۱۳۹۵ تیر ۱۱, جمعه

وج از واچه سنسکریت، زریر، اگیر ترکی، عود الوج، عود الریح، فاوانیا، نارمشک، آارخیس، عود الصلیب، بوزیدان...

وج . [ وُ ] (اِ) عودالریح و این یکی از معانی عودالریح* است . (یادداشت مرحوم دهخدا).
* عودالریح . [ دُرْ رَ ] (ع اِ مرکب ) نارمشک است که نوعی تخم سرخ رنگ باشد. و رجوع به نارمشک شود. || آأرغیس ، که پوست ریشه ٔ امبرباریس یعنی زرشک است . رجوع به امبرباریس شود. آارخیس . رجوع به آارخیس و مخزن الادویة و تحفه ٔ حکیم مؤمن شود. || عودالصلیب . فاوانیا. (ازتحفه ٔ حکیم مؤمن ) (از مخزن الادویة). رجوع به فاوانیا** شود. || وج . (از مخزن الادویة) (از تحفه ٔ حکیم مؤمن ). عودالوج . رجوع به وُج و عودالوج شود.
** فاوانیا. (اِ) عودالصلیب . بوزیدان . عودالکهینا. کهیانیا. نارمشک . رمان مصری . عودالریح . (یادداشت بخط مؤلف ). درخت عودالصلیب باشد. بجهت دفع نقرس و صرع و کابوس نگه دارند و دخان کنند. و آن را فاونیا به حذف الف نیز گفته اند، و عودالریح همان است . (برهان ). دو نوع است : نر و ماده . آنچه نر است بیخی است سپید به سطبری انگشت و در طعم آن قبضی است . آنچه ماده است بیخ او را و فرع او را شاخه های بسیار است . (ذخیره ٔ خوارزمشاهی ). بیخ گیاهی است کمتر از ذرعی و بیخش یک عدد و بقدر شبری و چون بشکند خط صلیبی نخ مودار گردد، لاجرم عود صلیبش خوانند. (از منتهی الارب ). بیخ نباتی است کمتر از ذرعی و پرشعبه . قسم نر او شبیه به نبات زردک ... و قسم ماده ٔ او بیخش هفت و هشت عدد شبیه به بلوط و جوف او خط صلیبی و نباتش مثل کرفس بری و گلش بنفش مایل به سیاهی و غلاف ثمرش شبیه به غلاف بادام و دانه های او مثل دانه ٔ انار بسیار سرخ و وسط دانه ها سیاه و مایل به بنفشی و قابض . از مطلق فاوانیا مراد قسم نر است و قوتش تا هفت سال باقی ، و درآخر دوم گرم و خشک است و تصریح نموده اند که چون آفتاب در میزان بوده او را بغیر آلت آهنی قطع کنند بالخاصیه او مؤثر است والاّ منحصر است در افعالی مزاجی ،و آنچه با خطوط صلیبی باشد در خواص بهتر از زمرد دانسته اند، و او محلل ریاح غلیظه و مُدِرّ شروع حیض و ملطف و مجفف و با قوت قابضه و مقوی جگر و گرده و جهت صرع بغایت نافع. حتی تعلیق آن و مطبوخ او در شراب حابس اسهال و شرب او با شراب مسکن درد معده و بخور اوجهت اکثر امراض دماغی مفید و ضماد او جهت صرع و ضربه و سقطه و رفع آثار بشره و نقرس نافع. و مضر معده ومصلحش کثیر او. شربتش یک مثقال و بدلش در صرع زمرد است و در سایر امراض زرآوند مدحرج و حابس حیض و نزف الدم و جهت فالج و رعشه و صرع و جنون و وسواس . و تا پانزده عدد او با شراب قابص جهت نزف الدم رحم و درد و سوزش معده و سنگ مثانه ٔ اطفال و با ماءالعسل جهت کابوس و صرع و بخور ثمر او جهت صرع و جنون و تعلیق او جهت رفع فزع اطفال و سعوط روغن ثمر او جهت صرع مفید وداشتن صلیب او با خود که در پارچه ٔ زرد بسته باشند و به شروط مذکوره بریده باشند جهت عسر ولادت و رفع سحر و هیبت در نظرها مجرب دانسته اند. گویند در خانه یی که آن باشد، جن و جانوران گزنده داخل نمیشوند و چون قمر نظر تثلیث به زهره داشته باشد در زیر سر دو خصم گذارند موجب الفت دائمی ایشان شود. (از تحفه ٔ حکیم مؤمن ). بوزیدان . تیره ٔ فاوانیا که دارای برگهای بسیار ضخیم و پرچمهای بسیار است نوع مهم آن فاوانیا یاعودالصلیب است که دانه و ریشه ٔ آن را پزشکان در امراض کبد به کار می برده اند. (گیاه شناسی گل گلاب ص 228).

وج‌.  عود الوج خوانند و بیونانی امورون و بپارسی اکر خوانند قوت وی نزدیک است به ایرسا و زراوند و گویند نیکوترین وی فربه سطبر خوشبوی سفید پرگره بود و طبیعت آن گرم و خشک است در اول درجه دویم و گویند در سیم لون را صافی کند و مجفف رطوبات مفاصل بود و باه را زیاده کند و گرانی زبان را سود دهد و بهق و برص و تشنج و درد پهلو و سینه و جگر و صلابت سپرز و مغص و فتق را نافع بود و بول و حیض را براند و گزیدگی جانوران را سود دهد و شربتی از وی یک درم بود و گویند مضر سپرز بود و اصلاح وی به تخم رازیانه کنند و دیسقوریدوس گوید در شکستن بادها و تقویت جگر نیکو بود و بدل آن بوزن آن کمون و دو دانک آن زراوند بود
صاحب مخزن الادویه می‌نویسد: وج بفتح واو آن را عود الوج و بیونانی اقورون و بفارسی اکرترکی و بهندی بچه گویند و آن نباتیست که در آبها می‌روید و آن را بفارسی سوسن زرد گویند و برگ آن از برگ نرگس درازتر و عریض‌تر و با خشونت و انبوه ساق آن بلند و گل آن شبیه بسوسن آزاد که زنبق باشد و زرد مایل بسرخی و بیخ آن گره‌دار است
ابو ریحان در صیدنه می‌نویسد: به لغت رومی وج را اقیرون و اطبای دیگر اقارون و بسریانی وص گویند و بپارسی ویرج و در ماوراء النهر و فرغانه ورج و فریژ و فریج گویند
اختیارات بدیعی، ص: 442
/26 (272). زریر[1]، زریره  zarīra ، اگیر ترکی (Acours calamus) . آخوندوف (ص 192) زریر، زریره zarīra عربی را با واژۀ dhsarirah که ادعا می‌شود هندی است و برندس از آن یاد کرده یکی گرفته است؛ نتوانستم نشانی از این واژۀ هندی بیابم. چنین می نماید که zarīra همان dirira عربی (گارسیا) یا  darira ("بوی خوش") باشد؛ نیز بسنجید با Löw, l. c. , p. 342. واژۀ سنسکریت واچه، vacā که به شکل وج[1]  vāj وارد فارسی شده است (گارسیا: در گجراتی vaz، در دکنی بچه، bache ، در مالاباری،واژابو vazabu، در کونکنی، ویچام vaicam، کـــــــه ابومنصور در شمار ۀ 564 بکار برده و آخوندوف در آنجا آن را با زنبق زرد، Iris pseudacorus و در ص272 ، با اگیر ترکی، Acorus calamus) ، ugragandha و şadgranthā  یکی دانسته است.
بهشناخت دو سویه ایران و چین باستان (ساینو-ایرانیکا)
وج, اگیر ترکی یا سوسن صغیر با نام علمی Acorus calmus نوعی گیاه خودرو است که در کنار رودخانهها و جریانهای آب میروید و دارای ریزوم افقی و استوانهای شکل, برگهای متناوب و دارای غلاف, باریک و دراز به طول 50 تا 60 سانتیمتر و دارای 2 لبه نسبتا تیز است. میوههای آن دارای 3 سطح مشخص, محتوی 3 و محصور در دانه کاسه گل است.

خواص دارویی و پزشکی [ ویرایش ]
محرک , تقویت کننده , مقوی معده و از بین برنده نفخ .
رفع سوءهاضمههای ناشی از نارسایی عمل دستگاه گوارش .
تقویت دستگاه گوارش.
رفع کم خونی , زردی .
درمان بیماریهای کبدی و درد کلیه
آن به صورت جوشانده حمامهای موضعی برای اطفال مبتلا به نرمی استخوان توصیه شدهاست.
ترکیب آن با تخم شاهی و نارگیل و عسل به نسبت های زیر, در افزایش حجم منی موثر است: تخم شاهی 50 گرم نارگیل 20 گرم آگیر ترکی 10 گرم عسل 250 گرم روزانه 3 قاشق مرباخوری

منابع [ ویرایش ]
ماهنامه ترویجی سبزینه - شماره 5 و 6
الوج أو عود الوج أو الويج أو قصب الذريرة أو القمحة أو القصب العطري أو عود الريح [3] نبات اسمه العلمي (.Acorus calamus L أو. Acorus calamus aromaticus L). من صف وهو أحاديات الفلقة .
عشبة أكوراس كالموس Acorus calamus: تنمو هذه العشبة في الأراضي الغدقة وتنتمي للعائلة الآراسية Araceae. يؤدي تعاطي هذه العشبة إلى حدوث الهلاوس البصرية ومرد ذلك إلى مركبي اسورون ا asorone-a ومركب اسورون ب asorone-b وتنتمي هذه النبتة للعائلة النجيلية وتتميز بوجود ريزومات أرضية.



المراجع [ عدل ]
تفسير كتاب دياسقوريدوس في الأدوية المفردة - ابن البيطار المالقي .
الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية - ابن البيطار المالقي .
المستدرك - دوزي .
معجم الأعشاب المصور - محسن عقيل,
^ تعديل القيمة في ويكي بيانات "معرف" وج "في القائمة الحمراء للأنواع المهددة بالانقراض" . IUCN ID. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 29 يونيو, 2016.
^ تعديل القيمة في ويكي بيانات "معرف Acorus calamus في موسوعة الحياة" . Eol.org. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 29 يونيو, 2016.
^ اسم مشترك لعدة نباتات, أنظر عود الريح .
به پنجابی:
ملٹھی گلیاں زمیناں تے ہون والا اک بوٹا اے جیدے پتے خوشبو والے جڑاں تے ہور تیز خوشو والیاں ہوندیاں نیں . ایہ پنجاب وخ صدیاں توں دوائی لئی ورتیا جاریا اے.
به اردو: داج قلموس
به آذری:
. Bataqlıq kəcəvəri ( lat. Acorus calamus) [1] - kəcəvər cinsinə aid Bitki Novu
به ترکی:
Hazanbel ya da Egir Koku (Acorus Calamus), Acorus genus ' away tek çenekli , çok yıllık , Sulak alan bitkisi. Kokulu yaprakları, ve Daha da kokulu köksapı geleneksel olarak TIB ve güzel koku yapmakta kullanılmış, kurutulmuş ve TOZ haline getirilmiş köksapı zencefil , tarçın ve küçük Hindi town cevizi yerine kullanılmıştır. [1] [2]
Acorus calamus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sweet flag redirects here. For other uses, see sweet flag (disambiguation) .
Common Sweet Flag
Acorus calamus1.jpg
Sweet flag
A. calamus
Acorus calamus
L. , 1753
Acorus Calamus (also called sweet flag or calamus, Among many common names [2] ) is a tall perennial wetlandmonocot of the Acoraceae family, in the genus Acorus . In spite of Common Names That include the words " rush " and "sedge ," It is neither a rush nor sedge. [3] The scented leaves and more Strongly scented rhizomes have traditionally been used medicinally and to make fragrances, and the dried and powdered rhizome has been used as a substitute for ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. [3] [4]
·         1Names
o    1.1Etymology
·         2Botanical information
·         3Campuses
o    3.1History
·         4Chemistry
·         5Cultural symbolism
·         6Safety and Regulations
·         7Notes and references
·         8External links
Names [ edit ]
In addition to the "sweet flag" and "Calamus" other common names include beewort, bitter pepper root, Calamus root,flag root, gladdon, myrtle flag, myrtle grass, myrtle root, myrtle sedge, pine root, rat root, sea sedge, sweet cane,sweet cinnamon, sweet grass, sweet myrtle, sweet root, sweet rush, sedge and sweet. [2] Common names in Asia include: "Changpu菖蒲" (Mandarin Chinese); "Shoubu菖蒲" (Japanese); "Vacha"; "Changpo 창포" (Korean); "Bacch" (Unani); "Bajai ',' do-bach", "vasa bach" (Hindi); "Vekhand" (Marathi); "Vasambu" / வசம்பு (Tamil); "Vadaja" "Vasa" (Telugu); "Baje" (Kannada); "Vayambu" (Malayalam); Haimavati, "bhutanashini" "jatila" (Sanskrit), [3] "kâmpean" កំ ពាន (Rouge) and "bojho" (Nepali).
Etymology [ edit ]
The generic name is the Latin word Acorus, Which is derived from the Greek άχόρου (áchórou) of Dioscorides (note different versions of the text have different spellings). The word άχόρου itself is thought to have been derived from the word κόρη (Kori), Which Means pupil (of an eye), Because of the juice from the root of the plant being used as a remedy in diseases of the eye ( 'darkening of the pupil '). [5] [6] [7]
The specified name Calamus (meaning "cane") is derived from Greek ΚΆΛΑΜΟΣ (Kálamos, meaning "reed"), Which is cognate to Latin culmus (meaning "stalk") and Old English healm (meaning "straw"), and derived from proto-Indo European * cholera engine (thought to mean "grass" or "reed"). The Arabic word قلم (Qalam, meaning "pen") and Sanskrit कलम (Kalama, meaning "reed used as a pen", and a variety of rice) are thought to have been borrowed from Greek. [8] [9][10 ] [11]
The name sweet flag Refers to its sweet scent and its similarity to Iris species Which are Commonly known as flags in English since the late fourteenth century.[12] [13]
Botanical information [ edit ]
There are three forms cytotypic distinguished by chromosome number: a form diploid (2n = 24), an infertile triploid form (2n = 36), and a tetraploid form (see below). The triploid form is the most common and is thought to have Arisen Relatively recently in the Himalayan region through hybridisation of the diploid With The tetraploid. [14]
Probably indigenous to most of Asia, the triploid form Acorus Calamus was. Calamus (also known as var. Vulgaris or was. Verus) has now been Introduced across Europe, Australia, New Guinea, South Africa, Reunion and North America. [3] [4] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] The tetraploid form Acorus calamus was. angustatusis native throughout Asia, from India to Japan and the Philippines and from Indonesia to Siberia. [15] The diploid form Acorus americanus or Acorus calamus var.americanus is found in northern subarctic North America and scattered disjunct areas throughout the Mississippi Valley, and Further more diploids are overpriced found in Mongolia, central Siberia ( Buryatia ), Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan (CLAIMED village India) and northern Himachal Pradesh in India. It is extinct in some parts of the United States and Canada. May it not have been native to some of These areas. Pre-Columbian population are thought to have dispersed it across parts of the United States. [15] [20] [21] [22]
Currently the taxonomic position of These forms ice contested. The comprehensive taxonomic analysis in the Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families from 2002 considers all three forms to ask the distinct varieties of a single species. [15] [23] Sue A. Thompson in her 1995 Ph.D. dissertation and in her 2000 entry in the Flora of North America considers the diploid form to be a distinct species. Thompson only Analyses North American forms of the diploid variety in her treatment, and does not analyze the morphology of Asian forms of the diploid variety. Also, the older the US literature the name Acorus americanus May be used indiscriminately for all forms of Acorus Calamus occurring in North America, irrespective of cytological diversity (ie bothering the diploid and triploid forms). [20]The Recent treatment in the Flora of China from 2010, Which is Followed in the Tropicos database system considers all varieties to ask the synonyms of a single species taxonomically undifferentiated, pointing to morphological overlap in the characteristics singled out by Thompson. [14] [24]
According To Thompson, the primary morphological distinction between the triploid and the North American forms of the diploid is made ​​by the number of prominent leaf veins, the diploid having a single prominent midvein and on both sides of this equally raised secondary veins, the triploid having a single prominent midvein with the secondary veins barely distinct. Thompson notes a number of other details Which she Claims Can Be Used to tell the different forms apart in North America, Such as flower length, average maximum leaf length, relative length of the sympodial leaf with respect to the vegetative leaves, the average length of The spadix During flowering, and tendency of the leaf margin to undulate in the triploid. She notes thatmany of These characteristics overlap, but in general That the triploid is somewhat larger and more robust on average than most North American forms of the diploid. According To Heng Li, Guanghua Zhu and Josef Bogner in the Flora of China there is clear overlap In These characteristics and the different cytotypes are impossible to distinguish morphologically. [14][20]
Triploid plants are infertile and show an abortive ovary with a shriveled appearance. This form will never form fruit (let alone seeds) and can only spread asexually. [20]
The tetraploid variety ice Usually known as Acorus Calamus was. angustatus Besser . A number of synonyms are known, but a number are contested as to Which They Belong variety. It is morphologically diverse, with some forms having very broad and some narrow leaves. It is overpriced cytotypically Further more diverse, with an array of different karyotypes . [15] [22] [25]
A Further hexaploid form exists in the central and northwestern Yunnan and Kashmir. This form has not been given taxonomic status. At least 3 different karyotypes have been classified as hexaploid; 2n = 66in Yunnan and 2n = 54 and 2n = 72 in Kashmir. [22] [25]
Diploid plants in North America apparently produce no or only trace amounts of the b-asarone . : According to one study, triploids produce a small AMOUNT, constituting around 0.3% of the rhizome in crude content, whereas tetraploids May be found in at least two chemotypes, one with 2.0%, and one with 4.0 to 8.0%.[26]
Uses [ edit ]
A. calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for Thousands of years. It has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes Calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry. The essence from the rhizome is used as a flavor for pipe tobacco. When eaten in crystallized form, it is called "German ginger". In Europe Acorus Calamus was thwart Added to wine, and the root is overpriced One of the possible ingredients of absinthe . It is overpriced used in bitters. [4] In Lithuania Ajeras (Sweet flag) is added to home baked black bread.
History [ edit ]
Although probably not native to Egypt, this plant was alreadyloggedin mentioned in the Chester Beatty papyrus dating to VI Approximately 1300 BC. The ancient Egyptians rarely mentioned the plant in medicinal contexts (the afore-mentioned papyrus mentioned using it in Conjunction with Several ingredients as a bandage used to soothe an ailment of the stomach), but it was Certainly used to make perfumes. [27]
Initially Europeans confused the identity and medicinal uses of the Acorus Calamus of the Romans and Greeks withtheir native Iris pseudacorus . Thus the Herbarius zu Teutsch, published at Mainz in 1485, describes and includes a woodcut of this iris under the name Acorus. This German book is one of three possible sources for the French Le Grant Herbier, written in 1486, 1488, 1498 or 1508, of Which an English translation was published as the Grete Herball by Peter Treveris in 1526, all Containing the false identification of the Herbarius zu Teutsch. [28] William Turner , writing in 1538, describes' acorum 'as' gladon or a flag, a yelowe Floure delyce ". [29]
The plane was Introduced to Britain in the late 16th century. By at least 1596 constructed Acorus Calamus was grown in Britain, as it is Listed in The Catalogue, a list of plants John Gerard Grew in his garden at Holborn. Gerard notes' It prospereth Exceeding well in my garden, but as yet bearth neither flowers nor stalke ".Gerard lists the Latin name as Acorus verus, but it is evident there was still doubt about its veracity: in his 1597 Herbal he lists the English common name as 'bastard Calamus'. [30]
Cultural uses [ edit ]
In Britain, the plane was cut for use as a sweet smelling floor covering for the packed earth floors of dwellings and churches, and stacks of rushes havebeen used as the centerpiece of rushbearing ceremonies for many hundreds of years. [31] It has overpriced been used as a thatching materials for English cottages. [32]
In modern Egypt it is thought to have aphrodisiac properties. [27]
For the Penobscot people this was a Very Important root. One story goes That was a sickness plaguing the people. A muskrat spirit came to a man in a dream, telling him That he (the muskrat) was a root and where to find him. The man awoke, found the root, and made a medicine Which cured the people. In Penobscot homes, pieces of the dried root were strung together and hung up for preservation. Steaming it throughout the home was thought to "kill" sickness. While They were traveling, a piece of root was kept and chewed to ward off illness. [33]
Teton Dakota warriors chewed the root to a paste, Which They rubbed on Their Faces. It was thought to preventable excitement and fear When facing an enemy.[33]
The Potawatomi people the dried powdered root and friendlyness this up the nose to cure catarrh . [33]
On 5 May Japanese prepare a bath with hashōbu leaves (Shobu-yu) for children to Promote good health and to ward off evil. In Japanese calendar the day is known as Ayame no Sekku (菖蒲の節句, The Iris Festival).
Illustration from an 1885 flora
Herbal medicine [ edit ]
Sweet flag has a very long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Indian herbal traditions. [34] The leaves, stems, and roots are used in various Siddha and Ayurvedic Medicines. [35] It is Widely employed in modern herbal medicine for itssedative , laxative , diuretic , and carminative properties. [4] It is used in Ayurveda to counter the side effects of all hallucinogens. [36] Sweet Flag, known as the "Rat Root" is one of the most Widely and frequently used herbal Medicines amongst the Chipewyan people . [37]
Hallucinogenic properties [ edit ]
Chewing the root stock of the plant can cause visual hallucinations, possibly Because of the presence of alpha-asarone or beta-asarone. [38]
Horticulture [ edit ]
This plant is sometimes used as a pond plant in horticulture. [39] There is at least one ornamental cultivar known; Usually it is called 'Variegatus', [40] but the RHS recommends calling it 'Argenteostriatus'. [41]
Modern research [ edit ]
Acorus Calamus shows neuroprotective effect against stroke and chemically induced neurodegeneration in rats.Specifically, it has protective effect against acrylamide-induced neurotoxicity . [42] [43]
Both roots and leaves of A. calamus have shown antioxidant , [44] , antimicrobial and insecticidal activities. [3]
Acorus Calamus May prove to be an Effective control measure against cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus . [45]
A Recent Study Showed That beta-asarone isolated from Acorus calamus oil inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells and thus Reduces lipid accumulation in fat cells. [46]
Chemistry [ edit ]
Both triploid and tetraploid A. calamus containe alpha-asarone . [4] Other phytochemicals include:
·         Beta-asarone [47] , [48] [49] [50]
·         eugenol [4]
Diploids do not contain 'beta-asarone (β-asarone). [51]
Cultural symbolism [ edit ]
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The calamus has long been a symbol of love. The name is Associated with a Greek myth: Kalamos , son of the river-god Maeander , who loved the youth Karpos, of Zephyrus (the West Wind) and Chloris (Spring). When Karpos drowned in a swimming race, Kalamos overpriced drowned and was transformed into a reed, Whose rustling in the wind was interpreted as a sigh of lamentation.
The flat was a favorite of Henry David Thoreau (who called it "sweet flag"), and overpriced of Walt Whitman , who added a section called the " Calamus " poems, to the third edition of Leaves of Grass (1860). In the poems, the Calamus is used as a symbol of love, desire, and affection.
The root of the calamus (Tamil vasambu வசம்பு) is cut into disc-shaped beads, and made ​​into bracelets, Which are Typically worn by newborns for the first few months. A vasambu bracelet is a symbol of a newborn baby in Tamil culture.
Safety and Regulations [ edit ]
A. calamus and Products Derived From A. Calamus (such as its oil) were banned from use as human food or as a food additive in 1968 by the United States Food and Drug Administration. [52] The FDA ban was the result of lab studies That Involved supplementing the diets of lab animals over a prolonged period of time with massive doses of isolated chemicals (β-asarone) from the Indian Jammu strain of calamus. The animals developed tumors, and the plane was labeled procarcinogenic. [53] [54] Wichtl says "It is not clear Whether the observed carcinogenic effects in rats are relevant to the human organism." [55] However, most sources advise caution in ingesting strains other than the diploid strain.
In reality β-asarone is neither hepatotoxic nor Directly hepatocarcinogenic. It must first undergo metabolic l'-hydroxylation in the liver before Achieving toxicity.Cytochrome P450 in the hepatocytes is Responsible for secreting the hydrolyzing enzymes That convert β-asarone into genotoxic epoxide structure. [56] Even with the activation of These metabolites, the carcinogenic potency is very low Because of the rapid breakdown of epoxide residues with hydrolase Which leaves These compounds inert. [57] Additionally, the major metabolite of β-asarone is 2,4,5-trimethoxycinnamic acid, a derivative Which is not a carcinogen. [58]
Notes and References [ edit ]
1.     Jump up^ Lansdown, RV (2014). "Acorus Calamus" . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature . Retrieved 28 August2014.
2.     Jump up to:A b Sylvan T. Runkel; Alvin F. Bull (2009) [1979]. Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands . Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press . p. 119th Retrieved 13 December 2011.
3.     Jump up to:A b c d e Balakumbahan, R .; K. Rajamani; K. Kumanan (29 December 2010). "Acorus Calamus: An Overview" (PDF). Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4 (25): 2740-2745. Retrieved 14 May 2011.
4.     Jump up to:A b c d e f Gualtiero Simonetti (1990). Stanley Schuler, ed., Simon & Schuster's Guide to Herbs and Spices. Simon & Schuster, Inc. ISBN 0-671-73489-X .
5.     Jump up^ Pliny the Elder. "100". Naturalis Historia [The Natural History] . 25 (in Latin).
6.     Jump up^ Dioscorides, Pedanius (No 1829). "2". Περὶ ὕλης ἰατρικῆς [De Materia Medica] (in Greek). Translated by Sprengel, Karl Philipp. pp. 11, 50-70.
8.     Jump up^ "Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary" . Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries.
9.     Jump up^ Liddell, Henry George and Scott, Robert (1925). "κάλα ^ μος". A Greek-English Lexicon . Oxford University Press.
10.  Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "Shawm" . Online etymological dictionary. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
11.  Jump up^ Avadhani, Mythili; et al. (2013). "The Sweetness and Bitterness of Sweet Flag [Acorus Calamus L.] - A Review" (PDF). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 4 (2): 598. ISSN 0975-8585 .
12.  Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "Flag" . Online etymological dictionary.
13.  Jump up^ "Acorus americanus - Sweet Flag" . Rook.Org. 14 April 2004.
14.  Jump up to:A b c d Heng Li (李恒), Guanghua Zhu (朱光); and Bogner, Joseph; Flora of China Vol. 23, Acoraceae; Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden; Beijing & St. Louis;2010; Accessed at http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=200027130
15.  Jump up to:A b c d e Govaerts, R .; World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; 2002; http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/namedetail.do?name_id=2309 ;Accessed 9 July 2013
16.  Jump up^ African Plant Database, Acorus Calamus; Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques & South African National Biodiversity Institute; last modified 2007-02-14; http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/bd/cjb/africa/details.php?langue=an&id=30524 ; Accessed 9 July 2013
17.  Jump up^ Euro + With Plant Base; http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?NameId=77936&PTRefFk=8000000 ; Accessed 9 July 2013
18.  Jump up^ Randall, RP; The Introduced Flora of Australia and its weed status; CRC for Australian Weed Management; Glen Osmond; September 2007; Accessed athttp://www.agric.wa.gov.au/objtwr/imported_assets/content/hort/intro_flora_australia.pdf
19.  Jump up^ Index de Flore vasculaire de la Réunion; http://www.tela-botanica.org/eflore/BDNFM/2006.01/nn/118 ; Accessed 9 July 2013
20.  Jump up to:A b c d Thompson, Sue A .; Flora of North America, Acorus; 2000; http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=100307
21.  Jump up^ Gilmore, Melvin R. (1931). "Dispersal By Indians a Factor in the Extension of Discontinuous Distribution of Certain Species of Native Plants" . Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 13: 89-94.
22.  Jump up to:A b c Ogra, RK; et al. (10 December 2009). "Indian calamus (Acorus calamus L.): not a tetraploid" (PDF). Current Science (Bangalore: Current Science Association) 97(11).
23.  Jump up^ The Plant List; http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/search?q=acorus+calamus ; Accessed 9 July 2013
24.  Jump up^ "Acorus calamus" . Tropicos. Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
25.  Jump up to:A b Hong, Wang Wenli, Li Zhijian, Gu and Yongyan, Chen (2001). "Cytological study on Acorus L. in southwestern China, with some notes on cytogeographical A. calamus" . Acta Botanica Sinica 43 (4) : 354-358.
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35.  Jump up^ "Vasambu" . Tamilnadu.com. 1 April 2013.
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42.  Jump up^ Shukla, PK; Khanna VK; Ali, MM; Maurya, R; Khan, MY; Srimal, RC (April 2006). "Neuroprotective effect of Acorus Calamus against middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced ischaemia in rat" Hum Exp Toxicology. "(April 2006) 25 (4): 187-94. Doi : 10.1191 / 0960327106ht613oa . PMID 16,696,294 .
43.  Jump up^ Shukla, PK; Khanna VK; Ali, MM; Maurya, RR; Handa, SS; Srimal, RC (May 2002). "Protective Effect of Acorus calamus against acrylamide induced neurotoxicity" Phytother Res. "2002; 16 (3): 256-60. Doi : 10.1002 / ptr.854 . PMID 12164272 .
44.  Jump up^ S. Asha Devi; Deepak Ganjewala, "Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Sweet-Flag (Acorus Calamus) Leaves and rhizomes" Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants Volume 17, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 1-11
45.  Jump up^ Ghosh, S; Sharma, AK; Kumar, S; Tiwari, SS; Rastogi, S; Srivastava, S; Singh, M; Kumar, R; Paul, S; Ray, dd; Rawat, AK (Feb 2011). "In vitro and in vivo efficacy of Acorus calamus extract against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus". Parasitol Res 108 (2): 361-70. Doi : 10.1007 / s00436-010-2070-0 .
46.  Jump up^ Meng-Hwan Lee, Yun-Yu Chen, Jung-Wei Tsai, Sheue-Chi Wang, Takashi Watanabe and Ying-Chieh Tsai, Inhibitory effect of β-asarone, a component of Acorus Calamus essential oil, on the inhibition of adipogenesis in 3T3 -L1 cell. Food Chemistry Volume 126, Issue 1, 1 May 2011, Pages 1-7. Doi : 10.1016 / j.foodchem.2010.08.052
47.  Jump up^ Streloke, M .; Ascher, KRS; Schmidt, GH; Neumann, WP; et al. (1989). "Vapor Pressure and volatility of β-asarone, the main ingredient of an indigenous stored-product insecticide, Acorus calamus oil". Phytoparasitica 17 (4): 299-313. Doi : 10.1007 / BF02980759 .
48.  Jump up^ Paneru, RB; Lepatourel, G; Kennedy, S; et al. (1997). "Toxicity of Acorus calamus rhizome powder from Eastern Nepal to Sitophilus granarius (L.) and Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)". Crop Protection 16 (8): 759-763. Doi : 10.1016 / S0261-2194 ( 97) 00056-2 .
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50.  Jump up^ Raina, VK; Srivastava, SK; Syamasunder, KV; et al. (2003). "Essential oil composition of Acorus Calamus L. from the lower region of the Himalayas". Flavour and Fragrance Journal 18 (1): 18-20. Doi : 10.1002 / ffj.1136 .
51.  Jump up^ Essential oil composition and antimicrobial assay of Acorus Calamus leaves from different wild populations, J Radušienė, A Judžentienė ... - Plant Genetics, 2007 - Cambridge Univ Press, 1982; Lander and Schreier, 1990
52.  Jump up^ "Substances Generally Prohibited From Direct Addition or Use as Human Food: Calamus and its Derivatives" . Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter I, Subchapter B, Part 189th Food and Drug Administration.
54.  Jump up^ Natural carcinogenic products, EK Weisburger - Environmental Science & Technology, 1979 - ACS Publications
55.  Jump up^ Wichtl, Max, Herbal drugs and phytopharmaceuticals: a handbook, 2004
56.  Jump up^ McGuffin, Michael, ed. (1997). American Herbal Products Association's Botanical Safety Handbook. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. p. 135 . ISBN 978-0-8493-1675-3 .
57.  Jump up^ Luo, GANG, Mazen K. Qato, and Thomas M. Guenthner. "Hydrolysis of the 2 ', 3'-epoxides of allylic allylbenzene, estragole, eugenol, safrole and by Both microsomal and cytosolic epoxide hydrolases." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 20.3 (1992): 440-445.
58.  Jump up^ Hashemi Nejad, G. and J. Caldwell. "Genotoxicity of the alkenylbenzenes α- and β-asarone, myristicin and elemicin as Determined by the UDS assay in cultured rat hepatocytes." Food and Chemical Toxicology 32.3 (1994): 223-231.
External links [ edit ]
·         Proper Use of Acorus Calamus
·         Caldecott, Todd (2006). Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life. Elsevier / Mosby. ISBN 0-7234-3410-7 . Contains a detailed monograph on Acorus Calamus, A. americanus (Vacha, Calamus, Sweet Flag), as well as a discussion of health benefits and usage in clinical practice. Available online athttp://www.toddcaldecott.com/index.php/herbs/learning-herbs/339-vacha
·         Acorus Calamus L. Medicinal Plant Images Database (School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) (Traditional Chinese) (English)