۱۳۹۶ شهریور ۳۱, جمعه

فاره المسک

فاره المسک
آهوی مسک است و کفته اند آن را بهندی چهچهوندر* نامند و آن حیوانی است فی الجمله شبیه بموش و بسیار بدبو به حدی که هر جا که بکذرد بدبو می کرداند و از دور بوی آن فی الجمله شبیه ببوی مشک و بول و غائط آن بسیار حاد و اکال است به حدی که بر فرشی لباسی که بول و غائط کند آن را می پوساند اکر زود نشویند و مدتی بماند و بسبب کمال تعفن کربه و سائر حیوانات کوشت آن را نمی خورند و خالی از سمیتی نیست و در قاذورات و مزبلها بهم می رسد و بیشتر مخصوص بملک هند و بنکاله است و شنیده شده که در مازندران و بلدان حارۀ رطبه نیز بهم می رسد دو نوع می باشد سفید رنک و بزرک تر و این بسیار بدبو است و نوع دوم از ان کوچکتر و برنک موش و بدبوی این از ان کمتر
طبیعت آن
کرم و خشک
مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
مشک موش
مشک موش (نام علمی: Desmanini) نام یک تبار از تیره کورموش ها است.
Wiki: مشک_موش
مشک موش پیرنه
مشک موش پیرنیه (نام علمی: Galemys pyrenaicus) نام یک گونه از تیره کورموش ها است.
Wiki: مشک_موش_پیرنه
مشک موش روسی
مشک موش روسی (نام علمی: Desmana moschata) نام یک گونه از تبار مشک موش است.
Wiki: مشک_موش_روسی
قس دُسمان در عربی:
الدُسمان (الاسم العلمي: desman)، هي قبيلة من حيوانات الخُلد تابعة لفصيلة الطوبينيات. يحتوي على نوعان أحاديان الطراز. واحدٌ في روسيا والآخر في الشمال الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الإيبيرية وجبال البرانس.
1.      ^ تعدى إلى الأعلى ل:أ ب ت ث مذكور في : نظام معلومات تصنيفية متكاملة — وصلة : ITIS TSN — تاريخ الاطلاع: 22 أكتوبر 2013 العنوان : Integrated Taxonomic Information System — تاريخ النشر:  2006
2.      ^ تعدى إلى الأعلى ل:أ ب ت ث مذكور في : أنواع الثدييات في العالم  وصلة : معرف أنواع الثدييات في العالم — تاريخ الاطلاع: 18 سبتمبر 2015  العنوان : Mammal Species of the World
3.      ^   تعديل قيمة خاصية معرف موسوعة الحياة (P830) في ويكي بيانات"معرف Desmanini في موسوعة الحياة". eol.org. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 26 أبريل 2017.
Blue morpho butterfly.jpg

هذه بذرة مقالة عن علم الأحياء بحاجة للتوسيع. شارك في تحريرها.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses of "Desman", see Desman (disambiguation).
Russian desman (Desmana moschata)
Thomas, 1912
·         Genus Desmana
·         D. moschata
·         Genus Galemys
·         G. pyrenaicus
The desman, a snouted and naked-tailed diving insectivore of the tribe Desmanini, belongs to one of two Eurasian species of the mole family, Talpidae.
This tribe consists of two monotypic genera of semiaquatic insectivores found in Europe: one in Russia and the other in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula and Pyrenees. Both species are considered to be vulnerable. They have webbed paws and their front paws are not well adapted for digging.
The list of species is:
·         Genus Desmana
·         Russian desman (D. moschata)
·         Genus Galemys
·         Pyrenean desman (G. pyrenaicus)
·         https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/25/Galemys_pyrenaicus_MHNT.INS.29.jpg/120px-Galemys_pyrenaicus_MHNT.INS.29.jpg
In the media[edit]
The bare snout of Galemys pyrenaicus
·         Morelle, Rebecca (2012-09-04). "Pyrenean desman: On the trail of Europe's weirdest beast"BBC News Online. Retrieved 2012-09-05. video report
·         "Russians rally for water mammal"BBC News Online. 2006-06-09. Retrieved 2012-09-05.
In popular culture[edit]
One of the main characters in Noah's Island, Sacha, is a friendly but simple-minded desman known for the catchphrase "Oisky Poisky". In the novel "The Truelove" by Patrick O'Brian the naval surgeon and naturalist Steven Maturin recalls his excitement at the age of eight at his first sighting of "the Pyranean desman".
1.     Jump up^ Hutterer, R. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., eds. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 303. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0OCLC 62265494.
·         Talpidae
·         Aquatic mammals
Pyrenean desman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pyrenean desman[1]
Galemys pyrenaicus 01 by-dpc.jpg
Kaup, 1829
G. pyrenaicus
Galemys pyrenaicus
(É. Geoffroy, 1811)
Galemys pyrenaicus map.png
The Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) is a small semiaquatic nocturnal mammal related to moles and shrews, and is one of only two surviving species of the tribe Desmanini. The range of the species centers on northwestern Spain and northern Portugal, but it is under threat due to changes to its habitat. In Portugal it is called "toupeira-d'água", which means "water mole".
Along with the Russian desman (Desmana moschata), it belongs to the tribeDesmanini. There were previously a greater number of related species some millions of years ago in that tribe, but the other species have all since become extinct.[3]
Snout of the Pyrenean desman
The Pyrenean desman is 11 to 16 cm (4.3 to 6.3 in) long with a rounded scale-covered tail of 12 to 16 cm (4.7 to 6.3 in). It weighs 35 to 80 g (1.2 to 2.8 oz).[4]Pyrenean desmans have long sensitive noses, and small front paws but large webbed back paws.[3] They can close off their nostrils and ears with valves in order to stop water penetration,[4] and use echolocation.[5]
The desman's body is covered in fur, with the exception of its tail and nose. Markings typical of the species are a brown body with a light coloured underside. The nose is black and is covered in whiskers, which it uses to feel the movement of prey as it sticks its nose into mud or crevices while searching for food.[5] The Pyrenean desman can live at least 3.5 years.[4] The animals are nocturnal hunters of small invertebrates, snails and shrimp.[3][4] They breed up to three times a year, with the period of gestation lasting around thirty days. Three to four young are born in each litter.[4]
Pyrenean desmans are proficient swimmers, suited to their aquatic habitat, although their claws also allow them to be good at climbing.[4] They live in pairs, with the male having a slightly larger territory than the female. Both members of the pair scent mark.[4] They have the reputation of being aggressive to other adult members of the species.[5]
More recent studies have shown that data on the range of their habitats collected during the 1980s and 1990s is unreliable.[3] Their range had previously been thought of as the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula and the Pyrenees mountains stretching into France.[4] The habitat of the Pyrenean desman is under threat, and research has shown that it "is endangered or almost extinct" in the southern areas of its range.[3]Researchers have determined that this is the result of the construction of dams, and also that the species may be vulnerable to water pollution. Included in their range is the Alt Pirineu Natural Park in the Pyrenees, where desmans live along mountain streams.[3]
