(اسم) (زیستشناسی)
[kabābe] درختچهای
از خانوادۀ فلفل، با میوهای قهوهایرنگ و طعمی تند و تلخ که میوۀ نارس آن مصرف
خوراکی و دارویی دارد؛ حبالعروس؛ فلفل دمدار؛ فلفل دنبالهدار؛ کبابۀ دهنشکافته؛
فرهنگ لغت عمید
کبابه: درخت کبابه را منبت در جزیره شالاهط است و او را
در کتب با «قاقله» ذکر کردهاند و گویند «کبابه» دانهای است که صورت او به «فلفل»
ماند و او را از اقصای بلاد هند بر آرند و به اطراف ببرند. (صیدنه ص 578). حب العروس
خوانند و در قوت مانند فو بود، لیکن از وی لطیفتر بود و نیکوترین آن خوشبوی بود که
زبان بگزد. (اختیارات ص 367).
یادگار، در دانش پزشکی و داروسازی، متن، ص:
کبابه. حب العروس خوانند و در قوت مانند فو بود لیکن از
وی لطیفتر بود و نیکوترین آن خوشبوی بود که زبان بگزد و طبیعت وی گرم و خشک بود تا
دویم و اسحق گوید گرم و خشک بود در سئوم و شیخ بن حاکم گوید در وی قوت متضاده بود از
حرارت و برودت و حرارت بر وی غالب بود و وی مفتح و ملطف بود درد حلق را نافع بود و
شکم ببندد و سده جگر و گرده بگشاید و مجاری بول پاک کند از ریگ و حلق را صافی کند و
ریش عفن که در لثه بود قلاع که در دهن بود را سود دهد چون بخایند و آب آن بر قضیب مالند
زن را لذتی عظیم حاصل شود و وی قوت معده و اعضای باطنی بدهد چون بیاشامند و چون در
دهان نگاه دارند لثه را نیکو بود و بوی دهان خوش کند و آواز صافی کند و نفس معطر گرداند
و سنگ گرده و مثانه بریزاند و با بول بیرون آورد و شری ابیض را نافع بود چون دودنک
از وی با سکنجبین بیاشامند و گویند مضر بود بمثانه و مصلح آن مصطلی بود و گویند مصدع
بود و مصلح وی صندل بود و گلاب و گویند بدل آن هیل بود و گویند هیل و دارچینی بود و
مؤلف گوید کبابه از سقاله هند خیزد
صاحب مخزن الادویه
مینویسد: کبابه بفتح کاف و فتح باء دوم لغت عربی است و نیز بعربی حب العروس و بیونانی
مهیلیون و برومی فریفلیون و به هندی کباب چینی نامند و آن ثمر درختی است شبیه بحب بلسان
و مایل به تیرگی و سیاهی و مغز آن سفید و خوشبو و تندطعم و افلنجه نوع صغیر آنست
اختیارات بدیعی، ص:
کبابه(کبابه چینی)
کبابه، حب العروس
Piper cubeba
به هندی کباب چینی نامند؛ ثمر درختی است که
از ملک چین و نواح آن و روم میآورند و دو صنف میباشد صغیر و کبیر. کبیر را حب
العروس نامند و آن فی الجمله شبیه به حب بلسان است و مایل به تیرگی و سیاهی و مغز
آن سفید و خوشبو و تند طعم و درخت آن شبیه به درخت مورد و نوع صغیر آن فلنجه و افلنجه نیر نامند و از مطلق آن مراد صنف کبار است و بهترین آن تازه خوشبوی تند طعم آنست که از چین آورند و بعد از آن رومی و این بهتر از هندی است زیرا که هندی تلخ می باشد و قوت آن تا ده سال باقی میماند. بعضی گفته اند ثمر آس بری است و اصلی ندارد.
طبیعت آن در دوم گرم و خشک و بعضی در سوم گفتهاند و بعضی گفتهاند با قوت حاره قوت بارده نیز دارد
خواص: بسیار لطیف کننده و باز کننده و رافع سردردهای مزمن و جویدن آن خوشبو کننده دهان و مقوی لثه و رافع زخم های پیوره دندان و صاف کننده آواز و رافع خفقان و مقوی معده و احشاء و اعضاء داخلی است. اسهال را رفع و باز کننده گرفتگی های کبد و احشاء و کلیه و حل کننده نفخ و امراض کبدی و طحال و مدر بول و پاک کننده زخم های مجاری آنها است سنگ های آنها را خرد کرده و خارج می سازد. مصرف دو درهم آن با سکنجبین برای لکه های پوستی سفید نافع و ضماد آن با پیه حیوانات تورم ها را از بین می برد. مالیدن آن با عطر خوشبو کننده بوی بدن و برای مثانه مضر است که مصلح آن مصطکی است و سردرد عارض از آن را با صندل و گلاب می کنند. مقدار خوراک دارویی آن یک مثقال است
آن سفید و خوشبو و تند طعم و درخت آن شبیه به درخت مورد و نوع صغیر آن فلنجه و افلنجه نیر نامند و از مطلق آن مراد صنف کبار است و بهترین آن تازه خوشبوی تند طعم آنست که از چین آورند و بعد از آن رومی و این بهتر از هندی است زیرا که هندی تلخ می باشد و قوت آن تا ده سال باقی میماند. بعضی گفته اند ثمر آس بری است و اصلی ندارد.
طبیعت آن در دوم گرم و خشک و بعضی در سوم گفتهاند و بعضی گفتهاند با قوت حاره قوت بارده نیز دارد
خواص: بسیار لطیف کننده و باز کننده و رافع سردردهای مزمن و جویدن آن خوشبو کننده دهان و مقوی لثه و رافع زخم های پیوره دندان و صاف کننده آواز و رافع خفقان و مقوی معده و احشاء و اعضاء داخلی است. اسهال را رفع و باز کننده گرفتگی های کبد و احشاء و کلیه و حل کننده نفخ و امراض کبدی و طحال و مدر بول و پاک کننده زخم های مجاری آنها است سنگ های آنها را خرد کرده و خارج می سازد. مصرف دو درهم آن با سکنجبین برای لکه های پوستی سفید نافع و ضماد آن با پیه حیوانات تورم ها را از بین می برد. مالیدن آن با عطر خوشبو کننده بوی بدن و برای مثانه مضر است که مصلح آن مصطکی است و سردرد عارض از آن را با صندل و گلاب می کنند. مقدار خوراک دارویی آن یک مثقال است
مخزن الادویه، تألیف مرحوم سید محمد حسین
عقیلی علوی خراسانی شیرازی
الكبابة، حب العروس أو الكبابة الصيني (الاسم العلمي: Piper
cubeba) وهي نبات من جنس الفلفل، تزرع لثمارها وزيتها العطري.
تنبت غالبا فيجاوة وسومطرة وبالتالي تسمى أحيانا فلفل جاوة. تجمع
ثمارها قبل أن تنضج وتجفف بعناية. تشبه في مظهرها الفلفل الأسود إلا أن البذرة لها زائدة في طرفها. قشرتها المجففة مجعدة، يتراوح لونه
من البني الرمادي إلى الأسود. بذورها قاسية بيضاء وزيتية. رائحة الكبابة مقبولة
وعطرية وطعم لاذع مر قليلا.
تستخدم مطهرا ومضادا لانتفاخات البطن
وتستخدم طبياً كوسيلة لمواجهة عدوى الجهاز البولي وكعلاج للسيلان. كما تستخدم كمقشع في علاج التهاب القصبات المزمن. يجب عدم استخدام حب
العروس من قبل الأشخاص الذين يعانون من التهابات في الجهاز الهضمي.
به دیودهی
ކައްބާބު (ސައިންޓިފިކް ނަން: Piper cubeba)ނުވަތަ (އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުން: Cubeb)އަކީ މަތިކަރާ ބޭހުގެ ބާވަތެކެވެ. މިއީ
ގަހެއްގައި އަޅާ ކަޅުކުލައިގެ އޮށެކެވެ. މިހުންނާނީ އަސޭމިރުހާ ދާދި
އެއްބައްޓަމަކަށް އެއަށްވުރެ އޮމާންކޮށެވެ. މީގައި ކުޑަ ތަނޑިއެއް ހުންނާނެއެވެ. މިއީ އަސޭމިރުސް އަދި ވަކިފޫ އާއި
އެއްއާއިލާގެ އެއްޗެކެވެ. އާންމު ގޮތެއްގައި އެންމެ ގިނައިން ކައްބާބު ހައްދާކަމަށް ފާހަގަ ކުރެވިފައިވަނީ އިންޑޮނޭޝިޔާގެ ސުމަޓްރާ އަދި ޖާވާ ގައެވެ. މިއީ ކައްބާބު އަށާއި އެއިން ހާނާ ތެލުގެ ބޭނުމުގައި ހައްދައި އުޅޭ އެއްޗެކެވެ. ކައްބާބު ރަގަޅަށް ދޮންނުވަނީސް ބިނދެގެން ހިއްކައި ހަދައެވެ. ކައްބާބުގެ ކުލައަކީ އަޅިމުށި ނުވަތަ ކަޅު ކުލައެވެ. ކައްބާބު އަކީ ހަރު އޮށެކެވެ. އަދި އޭގައި ތެޔޮކަމެއް ހުންނާނެއެވެ. ކައްބާބުގައި ހުންނާނީ ފާނޑެއްގެ ޒަވި ހިތި ރަހައެކެވެ. ބައެއް ވައްތަރުގެ އަތަރާއި ސެންޓް އުފެއްދުމަށް ވެސް ކައްބާބު ބޭނުންކުރާކަން ފާހަގަ ކުރެވެއެވެ.
به کردی کوبِبا:
Kubêba, îsota Seylanê, çaya
Çînê ya bîberî (piper cubeba), riwekek ji famîleya îsota reş (piperaceae) ye.
Welatê wêÎndonêzya û Çîn e.
Li Kurdistanê
demekê di bijîşkiya gelêrî de gelek dihatibûye bikaranîn, bi taybetî wekî çayê. Biharbêhna
(biharat) wê ji dendikên wê tê çêkirin. Riwekeke pirrsalane ye. Qaçaxçî û etaran, ji Îranê dianîn,
difirotin. Xelkê pirr kêm bikardianî, wekî çayeke dermanî dihate dîtin. Jê re
pirranî îsota/çaya Seylanê gotinê.
به ترکی کبابه:
Kebabe (Piper cubeba), karabibergiller familyasına
dahil bir bitki türü. Kebabe, karabiber bitkisinin
arkabasıdır ve anavatanı Endonezya ve Çin'dir.
Çoğunlukla Cava ve Sumatra adalarında
yetişir. Bu nedenle Cava biberi olarak da anılır. Yemeklere
(özellikle köfteye) çeşni için kullanılır.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In West
Africa, "cubeb" is usually the related West African Pepper (Piper guineense).
P. cubeba
Cubeb (Piper cubeba), or tailed
pepper is a plant in genus Piper,
cultivated for its fruit and essential
oil. It is mostly grown in Java and Sumatra, hence
sometimes called Java pepper. The fruits are gathered before they
are ripe, and carefully dried. Commercial cubebs consist of the dried berries, similar
in appearance to black pepper, but with stalks attached – the
"tails" in "tailed pepper". The dried pericarp is
wrinkled, and its color ranges from grayish-brown to black. The seed is hard,
white and oily. The odor of cubebs is described as agreeable and aromatic and
the taste as pungent, acrid, slightly bitter and persistent. It has been
described as tasting like allspice, or like a cross between allspice and black pepper.
Cubeb came
to Europe via India through
the trade with the Arabs. The name cubeb comes fromArabic kabāba (كبابة), which is
of unknown origin,[1] by
way of Old French quibibes.[2] Cubeb
is mentioned in alchemical writings by its Arabic name. In his Theatrum
Botanicum, John Parkinsontells that the king of
Portugal prohibited the sale of cubeb to promote black
pepper (Piper nigrum) around 1640. It experienced a brief
resurgence in 19th-century Europe for medicinal uses, but has practically
vanished from the European market since. It continues to be used as a flavoring agentfor gins and cigarettes in
the West, and as a seasoning for food in Indonesia.
cubeba, from Köhler's Medicinal Plants (1887)
In the
fourth century BC, Theophrastus mentioned komakon,
including it with cinnamon and cassiaas an ingredient in aromatic
confections. Guillaume Budé and Claudius Salmasius have identifiedkomakon with
cubeb, probably due to the resemblance which the word bears to the Javanesename
of cubeb, kumukus. This is seen as a curious evidence of Greek
trade with Java in a time earlier than that of Theophrastus.[3] It
is unlikely Greeks acquired them from somewhere else, since Javanese growers
protected their monopoly of the trade by sterilizing the berries by
scalding, ensuring that the vines were unable to be cultivated elsewhere.[1]
the Tang Dynasty, cubeb was brought to China from Srivijaya.
In India, the spice came to be called kabab chini, that is,
"Chinese cubeb", possibly because the Chinese had a hand in its
trade, but more likely because it was an important item in the trade with
China. In China this pepper was called both vilenga, and vidanga,
the cognate Sanskrit word.[4] Li
Hsun thought it grew on the same tree as black pepper. Tang physicians
administered it to restore appetite, cure "demon vapors", darken the
hair, and perfume the body. However, there is no evidence showing that cubeb
was used as a condiment in China.[4]
The Book of One Thousand and
One Nights, compiled
in the 9th century, mentions cubeb as a remedy for infertility, showing it was
already used by Arabs for medicinal purposes. Cubeb was introduced to Arabic
cuisine around the 10th century.[5] The Travels of Marco Polo, written in
late 13th century, describes Java as a producer of cubeb, along with other
valuable spices. In the 14th century, cubeb was imported into Europe from
the Grain
Coast, under the name of pepper, by merchants of Rouen and Lippe. A
14th-century morality tale exemplifying gluttony by
the Franciscan writer Francesc Eiximenis describes the eating
habits of a worldly cleric who consumes a bizarre concoction of egg yolks with
cinnamon and cubeb after his baths, probably as an aphrodisiac.
Cubeb was
thought by the people of Europe to be repulsive to demons, just as it was by
the people of China. Ludovico Maria Sinistrari, a Catholic
priest who wrote about methods of exorcism in
the late 17th century, includes cubeb as an ingredient in an incense to ward
off incubus.[6] Even
today, his formula for the incense is quoted byneopagan authors,
some of whom also claim that cubeb can be used in love sachets and spells.
After the
prohibition of sale, culinary use of cubeb decreased dramatically in Europe,
and only its medicinal application continued to the 19th century. In the early
20th century, cubeb was regularly shipped from Indonesia to Europe and the
United States. The trade gradually diminished to an average of 135 t (133 long tons;
149 short
tons) annually, and practically ceased after 1940.[7]
The dried
cubeb berries contain essential oil consisting monoterpenes (sabinene 50%,
and carene)
and sesquiterpenes(caryophyllene, copaene, α- and
β-cubebene, δ-cadinene, germacrene),
the oxides 1,4- and 1,8-cineole and the alcohol cubebol.
About 15%
of a volatile oil is obtained by distilling cubebs
with water. Cubebene, the liquid portion, has the formula C15H24.
It is a pale green or blue-yellow viscous liquid with a warm woody, slightly
camphoraceous odor.[8] After
rectification with water, or on keeping, this depositsrhombic crystals
of camphor of
Cubebin (C20H20O6)[9] is a
crystalline substance existing in cubebs, discovered by Eugène Soubeiran and Capitaine in 1839. It
may be prepared from cubebene, or from the pulp left after the distillation of
the oil. The drug, along with gum,
fatty oils, and malates of magnesiumand calcium,
contains also about 1% of cubebic acid, and about 6% of
a resin. The
dose of the fruit is 30 to 60 grains,
and the British Pharmacopoeia contains a
tincture with a dose of 4 to 1 dram.
In India,
the ancient texts of Ayurveda (Sanskrit आयुर्वेद) include cubeb in various remedies. Charaka and Sushruta prescribe a cubeb
paste as a mouthwash, and the use of dried cubebs internally for oral and
dental diseases, loss of voice, halitosis,
fevers, and cough.[citation needed]Unani physicians
use a paste of the cubeb berries externally on male and female genitals to
intensify sexual pleasure during coitus. Due to this attributed property, cubeb
was called "Habb-ul-Uruus".[10]
In traditional Chinese medicine cubeb
is used for its alleged warming property.[citation needed] In Tibetan medicine, cubeb (ka ko la in Tibetan)
is one of bzang po drug, six fine herbs beneficial to specific
organs in the body, with cubeb assigned to the spleen.[11]
physicians of the Middle Ages were usually versed in alchemy, and
cubeb was used, under the name kababa, when preparing thewater
of al butm.[12] The
Book of One Thousand and One Nights mentions cubeb as a main
ingredient in making an aphrodisiac remedy for infertility:
He took two ounces of Chinese cubebs, one ounce of
fat extract of Ionian hemp, one ounce of fresh cloves, one ounce of red cinnamon
from Sarandib, ten drachms of white Malabar cardamoms, five of Indian
ginger, five of white pepper, five of pimento from the isles, one ounce of
the berries of Indian star-anise, and half an ounce of mountain thyme. Then
he mixed cunningly, after having pounded and sieved them; he added pure honey
until the whole became a thick paste; then he mingled five grains of musk and
an ounce of pounded fish roe with the rest. Finally he added a little
concentrated rose-water and put all in the bowl.[13]
mixture, called "seed-thickener", is given to Shams-al-Din, a wealthy
merchant who had no child, with the instruction that he must eat the paste two
hours before having intercourse with his wife. According to the story, the
merchant did get the child he desired after following these instructions. Other
Arab authors wrote that cubeb rendered the breath fragrant, cured affections of
the bladder, and that eating it "enhances the delight of coitus".[14]
1654, Nicholas Culpeper wrote in the London
Dispensatorie that cubebs were "hot and dry in the third
degree... (snip) they cleanse the head of flegm and
strengthen the brain, they heat the stomach and provoke lust".[15] A
later edition in 1826 informed the reader that "the Arabs call them Quabebe,
and Quabebe Chine: they grow plentifully in Java, they stir up
venery. (snip) ...and are very profitable for cold griefs of the womb".
The modern
use of cubeb in England as a drug dates from 1815. There were various
preparations, including oleum cubebae (oil of cubeb),tinctures, fluid
extracts, oleo-resin compounds, and vapors, which were used for throat
complaints.[citation needed] A small
percentage of cubeb was commonly included in lozenges designed
to alleviate bronchitis, in which the antiseptic and
expectoral properties of the drug are useful. The most important therapeutic
application of this drug, however, was in treating gonorrhea,
where its antiseptic action was of much value. William
Wyatt Squire wrote in 1908 that cubebs "act specifically on the
genito-urinary mucous membrane. (They are) given in all stages
of gonorrhea".[16] As
compared with copaiba in this connection cubeb has the advantages of
being less disagreeable to take and somewhat less likely to disturb the
digestive apparatus in prolonged administration.[medical citation
volatile oil, oleum cubebae, was the form in which cubeb is most
commonly used as a drug, the dose being 5 to 20 minims,
which may be suspended in mucilage or given after meals in a wafer.
The drug exhibited the typical actions of a volatile oil, but exerted some of
these to an exceptional degree.[medical citation
needed] As such, it was liable to cause a cutaneous erythema in
the course of its excretion by the skin, had a marked diuretic action,
and was a fairly efficient disinfectant of
the urinary passages.
Its administration caused the appearance in the urine of a salt of cubebic acid
which was precipitated by heat or nitric
acid, and was therefore liable to be mistaken for albumin, when these two most common tests for
the occurrence of albuminuria were applied.
National Botanic Pharmacopoeia printed in 1921 tells that cubeb was "an excellent remedy
for flour albus or whites."[17]
In Europe,
cubeb was one of the valuable spices during the Middle Ages. It was ground as
a seasoning for
meat or used in sauces. A medieval recipe includes cubeb in making sauce
sarcenes, which consists of almond
milk and several spices.[18] As
an aromatic confectionery, cubeb was often candied and eaten whole.[19] Ocet
Kubebowy, a vinegar infused
with cubeb, cumin and garlic, was used for meat marinades in Poland during
the 14th century.[20] Cubeb
can still be used to enhance the flavor of savory soups.
reached Africa by way of the Arabs. In Moroccan
cuisine, cubeb is used in savory dishes and in pastries like markouts,
little diamonds of semolina with honey and dates.[5] It
also appears occasionally in the list of ingredients for the famed spice
mixture Ras el hanout. In Indonesian cuisine, especially in Indonesian
gulés (curries), cubeb is frequently used.
and spirits[edit]
A Victorian
advertisement for Dr. Perrin's Medicated Cubeb Cigarettes
Cubeb was
frequently used in the form of cigarettes for asthma,
chronic pharyngitisand hay fever. Edgar Rice Burroughs, being fond of smoking
cubeb cigarettes, humorously stated that if he had not smoked so many cubebs,
there might never have been Tarzan.
"Marshall's Prepared Cubeb Cigarettes" was a popular brand, with
enough sales to still be made during World War II.[21] Occasionally, marijuanausers
claimed that smoking marijuana is no more harmful than smoking cubeb.[22]In
the musical The Music Man, set in rural Iowa in 1912, the
character Harold Hillalarms parents by telling this that their
sons are trying out cubeb cigarettes at the notorious pool hall in the song
In 2000
cubeb oil was included in the list of ingredients found in cigarettes,
published by the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch of North
Carolina's Department of Health and Human Services.[23]
Sapphire gin is flavored with botanicals including cubeb and grains of paradise. The brand was launched in
1987, but its maker claims that it is based on a secret recipe dating to
1761. Pertsovka,
a dark brown Russian pepper vodka with a burning taste, is prepared from infusion of
cubeb and capsicum peppers.[24]
John Varvatos
Vintage uses cubeb as one of the ingredients for fragrance.
Cubeb is
sometimes used to adulterate the essential
oil of Patchouli, which requires caution for Patchouli users.[25] In
turn, cubeb is adulterated by Piper baccatum (also known as
the "climbing pepper of Java") andPiper caninum.[26]
berries are used in love-drawing magic spells by practitioners of hoodoo, an African-American form of folk magic.
2000, Shiseido,
a well-known Japanese cosmetics company, patented a
line of anti-aging products containing formulas made from several herbs,
including cubeb.[27]
In 2001,
the Swiss company Firmenich patented cubebol, a
compound found in cubeb oil, as a cooling and refreshing agent.[28] The
patent describes application of cubebol as a refreshing agent in various
products, ranging from chewing gum to sorbets, drinks, toothpaste,
and gelatin-based
1. ^ Jump up to:a b (Katzer 1998)
4. ^ Jump up to:a b (Schafer 1985,
p. 151)
5. ^ Jump up to:a b (Hal 2002,
p. 32)
6. Jump up^ (Sinistrari
2004, pp. 56–57). "...Incubus none the less persisted in
appearing to her constantly, in the shape of an exceptionally handsome young
man. At last, among other learned men, whose advice had been taken on the
subject, was a very profound Theologian who, observing that the maiden was of a
thoroughly phlegmatic temperament, surmised that that Incubus was an aqueous
Demon (there are in fact, as is testified by Guazzo (Compendium Maleficarum,
I. 19), igneous, aerial, phlegmatic, earthly, and subterranean demons who
avoid the light of day), and so he prescribed a continual suffumigation in the
room. A new vessel, made of earthenware and glass, was accordingly introduced,
and filled with sweet calamus, cubeb seed, roots of both aristolochies, great
and small cardamom, ginger, long-pepper, caryophylleae, cinnamon, cloves, mace,
nutmegs, calamite storax, benzoin, aloes-wood and roots, one ounce of fragrant
sandal, and three quarts of half brandy and water; the vessel was then set on
hot ashes in order to force forth and upwards the fumigating vapour, and the
cell was kept closed. As soon as the suffumigation was done, the Incubus came,
but never dared enter the cell."
12. Jump up^ (Patai 1995,
p. 215). "Take one pound of tarmantanita, half a pound of
honey of which the frost has been removed, one pound ofaqua vita,
very fine Indian 'and, sandal, in equal parts. Arab samg,juz
bawwa, kholanjan root, kababa,
reed, mastaqi, qaranfal, sanbal, of each
three drachms.
They must be pounded well and put into a distilling vessel made of glass, and
it must be well covered, and put on a gentle fire. And the first water which
will come up will be pure... (snip) And know that the first is called 'the
mother of medicine'."
13. Jump up^ (Mathers 1990,
p. 97). Richard Francis Burton edition gives a
different formulae: "So he gave it to him and the broker betook himself to
a hashish-seller, of whom he bought two ounces of concentrated Roumi opium and
equal-parts of Chinese cubebs, cinnamon, cloves, cardamoms, ginger, white
pepper and mountain skink; and, pounding them all together,
boiled them in sweet oliveoil; after which he added three ounces
of male frankincense in fragments and a cupful of coriander-seed; and,
macerating the whole, made it into an electuary with Roumi bee
honey." Skinkrefers to a kind of lizard.
18. Jump up^ (Hieatt 1988)
"Make a thykke mylke of almondys, do hit in a pot with floure of rys,
safron, gynger, macys, quibibis, canel, sygure: and rynse
the bottom of the disch with fat broth. Boyle the sewe byfore, and messe hit
19. Jump up^ Candied cubeb is mentioned in Thomas
Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, set in the 1940s:
"Under its tamarind glaze, the Mills bomb turns
out to be luscious pepsin-flavored nougat, chock-full of tangy candied cubeb
berries, and a chewy camphor-gum center. It is unspeakably awful. Slothrop's
head begins to reel with camphor fumes, his eyes are running, his tongue's a
hopeless holocaust. Cubeb? He used to smoke that stuff."
(Pynchon 1973,
p. 118)
23. Jump up^ "Cigarette
Ingredients". Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch, NC Department of
Health and Human Services. 2000. Retrieved 2006-02-11.
28. Jump up^ Leffingwell, John C., Ph.D
(2001). "Cool
without Menthol & Cooler than Menthol and Cooling Compounds as Insect
Repellents". Leffingwell & Associates. Retrieved 2006-09-15.
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This article incorporates text from a
publication now in the public
domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "article name needed". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th
ed.). Cambridge University Press.