- قصب . [ ق َ ص َ ] (ع اِ) کِلک . قلم . || نی .
(منتهی الارب ) (آنندراج ) (ناظم الاطباء). لیث گوید هر نبات که میان او تهی و
راست قامت و او را پیوندها باشد عرب او را قصب گوید و به پارسی نی باشد. دوس گوید
بعضی از وی آن است که میان تهی نباشد و از او نیزه سازند و آنچه میان تهی بود
مزامیر سازند و قلم از انواع اوست و بعضی از او سطبر بود منبت او بر لب جویهاباشد
و بعضی آن است که به شکل دیوار بر اطراف باغات بنشانند، پس در کتاب خود سه نوع ذکر
کرده است ، قصبی که از او تیر سازند و قصب الذریر هم ذکر کرده است و نوع سوم قصب
فارسی است . جالینوس گوید: نی طیب که از بلاد هند به اطراف برند در میان او به شکل
غبار و سرمه چیزی باشد که در اقسام او نباشد نام او قالاوس اروناطیقوس است ، و
حمزه نی بوریا ذکر کرده است ، گوید او نوعی باشد که میان او تهی بود و آن به شکل
غبار یا چوبی که به واسطه ٔ مرور ایام پوسیده بود بوی او خوش و لون او به سرخی
مایل بود. و رازی گوید منبت او بلاد هندبود و آنچه لون او یاقوتی باشد و بندهای به
یکدیگر نزدیک بود و چون جرم او شکسته شود توتو از یکدیگر جدا نشود و جرم او رنگین
بود و لون او به سفیدی مایل بود و آنچه در میان او بود به نسج عنکبوت ماند و در
طعم او اندک سری باشد و چون بخایند آب دهن نشف کند نیکو باشد و در او قوه ٔ قبض
بود و لون آن میان زرد و سفید بود، پوست نی چون بسوزند چرک از جراحات پاک کند،و نی
گرم بود در سوم و خشک باشد، برگ تر وی چون بکوبند و بر اورام کرم ضماد کنند نافع
بود و اگر بیخ نی با بصل الذریر بر موضع خاررفته نهند بیرون آورد. و گویند قصب
الذریره گرم است در سوم و خشک است . حیض و بول براند، آماس جگر و معده و رحم را بنشاند
و مواد رالطیف کند چون طلا کنند. (ترجمه ٔ صیدنة) :
گر رودزن رواست امام و نبیدخوار
اسبی است نیز آنکه کند کودک از قصب .
گر رودزن رواست امام و نبیدخوار
اسبی است نیز آنکه کند کودک از قصب .
فتنه ٔ آن ماه قصب دوخته
خرمن مه را چو قصب سوخته .
نظامی .
|| ماشوره و هر چیز که مانند وی باشد میان کاواک چون استخوان و استخوان انگشت و نای . (منتهی الارب ) (اقرب الموارد). || استخوانهای دو دست و پا و در هر انگشتی قصب است . || رگهای بال واستخوانهای آن . (اقرب الموارد). || رگهای گلو. || رگهای شُش و برآمدنگاه دَم . (اقرب الموارد) (منتهی الارب ). || لوله . || کُزَل . کالی . شالی . || آب راهه های اشک و آب در چشم . (منتهی الارب ). مجاری الماء من العیون . (اقرب الموارد). آب راهه از چشمه و چشمها. || مروارید تر آبدار و تازه . (منتهی الارب ). دُرّ رطب . (اقرب الموارد). || زبرجد آبدار و تر مرصع به یاقوت . و به همین معنی است در این حدیث : بشر خدیجه ببیت فی الجنة من قصب . (منتهی الارب ) (اقرب الموارد). || گوهر دراز. (منتهی الارب ). ما کان مستطیلاً من الجوهر. (اقرب الموارد). || کتان تنک و نرم . واحد آن قصبی است . (اقرب الموارد) (منتهی الارب ). || جامه ای است معروف . (مهذب الاسماء). جامه ٔ ابریشمین . جامه ای که از کتان و ابریشم بافند. (غیاث اللغات ). و این معرب کسب است و آن جامه ای است که در هند مشهور است و نوعی است از بافتهای ابریشمی . (غیاث اللغات).
قصب. نی مبردی محکم بود و خاکستر وی گرم و خشک بود در
آخر درجه اول یا اول درجه دویم و در اصل وی اندکی جلا بود بیحدت و همچنین ورق وی و
اصل وی با پیاز جذب سلی میکند و وی بول و حیض براند و گزندگی عقرب را نافع بود و گل
وی چون در گوش افتد کری آورد و بیرون نتوان آوردن
صاحب مخزن الادویه مینویسد: قصب بفتح
قاف و صاد لغت عربی است و بسریانی قنا و بیونانی اثوبنون و قالامن نیز و برومی فلامارس
و بفارسی نی و بترکی قابیش و بهندی سوکنده ونل و بفرنگی بروند و نوع بسیار کبیر آن
را بهندی بانس و متوسط آن را ترلهبانس نامند
نی (به ترکی قمیش (Arundo donax L گیاهی است از خانواده نیها و تیره گندمیان.
قمیش گونهای علف دراز و بزرگ است
(نباید آن را با خیزران اشتباه گرفت)
گیاهی است پایا، روینده در تمام نقاط مرطوب، دارای
ریزوم متورم و رونده، دارای ساقه ضخیم بدون کرک، گل آذین پانیکول بزرگ، گلها
سبزفام کوچک و ریز، تحقیقات نشان داده که از آن میتوان در ساخت خمیر کاغذ بهره
غاب عملاق[عدل]
الغاب العملاق
سوق الغاب العملاق
نباتات الغاب العملاق
الغاب Arundo
العملاق donax
الانتشار والتأقلم[عدل]
موطنه الهند والمناطق الدافئة في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط.[3] يعتبر أصيلا في بلاد الشام ودخيلا في كثير من الأقطار العربية الأخرى[4].
ينتشر في بعض مناطق غور الأردن عند المجاري المائية. أدخل أيضاً إلى الولايات المتحدة كنبات زينة وانتشر في كاليفورنيا ومناطق جنوبية أخرى. يوجد اليوم في جميع قارات العالم.
يعتبر حشيشة مجتاحة في كثير من المناطق. ينمو قرب المجاري المائية وفي الأراضي
الوصف النباتي[عدل]
- ^
- ^
- ^ المرفق العالمي لمعلومات
التنوع الحيوي. الغاب
العملاق (بالإنكليزية). تاريخ الولوج 18 أيلول 2011.
- ^ قاعدة البيانات
الأوروبية-المتوسطية للنباتات.خريطة
انتشار الغاب العملاق (بالإنكليزية). تاريخ الولوج 18 أيلول 2011.
به پنجابی کانا:
به آذری قمیشواری قارچی:
به ترکی کارگی:
Akdeniz zonunda, Orta Doğu'da
ve Hindistan'da
yetişir. 6 metre boya kadar uzar eğer ideal koşulları bulursa 10 metreye
uzadığı da görülmüştür. Yetişkin gövde, içi boş ve yaklaşık 2 cm çapındadır. 60
cm'ye kadar uzayabilen yapraklar 2-6 cm enindedir. Yaz sonu çiçeklenir.
Gri-yeşil tüylü sorguca benzeyen 40-60 cm'lik çiçekler açar. Bulunduğu ortamda
su miktarı uygun olduğu takdirde bahar aylarında günde 5 cm'ye kadar
uzayabilir. Kök rizomlarıyla çoğalma
gösteren kargı istilacı bir tür olarak tanınır. Günümüzde
Türk sazı olarak anılan ney,kargı denilen bir çeşit budaklı kamıştan yapılır.
Arundo donax
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arundo donax
Giant Cane (Arundo donax)
A. donax
donax, giant
cane, is a tall perennial cane growing
in damp soils, either fresh or moderately saline. Other common names
include Carrizo, Arundo, Spanish cane, Colorado
river reed, wild cane, and giant reed.
donax is
native to the Mediterranean Basin and
middle east Asia,[1] and probably also
parts of Africa and southern Arabian Peninsula. It has been widely planted
and naturalised in the mild temperate, subtropical and tropical regions of both
hemispheres (Herrera & Dudley 2003), especially in the Mediterranean, California, the western Pacific and the Caribbean.[2][3] It forms dense
stands on disturbed sites, sand dunes, in wetlands andriparian habitats.
donax generally
grows to 6 metres (20 ft), in ideal conditions it can exceed 10 metres
(33 ft), with hollow stems 2 to 3 centimetres (0.79 to 1.18 in)
diameter. The leaves are alternate, 30 to 60
centimetres (12 to 24 in) long and 2 to 6 centimetres (0.79 to
2.36 in) wide with a tapered tip, grey-green, and have a hairy tuft at the
base. Overall, it resembles an outsize common reed (Phragmites australis)
or a bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae).
donax flowers in late summer, bearing upright,
feathery plumes 40 to 60 centimetres (16 to 24 in) long, that are usually
seedless or with seeds that are rarely fertile. Instead, it mostly reproduces
vegetatively, by undergroundrhizomes. The rhizomes are
tough and fibrous and form knotty, spreading mats that penetrate deep into the
soil up to 1 metre (3.3 ft) deep (Alden et al., 1998; Mackenzie, 2004).
Stem and rhizome pieces less than 5 centimetres (2.0 in) long and
containing a single node readily
sprouted under a variety of conditions (Boose and Holt, 1999). This vegetative
growth appears to be well adapted to floods, which may break up
individual A. donax clumps, spreading the pieces, which may
sprout and colonise further downstream (Mackenzie 2004).
Arundo donax.
Phyllostachys aurea (golden bamboo)
and Arundo donax.
Arundo donax.
Arundo donax.
Arundo donax.
donax (L.)
is a tall, perennial C3 grass species
belongs to the subfamily Arundinoideae of the Poaceae family. The hollow stems, 3 to 5 cm thick, have a cane-like
appearance similar to bamboo. Mature stands can
reach a height up to 8 m. Stems produced during the first growing
season are unbranched and photosynthetic. It is an asexually reproducing
species due to seed sterility.[4] It needs to be
established byvegetative
propagation, due to a lack of viable seed
production. Underground it produces an extensive network of large,
but shortrhizomes like bulbs,
and fibrous taproots. In the Mediterranean, where a temperate climate is characterized by
warm and dry summer and mild winter, giant reed new shoots emerge around
March, growing rapidly in June – July and producing stems and leaves. From late July the lower leaves start to dry, depending to
seasonaltemperature patterns. Crop drying
accelerates during autumn when anthesis occurs from the beginning of
October to the end of November. In this phenological stage moisture contents fall
significantly. In winter-time giant reed
stops its growth because of low temperatures and regrowth occurs in the
following springtime. InCentral Europe giant
reed behaves as an annual energy crop for the low soil temperatures and poor freeze tolerance
lack of the rhizomes. The base
growth temperature reported
for giant reed is 7 °C,[5] and a maximum
cut-off is at 30 °C. It has a high photosynthetic capacity, associated with
absence of light saturation. Carbon dioxide exchange rates is high
compared to other C3 and C4 species. Under
natural condition, the maximumCO2 uptake
ranged between 19.8 and 36.7 µmol m−2 s−1, depending on irradiance, leaf age, and it is regulated by
leaf conductance.[6]
most areas where giant reed grows (Mediterranean area and US), viable seeds are
not produced.[7] On the other
hand, sterility is
an obstacle for breeding programs which aim to increase the productivity
and biomassquality for energy conversion.[8] Asexual
reproduction drastically reduces genetic variability. It is reported that sterility
of giant reed is as a result of a failure of the megaspore mother cell to divide.[9] A total of 185 clones
ofA. donax were collected from California to South Carolina and genetically
fingerprinted with the SRAP and TE-based
markers.[10] Giant reed
exhibited no molecular genetic variation despite the wide genomic coverage of the markers used in this
study. The molecular data strongly point to a single genetic clone of A.
donax in theUnited States,
although multiple introductions of this plant into the United States have been documented.
Another study was conducted in the Mediterranean area on
sampling giant reed from 80 different sites, and a low gene diversity was
detected. Results indicate the occurrence of post-meiotic alterations in the ovule and
pollen developmental pathway. AFLP data
support a monophyletic origin
of giant reed and suggest that it originated in Asia and
began to spread into the Mediterranean Basin.
reed is adapted to a wide variety of ecological conditions, but is generally
associated with riparian and wetland systems. It is distributed across the
southern United States from Maryland to California. Plants can grow in a variety of
soils, from heavy clays to loose sands and gravelly soils, but prefer wet
drained soils, where they produce monotypic dense stands. In soil
contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and lead,
giant reed was found to grow rapidly, showing a strong metal-tolerance, with a
limited metal translocation from roots to shoots.[11] In this study, it
is underlined that accumulation of As, Cd and Pb in shoots of giant reed is
low, while metal concentration in roots is high, and the anatomical
characteristics of stem tissues are thick and homogeneous according to SEM image.
In Pakistan, where the detection of arsenic in ground waters has threatened the use of
groundwater as major source of drinking water, a research highlighted thephytoremediation potential of A.
donax when grown in hydroponics cultures containing arsenic
concentrations up to 1000 µg l−1.[12] Giant reed was able
to translocate the metals absorbed into the shoot and to accumulate metals in
the stalk and leaves above the root concentration
without showing any toxic effects up to As concentration of 600 µg l−1. Furthermore, the plant
is not consumed by herbivores, a positive
trait inphytoremediation plants.
increased environmental concern is the health of soil system as one of the main
factor affecting quality and productivity of agroecosystems. Around the world,
several regions are subjected to a decline of fertility due to an increasing
degradation of soils, loss of organic matter and increasing desertification.[13] Recently research
was carried out to evaluate, in the same pedological and climatic conditions,
the impact of three long-term (14 years) agricultural systems, continuous giant
reed, natural grassland, and cropping sequence, on the organic-matter
characteristics and microbial biomass size in soil.[14] The study pointed
out that a long term Giant reed cropping system, characterized by low tillage
intensity, positively affect the amount and quality of soil organic matter.
Arundo donax showed greater values than tilled management system for total soil
organic carbon, light fraction carbon, dissolved organic carbon, and microbial
biomass carbon. Regarding the humification parameters, there were noticed any
statistically differences between giant reed and a cropping sequence
(cereals-legumes cultivated conventionally).
is a highly invasive plant in southwestern North American rivers, and its
promotion as a bio-fuel in other regions is of great concern to environmental
scientists and land managers.[15]Arundo donax was introduced from
the Mediterranean to California in the
1820s for roofing material and erosion control in drainage canals in the Los
Angeles area (Bell 1997; Mackenzie 2004). Through spread and subsequent
plantings as anornamental plant,
and for use as reeds in woodwind instruments, it has become naturalised
throughout warm coastal freshwaters of North America, and its range continues to
spread. It has been planted widely throughSouth America and Australasia (Boose and Holt 1999; Bell
1997) and in New Zealand it
is listed under theNational Pest
Plant Accord as an "unwanted organism".[16] Despite its
invasive characteristics in regions around the world where it is not native,
Arundo is being promoted by the energy industry as a bio-fuel crop. Some of the
regions, such as the southeastern United States have natural disturbances, such
as hurricanes and floods, that could widely disperse this plant.
is among the fastest-growing terrestrial plants in the world (nearly 10
centimetres (3.9 in) / day; Dudley, 2000). To present knowledge, Arundo
does not provide any food sources or nesting habitats for wildlife. Replacement
of native plant communities by Arundo results in low-quality habitat and
altered ecosystem functioning (Bell 1997; Mackenzie 2004). For example, it
damages California's riparian ecosystems by outcompeting native species, such
as willows, for water. A. donax stems and leaves contain a
variety of harmful chemicals, including silica and various alkaloids, which protect it from most
insect herbivores and
deter wildlife from feeding on it (Bell 1997; Miles et al. 1993; Mackenzie
2004). Grazing animals such as cattle, sheep,
and goats may have some effect on it, but are
unlikely to be useful in keeping it under control (Dudley 2000).
donax appears
to be highly adapted to fires. It is highly flammable throughout the year, and
during the drier months of the year (July to October), it can increase the
probability, intensity, and spread of wildfires through the riparian
environment, changing the communities from flood-defined to fire-defined
communities.[17] After fires, A.
donax rhizomes can resprout quickly, outgrowing native plants, which
can result in large stands of A. donax along riparian
corridors (Bell 1997; Scott 1994). Fire events thus push the system further
toward mono-specific stands of A. donax.
waterside plant community dominated by A. donax may also have
reduced canopy shading of the in-stream habitat, which may result in increased
water temperatures. This may lead to decreased oxygen concentrations and lower
diversity of aquatic animals (Bell 1997).
the impact of Arundo donax increased in the environment and
native species various efforts have been taken to reduce its population. It has
few natural enemies in its introduced range. Several Mediterranean insects have
been imported into the United States as biological control agents
(Bell, 1997; Miles et al. 1993; Mackenzie 2004, Goolsby 2007), namely Arundo
wasp, Tetramesa romana; the Arundo scale, Rhizaspidiotus
donacis; and the Arundo fly,Cryptonevra has known to have some
effect in damaging the plant. Tetramesa romana and more recently Rhizaspidiotus
donacisis were registered in the US as biological control agents.
remedies like using mechanical force have also been employed, since outside its
native range Arundo donax doesn’t reproduce by seeds, so
removing its root structure can be effective at controlling it. Also preventing
it from getting sunlight will deplete the plant of its resources (Mackenzie
2004). Systemic herbicides and glyphosate are also used as chemical
US Department of Homeland Security considers this plant invasive and in 2007
began researching biological controls.[18] In 2015, Texas
Senator Carlos Uresti passed
legislation to create a program to eradicate Arundo donax using herbicides and
the Arundo wasp.[19]
Energy crops are plants which are
produced with the express purpose of using their biomass energetically [20] and at the same
time reduce carbon dioxide emission. Biofuels derived from lignocellulosic
plant material represent an important renewable energy alternative to
transportation fossil fuels.[21] Perennialrhizomatous grasses display several positive
attributes as energy crops because
of their high productivity, low (no) demand for nutrient inputs consequent
to the recycling of nutrients by their rhizomes, exceptional soil carbon
sequestration - 4X switchgrass, multiple
products, adaptation to saline soils and saline water, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
reed is one of the most promising crops for energy production in the Mediterranean climate of
Europe and Africa, where it has shown advantages as an indigenous crop (already adapted to
the environment),
durable yields, and resistant
to long drought periods. Several field studies
have highlighted the beneficial effect of giant reed crop on the environment
due to its minimal soil tillage, fertilizer and pesticide needs. Furthermore, it offers
protection againstsoil erosion,[22] one of the most
important land degradation processes in Mediterranean and US environments. A. donax bioenergy
feedstock has an impressive potential for several conversion processes. Dried
biomass has a direct combustion high heating value of 3,400 kJ/kg
(8,000 BTU/lb). In Italy,Arundo donax was
used in one instance from 1937 to 1962 on a large-scale industrial basis for
paper and dissolving pulp.
This interest was stimulated primarily by the desire of the dictatorship, just
before World War II, to be
independent of foreign sources of textile fibers and the desire for an
export product.[23] According to
historic record made by Snia Viscosa, giant
reed was established on 6 300 ha in Torviscosa (Udine), reaching the average annual production
of 35 t ha−1.[24] Today several
screening studies on energy crops have
been carried out by several Universities in US as well as in EU to evaluate and identify best
management practices for maximizing biomass yields and assess environmental impacts.
is a critical point of cultivation. Stem and rhizome have a great ability to sprout
after removal from mother plant and both can be used forclonal propagation.
The use of rhizomes were found
to be the better propagation method for this species, achieving better survival
rate.[25] In this field
study, it was noticed how the lowest density (12 500 rhizomes ha−1) resulted in taller and
thicker plants compared to denser plantation (25 000 rhizomes ha−1).Seedbed preparation is conducted in
the spring,
immediately before planting, by a pass with a double-disk harrowing and a pass
with a field cultivator.
Giant reed has the possibility of adopting low plant density. The rhizomes were planted at 10–20
centimetres (3.9–7.9 in) of soil depth, with a minimum plant density of 10
000 plants per ha), while mature stems, with two or more nodes, can be planted
10–15 centimetres (3.9–5.9 in) deep. In order to ensure goodroot stand
and adequate contact with the soil, sufficient moisture is
needed immediately after planting. Pre-plant fertilizer is distributed according to
the initialsoil fertility,
but usually an application of P at a rate of 80–100 kilograms
(180–220 lb) ha−1 is applied.
donax maintains
a high productive aptitude without irrigation under semi-arid climate conditions. In South Italy, a trial was carried out testing
the yieldsperformance of 39 genotypes, and an average yields of 22.1 t ha−1 dry matter in the
second year were reached,[26] a comparable result
with others results obtained in Spain (22.5
t ha−1) as well as in
South Greece (19.0 t ha−1). Several reports
underlined that it is more economical to grow giant reed under moderate irrigation.
order to evaluate different management practices, nitrogen fertilizer and input demand
was evaluated in a 6-year field study conducted at the University of Pisa. Fertilizer enhanced the productive
capacity in the initial years, but as the years go by and as the radical
apparatus progressively deepens, the differences due to fertilizer decrease
until disappearing. Harvest time and
plant density were found to not affect the biomass yields.
to its high growth rate and superior resource-capture capacity (light, water
and nutrients), A. donax is not affected by weed competition
from the second year. An application of post-emergence treatment is usually
recommended. Giant reed has few known disease or insect pest, but in intensive cultivation no
pesticides are used.
remove giant reed at the end of crop cycle, there are mainly two methods:
mechanical or chemical.[27] An excavator can be
useful to dig out the rhizomes or alternatively a single late-season application
of 3% glyphosate onto the foliar mass is efficient and effective with least
hazardous to biota.[28] Glyphosate was
selected as the most appropriate product after specific considerations on
efficacy, environmental safety, soil residual activity, operator safety,
application timing, and cost-effectiveness. However, glyphosate is only
effective in fall when plants are actively transporting nutrients to the root
zone, and multiple retreatments are usually needed. Other herbicides registered
for aquatic use can be very effective in controlling Arundo at other times of
the year.
donax is a strong candidate for use as a renewable biofuel source because of
its fast growth rate and its ability to grow in different soil types and
climatic conditions. A. donax will produce an average of three
kilograms of biomass per square metre (25 tons per acre)[clarification
needed] once established.[29]The energy density of the
biomass produced is 17 MJ/Kg regardless of fertilizer usage.[29]
in the European Union have identified A. donax as the most
productive and lowest impact of all energy biomass crops (see FAIR REPORT E.U.
ability to grow for 20 to 25 years without replanting is also significant.
have found this plant to be rich in active tryptamine compounds, but there are more
indications of the plants in India having these
compounds than in the United States.[31] Toxins such as bufotenidine[32] and gramine[31] have also been
dried rhizome with the stem removed has been found to contain 0.0057% DMT,
0.026% bufotenine, 0.0023%
5-MeO-MMT.[31] The flowers are
also known to have DMT and the 5-methoxylated N-demethylated analogue,
also 5-MeO-NMT. The quite toxic quaternary methylated
salt of DMT, bufotenidine,[31] has been found in
the flowers, and the cyclic dehydrobufotenidine has
been found in the roots.[citation needed] A. donax is
also known to release volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), mainly isoprene.[33]
donax has
been cultivated throughout Asia, southern Europe, northern Africa, and the
Middle East for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptianswrapped their dead in the
leaves. The canes contain silica, perhaps the reason
for their durability, and have been used to make fishing rods, and walking sticks.[citation needed] Its stiff stems are
also used as support for climbing plants or for vines.[citation needed]
plant may have been used in combination with harmal (Peganum harmala) to create
a brew similar to the South American ayahuasca, and may trace its roots to
the Soma of lore.[34]
reeds are used in construction as raw material, given their excellent
properties and tubular shape. Its resemblance to bamboo permits their
combination in buildings, though Arundo is more flexible.
rural regions of Spain, for centuries there has existed a technique named cañizo, consisting of
rectangles of approximately 2 by 1 meters of weaved reeds to which clay or
plaster could be added. A properly insulated cañizo in a roof could keep
its mechanical properties for over 60 years. Its high silicon content allows
the cane to keep its qualities through time. Its low weight, flexibility, good
adherence of the cañizo fabric and low
price of the raw material have been the main reasons that made this technique
possible to our days. However, in the last decades the rural migration from
countryside to urban centers and the extensive exploitation of land has
substituted traditional crops. This has threatened very seriously its
initiatives are being taken to recover the use of this material, combining
ancient techniques from southern Iraq mudhif (reed houses) with new
associations and collectives, such as CanyaViva, are pioneering in the research
in combination with Spanish universities.
donax is
the principal source material of reed makers. The cane is rendered into
reeds for clarinets, saxophones, oboes, bassoons, bagpipes, and otherwoodwind instruments.[35] The Var country in southern France contains
the best-known supply of instrument reeds.
giant reed has been used to make flutes for
over 5,000 years. The pan pipes consist
of ten or more pipes made from the cane.
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Excerpted from Chapter 15
of TIHKAL, 1997