse" redirects here. For the location on Mauritius, see Pamplemousses District.
Citrus grandis - Honey White.jpg
C. maxima
Citrus maxima
Pomelo, raw
Pummelo flesh.jpg
Flesh of a pomelo
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
159 kJ (38 kcal)
9.62 g
1 g
0.04 g
0.76 g
0.034 mg
0.027 mg
0.22 mg
0.036 mg
61 mg
0.11 mg
6 mg
0.017 mg
17 mg
216 mg
1 mg
0.08 mg

·         Units
·         μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
·         IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated usingUS recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
Citrus maxima (or Citrus grandis), (Common names: pomelopomello,pummelopommelopamplemoussejabong (Hawaii), shaddick,[1] orshaddock) is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, with the appearance of a biggrapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.
Flowering and fruiting branch with numbered fruit segment and flower section. Chromolithograph by P. Depannemaeker, c. 1885, after B. Hoola van Nooten
Citrus maxima was originally called "shaddick" in English, after the captain of an East India Companyship who introduced it to Jamaica in 1696.[2] The word "pomelo" has become the more common name, although "pomelo" has historically been used for grapefruit. (The 1973 printing of the American Heritage Dictionary, for example, gives grapefruit as the only meaning of "pomelo".)
The etymology of the word "pomelo" is uncertain. It is thought to perhaps be an alteration of the Dutchpompelmoes (meaning Citrus maxima, although modern regional Dutch use may additionally refer to the yellow/white grapefruit, while the pink grapefruit may be called roze pompelmoes, and "pomelo" refers to Citrus maxima × Citrus × paradisi) or alternatively, perhaps an alteration of a compound of pome ("apple") + melon.[3]
Citrus maxima is native to Southeast Asia[4] where it is known under a wide variety of names. In large parts of South East Asia, it is a popular dessert, often eaten raw sprinkled with, or dipped in, a salt mixture. It is also eaten in salads and drinks.
Description and uses[edit]
Closeup of pomelo petiole
It is usually pale green to yellow when ripe, with sweet white (or, more rarely, pink or red) flesh and very thick albedo (rind pith). It is a large citrus fruit, 15–25 centimetres (5.9–9.8 in) in diameter,[5] usually weighing 1–2 kilograms (2.2–4.4 lb). Leaf petioles are distinctly winged.
The fruit tastes like a sweet, mildgrapefruit (which is itself believed to be a hybrid of Citrus maxima and theorange[6]), though the typical pomelo is much larger than the grapefruit. It has none, or very little, of the common grapefruit's bitterness, but the enveloping membranous material around the segments is bitter, considered inedible, and thus is usually discarded. The peel is sometimes used to makemarmalade, can be candied, and is sometimes dipped in chocolate. In Brazil, the thick skin is often used for making a sweet conserve, while the spongy pith of the rind is discarded. Occasionally some Asian fat-heavy dishes use sliced pre-soaked pith to absorb the sauce and fat for eating. Citrus maximais usually grafted onto other citrus rootstocks but can be grown from seed, provided the seeds are not allowed to dry out before planting.
The fruit is said to have been introduced to Japan by a Cantonese captain in the An'ei era (1772–1781).[7] There are two varieties: a sweet kind with white flesh and a sour kind with pinkish flesh, the latter more likely to be used as an altar decoration than actually eaten. Pomelos are often eaten in Asia during the mid-autumn festival or mooncake festival.
It is one of the ingredients of "Forbidden Fruit", a liqueur dating back to the early 20th century that also contains honey and brandy. This liqueur is most famously used in the Dorchester cocktail.
Drug interactions[edit]
Some medicines may interact dangerously with pomelos and some pomelo hybrids, including grapefruit, some limes, andsome oranges.[8]
Possible non-hybrid pomelos[edit]
·         Banpeiyu
Main article: Citrus taxonomy
The pomelo is one of the four original citrus species (the others being citronmandarin, and papeda), from which the rest of cultivated citrus hybridized. In particular, the common orange and the grapefruit are assumed to be natural occurring hybrids between the pomelo and the mandarin, with the pomelo providing the bigger size and greater firmness.
The pomelo is also employed today in artificial breeding programs:
·         The common sweet orange (Citrus × sinensis) is a pomelo × mandarin hybrid
·         The bitter orange (Citrus × aurantium) is another pomelo × mandarin hybrid
·         The tangelo is any hybrid between Citrus maxima and a tangerine. It generally has a thicker skin than a tangerine and is less sweet.
·         'K–Early' ('Sunrise Tangelo')[9]
·         Grapefruit is a pomelo backcross: pummelo × sweet orange (see above). The grapefruit is itself a parent to many hybrids:
·         'Minneola': Bowen grapefruit × Dancy tangerine[9]
·         'Orlando' (formerly Take'): Bowen grapefruit × Dancy tangerine(pollen parent)[9]
·         'Nova': Clementine × Orlando tangelo cross[9]
·         'Seminole': Bowen grapefruit × Dancy tangerine[9]
·         'Thornton': tangerine × grapefruit, unspecified[9]
·         'Ugli': mandarine × grapefruit, probable (wild seedling)[9]
·         The Oroblanco and Melogold grapefruits are hybrids between Citrus maxima and the grapefruit.
·         Mandelos: pomelo × mandarine (Citrus maxima).
·         Hyuganatsu is a pomelo hybrid
·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/South_Indian_Pomello.png/112px-South_Indian_Pomello.png
Whole ripe pomelo from Kerala (South India)

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/South_Indian_Pomello_cut_in_Half.png/120px-South_Indian_Pomello_cut_in_Half.png
South Indian pomelo cut in half

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Pomelo_cut_one_half.jpg/120px-Pomelo_cut_one_half.jpg
Sectioned pomelo

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/Pummelos.jpg/120px-Pummelos.jpg

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Pummelo_cut.jpg/120px-Pummelo_cut.jpg
Pomelo after being cut

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Pummelo_sectioned.jpg/120px-Pummelo_sectioned.jpg
Sectioned pomelo

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Citrus_maxima0.jpg/120px-Citrus_maxima0.jpg
Pomelo on tree, has fruit and blossoms in the same time

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Mid-Autumn_Festival_33%2C_Chinatown%2C_Singapore%2C_Sep_06.JPG/90px-Mid-Autumn_Festival_33%2C_Chinatown%2C_Singapore%2C_Sep_06.JPG
Ipoh pomelos on sale atChinatown, Singapore

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Pomelo3.jpg/90px-Pomelo3.jpg
Fruit on tree; Philippines

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d2/Pomelo_flower.jpg/106px-Pomelo_flower.jpg
Pomelo flower in early April

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3b/Citrus_maxima_%28Pampelmuse%29_004.jpg/120px-Citrus_maxima_%28Pampelmuse%29_004.jpg
Pomelo blossom

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Citrus_maxima_%28Pampelmuse%29_001.jpg/120px-Citrus_maxima_%28Pampelmuse%29_001.jpg
Cluster of blossoms

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Yam_som-o.JPG/79px-Yam_som-o.JPG
Yam som-o: spicy Thai pomelo salad with tamarind juice

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Tam_som-o_nam_pu.JPG/120px-Tam_som-o_nam_pu.JPG
Tam som-o nam pu: spicy Thai pomelo salad with crab extract

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Xiancun_-_pomelo_orchards_-_DSCF4064.JPG/120px-Xiancun_-_pomelo_orchards_-_DSCF4064.JPG
Fujian's Pinghe Countyis famous in China for its pomelos

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Pummelo_HBuntan_Pink1_Asit.jpg/120px-Pummelo_HBuntan_Pink1_Asit.jpg
Pink pomelo

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/B%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Fi.jpg/120px-B%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Fi.jpg
Pomelo in southern Vietnam.

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Limons%C3%B3n.jpg/120px-Limons%C3%B3n.jpg
As a kitchen fruit

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Starr_030201-0005_Citrus_maxima.jpg/120px-Starr_030201-0005_Citrus_maxima.jpg
In growth

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Starr_070313-5664_Citrus_maxima.jpg/90px-Starr_070313-5664_Citrus_maxima.jpg
Pomelo in growth

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/V%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dn_b%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Fi.jpg/120px-V%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dn_b%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Fi.jpg
Pomelo orchard

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Pomelo_seedling.jpg/91px-Pomelo_seedling.jpg
Pomelo seedling

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Starr_071024-0003_Citrus_maxima.jpg/90px-Starr_071024-0003_Citrus_maxima.jpg

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/Citrus_maxima_%27Honey%27-_top.JPG/120px-Citrus_maxima_%27Honey%27-_top.JPG
Top view of 'Honey' cultivar

·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Citrus_maxima_%27Honey%27-_side.JPG/120px-Citrus_maxima_%27Honey%27-_side.JPG
Side view of 'Honey' cultivar
1.     Jump up^ "Shaddick". Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved 13 January 2013.
3.     Jump up^ “pomelo, n.” listed in the Oxford English Dictionary [Draft revision; June 2008]
4.     Jump up^ "Pummelo". Hort.purdue.edu. Retrieved 2012-01-07.
5.     Jump up^ Growing the granddaddy of grapefruit, SFGate.com, December 25, 2004
6.     Jump up^ Grapefruit "Grapefruit" Check |url= value (help). Hort.purdue.edu. Retrieved 2012-05-12.
7.     Jump up^ "阿久根市: 観光・特産品(ボンタン)". City.akune.kagoshima.jp. Retrieved 2012-01-07.
8.     Jump up^ Grapefruit–medication interactions: Forbidden fruit or avoidable consequences? CMAJ March 5, 2013 vol. 185 no. 4 First published November 26, 2012, doi: 10.1503/cmaj.120951 David G. Bailey, George Dresser, J. Malcolm O. Arnold, [1]

9.     Jump up to:a b c d e f g Morton, J. 1987. Tangelo. p. 158–160. In: Fruits of warm climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL.http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/tangelo.html