سوسن . [ سو س َ ] (اِ) گلی است معروف و
آن چهار قسم می باشد: یکی سفید و آنرا سوسن آزاد میگویند، ده زبان دارد و دیگری کبود
و آنرا سوسن ازرق می خوانند و دیگری زرد و آنرا سوسن ختایی می نامند و چهارم الوان
میشود و آن زرد، سفید و کبود میباشد و آنرا سوسن آسمانی گویند، وبیخ آنرا ایرسا خوانند
و این چهار قسم هم صحرایی و بوستانی میشود. و نام درخت چلغوزه هم هست و آنرا به عربی
صنوبرالکبار و ثمر آنرا که چلغوزه باشد حب الصنوبر الکبار گویند. (برهان ) (آنندراج
). ریحان الکافور. کافور یهودی . (ابن بیطار). قسمی از ریاحین یعنی سپرغمها است و آن
بری و بستانی هر دو باشد. (از بحر الجواهر). سوسن آسمانگون . گیاهی است از تیره ٔ سوسنی
ها که جزو گیاهان تک لپه ای جام و کاسه ٔ رنگین است . گلی است فصلی و دارای گلهای زیبا
و درشت برنگهای مختلف . اصل این گیاه از اروپا و ژاپن و آمریکای شمالی و هیمالیاست
. جهت ازدیاد این گیاه معمولاً در پائیز پیازهای فرعی را از پیاز اصلی جدامیکنند و
در بهار مجدداً میکارند. پیلغوش . فیلگوش . پیلگوش . زنبق رشتی . (فرهنگ فارسی معین
) :
مورد بجای سوسن آمد باز
می بجای ارغوان آمد.
رودکی .
یاسمن لعل پوش سوسن گوهرفروش
بر زنخ پیلغوش نقطه زد و بشکلید.
کسایی .
راست گفتی برآمد اندر باغ
سوسنی از میان سیسنبر.
فرخی .
وآن گل سوسن ماننده ٔ جامی ز لبن
ریخته معصفر سوده میان لبنا.
منوچهری .
مرد دانا گفت نفس تو مثال سوسن است
بی بها امروز لیکن بابها فردا شود.
هرچند که هستی ای نگار دل جوی
چون لاله همه رنگ و چو سوسن همه بوی .
عبدالواسع جبلی .
نه با یاران کمر بندم چو غنچه
نه بر خصمان سنان سازم چو سوسن .
خاقانی .
چه پندم میدهد سوسن که گرد عشق کمتر گرد
مگر سوسن نمیداند که عاشق پند ننیوشد.
خاقانی .
ز سبزه یافتند آرامگاهی
که جز سوسن نرست از وی گیاهی .
نظامی .
همیشش سوسن و گل تازه بودی
ریاحین بی حد و اندازه بودی .
نظامی .
ده زبان همچو سوسنی لیکن
بر تو از رازها بوند ایمن .
کمال الدین اسماعیل .
هر دست و هر زبان که دراو نیست نفع خلق
غیر از زبان سوسن و دست چنار نیست .
مولوی .
بس که بودم چون گل نرگس دوروی و شوخ چشم
باز یک چندی زبان در کام چون سوسن کشم
سعدی .
- سوسن آزاد :
نال دمیده بسان سوسن آزاد
بنده بر آن فال نال وار نویده .
عماره ٔ مروزی (از لغت فرس اسدی چ اقبال
ص 113).
برتوان چیدن ز دست سوسن آزادسیم
برتوان چیدن ز روی شنبلید زرد زر.
فرخی .
سوسن آزادو شاخ نرگس بیمار جفت
نرگس خوشبوی و شاخ سوسن آزاد یار.
منوچهری .
و امیر همچنان دسته ٔ شب بوی و سوسن آزاد
نوشتگین را داد و... (تاریخ بیهقی ).
در بوستان جاه تو شده بنده سوزنی
باده زبان چو سوسن آزاد مدح خوان .
سوزنی .
زبان سوسن آزاد و چشم نرگس را
خواص نطق و نظر داد بهر انهی را.
انوری .
ز مرغ صبح ندانم که سوسن آزاد
چه گوش کرد که با ده زبان خموش آمد.
- سوسن آزاده :
از زبان سوسن آزاده ام آمد بگوش
کاندرین دیر کهن کار سبکباران خوش است
- سوسن آسمانگونی . رجوع به ایرسا شود.
- سوسن ابیض ؛ سوسن آزاد. سوسن سفید. (فرهنگ
فارسی معین ).
- سوسن احمر ؛ گلایول . (فرهنگ فارسی معین
). دلبوث است . (تحفه ٔ حکیم مؤمن ). سیف الغراب . دورحوله . سنخار. ماخاریون .
- سوسن ازرق ؛ پیلغوش . سوسن آسمانگونی
- سوسن اصفر ؛ سوسن زرد. (فرهنگ فارسی معین
- سوسن الوان ؛ گونه ای سوسن که دارای گلهای
درشت و رنگارنگ است . (فرهنگ فارسی معین ).
- سوسن بری ؛ دلبوث . دور حولی . کسیفون
- سوسن جبلی ؛ شامل راسن و ایرسا است .
(فهرست مخزن الادویه ).
- سوسن چینی ؛ گونه ای سوسن که دارای ساقه
های سبز و تند و گلهای لاجوردی است . (فرهنگ فارسی معین ).
- سوسن ختایی ؛ سوسن چینی . سوسن خوش اندام
. سوسن الوان . سوسن ده زبان .
- سوسن سفید ؛ سوسن سپید. زنبق . (ریاض
الادویه ). سوسن آزاد. (ذخیره ٔ خوارزمشاهی ). رازقی . (ابن بیطار) :
آن سوسن سپید بشکفته بباغ در
یک شاخ او ز سیم و دگر شاخ او ز زر.
منوچهری .
- سوسن سرخ ؛ گلایول . (فرهنگ فارسی معین
) :
دو لب چو نارکفیده دو برگ سوسن سرخ
دو رخ چو نار شکفته دو برگ لاله ٔ لال
عنصری .
- سوسن فرفوری ؛ زنبق ارغوانی . (یادداشت
بخط مؤلف ).
- سوسن کبود ؛ سوسن چینی . (فرهنگ فارسی
معین ).
- سوسن کوهی ؛ راسن :
آن قطره ٔ باران ز بر سوسن کوهی
گویی که ثریاست بر این گنبد دوار.
منوچهری .
- سوسن گل دراز ؛ سوسن سفید.
- سوسن لاجوردی ؛ سوسن چینی .
- سوسن نرگس اندر شیراز یک گونه اسپرغم
است [ که ] سوسن نرگس خوانند : . برگش چون برگ سوسن است و میانه چون نرگس . (حدود العالم
). دهخدا
چهار نوع بود یکی سفید بود و آن را آزاد
خوانند دویم ارزق بود و آن را کبود گویند سوم صحرایی بود و آن الوان رنگ بود از ارزق
و زرد و آن را آسمانگون گویند و بیخ وی را ایرسا خوانند چهارم زرد بود و آن را خطائی
گویند و اصل وی و قد و شاخ وی بغایت بلند بود و سوسن بری و بستانی بود و بهترین وی
آسمانگونی بود طبیعت وی گرم بود در اول و معتدل بود در خشکی و در وی تحلیلی و تلطیفی
بود و گویند معتدل بود و گویند سفید بستانی گرم و خشک بود در سئوم و گویند در اول و
گویند معتدل بود و بری از وی گرمتر و خشکتر بود و جلا دهد و کلف و نمش را سودمند بود
چون روی را بشویند و جرب ریششده را نافع بود و بستانی فاضلترین ادویه جهت سوختگی
آب گرم بود و زرد سپرز و گزندگی جانوران را نافع بود خاصه عقرب و بوئیدن وی محلل فضلههای
دماغ و بیخ وی مسهل آب زرد بود چون به آب و عسل بیاشامند و شربتی از وی یک مثقال تا
سه مثقال بود و بوئیدن وی مضر بود به دردسری که از گرمی بود و شیخ الرئیس گوید سوسن
آزاد طبع وی نزدیک بود بحکم زعفران لیکن در گرمی و خشکی کمتر از آن بود و از ادویه
قلبی و مفرح بود
صاحب مخزن الادویه مینویسد: سوسن بضم سین
و سکون واو و فتح سین معرب از سوسن سریانی است و آن دو نوع میباشد بستانی و صحرائی
و هریک از آن هر دو سفید و کبود میباشد و بستانی را بلاتینی ایربدی دومیسیتکا و صحرائی
را ایربدی سالومتیکا و نوع دیگر صحرائی را وتالترا ایربدی سالوتنیکا و بفرنگی بستانی
را اوراایربس دومنسیکا و بری را ایربس سلوسیر و سوسن زرد صحرائی را تمرکابیس نامند
اختیارات بدیعی، ص: 240
سوسن (نام علمی: Lilium) نوعی گل میباشد که به طور معمول به وسیله
پیازش تکثیر میگردد. سوسن دارای تقریباً ۱۵۰۰ گونهاست که در حدود ۶۰ جنس جای
دارند . پراکندگی این گیاه به صورتی است که در نواحی مختلف کره
زمین مخصوصاً درآفریقای جنوبی و مناطق بین استوائی آمریکا یافت میشوند.[۱] نوعی از این گل به نام سوسن چلچراغ (نام علمی: Lilium
ledebourii) تنها در داماش استان گیلان و لنکران جمهوری آذربایجان میروید.
or Turk's cap lily
of L. medeoloides
Lily or Tiger Lily
Lily, Shasta Lily, or Mt. Hood Lily
or Leopard lily
tiger lily or Alpine lily
Lily or Meadow Lily
lily or American tiger lily
lily, Philadelphia lily or prairie lily
Lily or Fire Lily
rayed lily of Japan, or Goldband lily
Lily or Henry's lily
Star Lily
Lily, Low Lily, or Siberian Lily
Lilium nanum Photo
by Karl Kristensen[۳]
- ویکیپدیای انگلیسی
- پرش به بالا↑ دانشنامه رشد http://daneshnameh.roshd.ir/mavara/mavara-index.php?page=تیره+زنبق&SSOReturnPage=Check&Rand=0
- پرش به بالا↑ Normal
0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242101744
- پرش به بالا↑ "Velkommen til". Kalle-k.dk.
Retrieved 2011-12-05.
به عربی زنبق:
الزنبق (بالإنجليزية: Lily) اسم جنس نباتي يزرع لأزهاره، وتنمو نباتاته من بصلات. ينتمي إلى الفصيلة الزنبقية. يضم حوالي 110 أنواع. الزنبق الأبيض (باللاتينية: Lilium
candidum) هو أهم أنواع الزنبق الأصيلة في الوطن العربي. تنتشر كثير من أنواعه في تركيا والقوقاز وأوروبا.
تحتوي أوراق النبتة على مادة سيكلوبامين، التي تمنع تكون روابط معينة ضمن
التفاعلات الكيميائية الحيوية، والتي ينجم عنها تكون للخلايا السرطانية، وبالتالي
يتوقف تكاثر الخلايا السرطانية وتقتل خلايا الورم.[1] تنمو أزهار الزنبق من بصيلات محرشفة.
ومعظم أصناف الزنبق تحمل عناقيد ذات ألوان ساطعة على سيقان مستقيمة. تأخذ الأزهار شكل الأبواق ولها ست بتلات. ينمو
الزنبق جيدا في التربة الطينية الرملية العميقة، ذات التصريف الجيد. وينبغي
حمايته من الرياح القوية وحرارة الشمس. تزرع بصيلات معظم الزنبق على عمق 15 سم
أو أكثر تحت سطح التربة في نهاية فصل الشتاء، أو أوائل الربيع. وتزرع على هذا العمق لأن أكثرها تنمو
لها جذور من الساق فوق البصيلات. وبمجرد أن يزهر النبات يجب إزالة قرون البذور.
من أنواعه[عدل]
- الزنبق الأبيض (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق الأرقط (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق
الأرمني (باللاتينية: Lilium
armenum) في القوقاز
- الزنبق الأزغب (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق
الألباني (باللاتينية: Lilium
albanicum) في البلقان
- الزنبق الصغير (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق باري (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق البحري (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق البرانسي (باللاتينية: Lilium
pyrenaicum) في فرنسا وإسبانيا
- زنبق برتقالي (باللاتينية: Lilium
bulbiferum) في معظم أنحاء أوروبا
- الزنبق البنفسجي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق
البوسني (باللاتينية: Lilium
bosniacum) في البلقان
- الزنبق
التركي (باللاتينية: Lilium
monadelphum) ويوجد
في تركيا والقوقاز
- زنبق تسينغ تاو (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق الخلاب (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
دافيد (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق ذهبي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق رائع (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق ساجد (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
سمين (باللاتينية: Lilium
carniolicum) ويوجد
في اليونان والبلقان
- زنبق غربي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
غريه (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق فهدي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق فيلادلفي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق قزم (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق كندي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق كولومبي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
كيلوغ (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
كيلي (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق ملون (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق ميشو (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق ميشيغاني (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
همبولت (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق
هنري (باللاتينية: Lilium
- زنبق واشنطوني (باللاتينية: Lilium
- الزنبق
اليوناني (باللاتينية: Lilium
chalcedonicum) ويوجد
في اليونان والبلقان
- زنبق الأمازون (باللاتينية: Amazon
- ^ فوائد الزنبق في مجال الصحة CNN.com
به اردو سوسن یا لیلی:
گل سوسن یا للی (Lilium - Lily) ایک پھول ہے۔
به عبری:
به کردی بِرفی، زِمبِک:
Berfî, zembeq navê komekê riwekên kulîlkdar e ji famîleya
lîliyan (Liliaceae) ku pîvaz, tule jî dikevinê.
Ji binekoma Lilium. Riwekeke werzane (demsalane) ye. Nêzîkê
110 cureyên vê riwekê hene. Berfî pirranî bo baxçeyan tê çandin. Li hin welatan
kokên wê dixwin. Li hin deveran bi şaşî jê re leylank jî dibêjin lê leylank ne
ji vê komê ye, ne ji berfiyan e.
به آذری:
Zanbaq (lat. Lilium L.) – zanbaqkimilər fəsiləsindən bitki
cinsi. Qədim zamanlardan bəri Aralıq dənizi boyunca yayılmışdır.
به زازاکی سوسینه:
به ترکی استانبولی زَمبَک:
Zambak, zambakgiller (Liliaceae) familyasının Lilium
cinsinden genellikle soğan ile üreyen mevsimlik çiçekli bitkilerin adıdır.
Zambakgiller familyasında bu cinse ait 110 civarında bitki türü vardır.
Genellikle bahçe ve süs bitkisi olarak kullanılır, bazı soğanlı türleri de
insanlar tarafından yenilebilir. Bu cinse ait zambak türü asıl zambaktır,
isminde zambak geçen başka bitkiler de olmasına rağmen onlar diğer gruplara
aittir. Zambak bitkisinin çiçekleri kimi ülke mutfaklarında besin olarak
به انگلیسی:
Lilium (members
of which are true lilies) is a genus of
herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with
large prominent flowers. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are
important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are
native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends
into the northern subtropics. Many other plants have "lily" in their
common name but are not related to "true" lilies.
Lilies are tall perennials ranging
in height from 2–6 ft (60–180 cm). They form naked or tunicless scaly
undergroundbulbs which
are their overwintering organs. In some North American species the base of the
bulb develops intorhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found. Some
species develop stolons. Most bulbs are deeply buried, but a few species form
bulbs near the soil surface. Many species form stem-roots. With these, the bulb
grows naturally at some depth in the soil, and each year the new stem puts out adventitious roots
above the bulb as it emerges from the soil. These roots are in addition to the
basal roots that develop at the base of the bulb.
The flowers are large, often fragrant, and come in a range
of colours including whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples.
Markings include spots and brush strokes. The plants are late spring- or
summer-flowering. Flowers are borne in racemes or umbels at the
tip of the stem, with six tepals spreading or reflexed, to give flowers varying
from funnel shape to a "Turk's cap". The tepals are free from each
other, and bear a nectary at the base of each flower. The ovary is
'superior', borne above the point of attachment of the anthers. The fruit is a
three-celled capsule.[3]
Seeds ripen
in late summer. They exhibit varying and sometimes complex germination patterns,
many adapted to cool temperate climates.
Naturally most cool temperate species are deciduous and
dormant in winter in their native environment. But a few species which
distribute in hot summer and mild winter area (Lilium
candidum, Lilium
catesbaei,Lilium longiflorum) lose leaves and remain
relatively short dormant in Summer or Autumn, sprout from Autumn to winter,
forming dwarf stem bearing a basal rosette of leaves until accept enough
chilling requirement, the stem begins to elongate while warming.
Taxonomical division in sections follows
the classical division of Comber,[4] species
acceptance follows the World Checklist of Selected
Plant Families,[5] the
taxonomy of section Pseudolirium is from the Flora of North
taxonomy of Section Liriotypus is given in consideration of
Resetnik et al. 2007,[7] the
taxonomy of Chinese species (various sections) follows the Flora of China [8] and
the taxonomy of Section Sinomartagon follows Nishikawa et al.[9] as
does the taxonomy of Section Archelirion.[10]
The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, as of
January 2014, considers Nomocharis a
separate genus in its own right,[11] however
some authorities consider Nomocharis to be embedded within Lilium,
rather than treat it as a separate genus.[12][13]
There are seven sections;
For a full list of accepted species[2] with
their native ranges, see List of Lilium species
Sub Section
Botanical name
common name
Some species formerly included within this genus have now
been placed in other genera. These genera include Cardiocrinum, Notholirion, Nomocharis andFritillaria.
The botanic name Lilium is the Latin form and
is a Linnaean name. The Latin name is derived
from the Greek λείριον, leírion, generally
assumed to refer to true, white lilies as exemplified by the Madonna
lily.[17][18] The
word was borrowed from Coptic (dial.
Fayyumic) hleri, from standard hreri, from Demotichrry, from Egyptian hrṛt "flower".[citation needed] Meillet maintains
that both the Egyptian and the Greek word are possible loans from an extinct,
substratum language of the Eastern Mediterranean.[citation needed] The
Greeks also used the word κρῖνον, krīnon, albeit for non-white
The term "lily" has in the past been applied to
numerous flowering plants, often with only superficial resemblance to the true
lily, including water lily, fire lily,lily of the Nile, calla lily, trout lily, kaffir
lily, cobra lily, lily of the valley, daylily, ginger lily, Amazon
lily, leek lily, Peruvian
lily, and others. All English translations of the Bible render the Hebrew shūshan, shōshan, shōshannā as
"lily", but the "lily among the thorns" of Song
of Solomon, for instance, may be the honeysuckle.[19]
For a list of other species described as lilies, see Lily (disambiguation).
Distribution and habitat[edit]
The range of lilies in the Old World extends across much of
Europe, across most of Asia to Japan, south to India, and east to Indochina and
the Philippines. In the New World they extend from southern Canada through much
of the United States. They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats,
or sometimes to grassland habitats. A few can survive in marshland and epiphytes are
known in tropical southeast Asia. In general they prefer moderately acidic or
lime-free soils.
Lilies are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species
including the Dun-bar.
Many species are widely grown in the garden in temperate and sub-tropical regions.
They may also be grown as potted plants. Numerous ornamentalhybrids have
been developed. They can be used in herbaceous borders, woodland and shrub
plantings, and as patio plants. Some lilies, especially Lilium longiflorum, form important cut flower crops.
These may be forced for particular markets; for instance, Lilium longiflorum for the Easter
trade, when it may be called the Easter lily.
Lilies are usually planted as bulbs in the dormant season.
They are best planted in a south-facing (northern hemisphere), slightly sloping
aspect, in sun or part shade, at a depth 2½ times the height of the bulb
(except Lilium candidum which should be planted at
the surface). Most prefer a porous, loamy soil, and good drainage is essential.
Most species bloom in July or August (northern hemisphere). The flowering
periods of certain lily species begin in late spring, while others bloom in
late summer or early autumn.[20] They
have contractile roots which pull the plant down to the correct depth,
therefore it is better to plant them too shallowly than too deep. A soil pH of
around 6.5 is generally safe. The soil should be well-drained, and plants must
be kept watered during the growing season. Some plants have strong wiry stems,
but those with heavy flower heads may need staking.[21][22]
Below is a list of lily species and cultivars that
have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit:[23][24][25]-
Classification of garden forms[edit]
Numerous forms, mostly hybrids, are grown for the garden.
They vary according to the species and interspecific hybrids that they derived
from, and are classified in the following broad groups:[26][27][28]
Asiatic hybrids (Division I)[edit]
They are derived from central and East Asian species and
interspecific hybrids, including Lilium
amabile, Lilium
bulbiferum, Lilium callosum, Lilium
cernuum, Lilium concolor, Lilium
dauricum, Lilium davidii, Lilium × hollandicum, Lilium lancifolium (syn. Lilium
tigrinum), Lilium lankongense, Lilium leichtlinii, Lilium × maculatum, Lilium
pumilum, Lilium × scottiae, Lilium wardii and Lilium
These are plants with medium-sized, upright or outward
facing flowers, mostly unscented.
- Dwarf (Patio, Border) varieties
are much shorter, c.36–61 cm in height and were designed for
containers.[31] They
often bear the cultivar name 'Tiny', such as the 'Lily Looks' series, e.g.
'Tiny Padhye',[32] 'Tiny
Martagon hybrids (Division II)[edit]
These are based on Lilium dalhansonii, Lilium
hansonii, Lilium
martagon, Lilium medeoloides, and Lilium tsingtauense.
The flowers are nodding, Turk's cap style (with the petals
strongly recurved).
Candidum (Euro-Caucasian) hybrids (Division III)[edit]
This includes mostly European species: Lilium
candidum, Lilium chalcedonicum, Lilium kesselringianum, Lilium monadelphum, Lilium
pomponium,Lilium pyrenaicum and Lilium × testaceum.
American hybrids (Division IV)[edit]
These are mostly taller growing forms, originally derived
from Lilium bolanderi, Lilium × burbankii, Lilium
canadense, Lilium columbianum, Lilium
grayi,Lilium humboldtii, Lilium
kelleyanum, Lilium
kelloggii, Lilium
maritimum, Lilium
michauxii, Lilium michiganense, Lilium occidentale, Lilium × pardaboldtii,Lilium
pardalinum, Lilium
parryi, Lilium parvum, Lilium philadelphicum, Lilium
pitkinense, Lilium
superbum, Lilium ollmeri, Lilium washingtonianum, andLilium
Many are clump-forming perennials with rhizomatous
Longiflorum hybrids (Division V)[edit]
These are cultivated forms of this species and its
They are most important as plants for cut
flowers, and are less often grown in the garden than other hybrids.
Trumpet lilies (Division VI), including Aurelian hybrids
(with L. henryi)[edit]
This group includes hybrids of many Asiatic species and
their interspecific hybrids, including Lilium × aurelianense, Lilium brownii, Lilium × centigale,Lilium
henryi, Lilium × imperiale, Lilium × kewense, Lilium leucanthum, Lilium
regale, Lilium rosthornii, Lilium sargentiae, Lilium sulphureum and Lilium × sulphurgale.
The flowers are trumpet shaped, facing outward or somewhat
downward, and tend to be strongly fragrant, often especially night-fragrant.
Oriental hybrids (Division VII)[edit]
These are based on hybrids within Lilium section Archelirion,[29][30] specifically Lilium
auratum and Lilium
speciosum, together with crossbreeds from several species native to
Japan, including Lilium nobilissimum, Lilium rubellum, Lilium alexandrae, and Lilium japonicum.
They are fragrant, and the flowers tend to be outward
facing. Plants tend to be tall, and the flowers may be quite large. The whole
group are sometimes referred to as "stargazers" because many of them
appear to look upwards. (For the specific cultivar, see Lilium 'Stargazer'.)
Other hybrids (Division VIII)[edit]
Includes all other garden hybrids.
Species (Division IX)[edit]
All natural species and naturally occurring forms are
included in this group.
The flowers can be classified by flower aspect and form:[34]
- Flower aspect:
- a up-facing
- b out-facing
- c down-facing
- Flower form:
- a trumpet-shaped
- b bowl-shaped
- c flat (or with tepal tips
- d tepals strongly recurved (with
the Turk’s cap form as the ultimate state)
Many newer commercial varieties are developed by using new
technologies such as ovary culture and embryo rescue.[35]
Pests and diseases[edit]
Scarlet lily beetles, Oxfordshire,
Aphids may
infest plants. Leatherjackets feed on the roots. Larvae of the Scarlet lily beetle can cause serious
damage to the stems and leaves. The scarlet beetle lays its eggs and completes
its life cycle only on true lilies (Lilium) and fritillaries (Fritillaria).[36] Oriental,
rubrum, tiger and trumpet lilies as well as Oriental trumpets (orienpets) and
Turk's cap lilies and native North American Lilium species are
all vulnerable, but the beetle prefers some types over others. The beetle could
also be having an effect on native Canadian species and some rare and
endangered species found in northeastern North America.[37] Daylilies
(Hemerocallis, not true lilies) are excluded from this category. Plants
can suffer from damage caused by mice, deer and squirrels. Slugs, snails and
millipedes attack seedlings, leaves and flowers. Brown spots on damp leaves may
signal botrytis (also known as lily disease). Various
fungal and viral diseases can cause mottling of leaves and stunting of growth.
Propagation and growth[edit]
Lilies can be propagated in several ways;
- by division of the bulbs
- by growing-on bulbils which
are adventitious bulbs formed on the stem
- by scaling, for which whole scales
are detached from the bulb and planted to form a new bulb
- by seed; there are many seed germination patterns, which
can be complex
- by micropropagation techniques (which include tissue culture);[38] commercial
quantities of lilies are often propagated in vitro and
then planted out to grow into plants large enough to sell.
According to a study done by Anna Pobudkiewicz and Jadwiga
the use of flurprimidol foliar spray helps aid in the limitation of stem
elongation in oriental lilies. (1)
Some Lilium species are toxic to cats. This is known to
be so especially for Lilium longiflorum though other Lilium and
the unrelated Hemerocallis can also cause the same symptoms.[39][40][41] The
true mechanism of toxicity is undetermined, but it involves damage to the renal
tubular epithelium (composing the substance of the kidney and
secreting, collecting, and conducting urine), which can cause acute renal
failure. Veterinary help should be sought, as a matter of urgency, for any
cat that is suspected of eating any part of a lily – including licking pollen
that may have brushed onto its coat.[42]
Culinary and herb uses[edit]
Lilium bulbs are starchy and
edible as root vegetables, although bulbs of some species may
be very bitter. The non-bitter bulbs of Lilium lancifolium, Lilium
pumilum, and especially Lilium brownii (Chinese: 百合 干;
pinyin: bǎihé gān) and Lilium
davidii var. unicolor are grown on a large scale
in China as a luxury or health food, and are most often sold in dry form for
herb, the fresh form often appears with other vegetables. The dried bulbs are
commonly used in the south to flavor soup. Lily flowers are also said to be
efficacious in pulmonary affections, and to have tonic properties.[43] Lily
flowers and bulbs are eaten especially in the summer, for their perceived
ability to reduce internal heat.[44] They
may be reconstituted and stir-fried,
grated and used to thicken soup, or processed to extract starch. Their texture and taste
draw comparisons with the potato, although the individual bulb scales are much smaller.
There are also species which are meant to be suitable for culinary and/or herb
uses. There are five traditional lily species whose bulbs are certified and
classified as "vegetable and non-staple foodstuffs" on the National
geographical indication product list of China.[45]
- Culinary use:[46]
野百合Lilium brownii, 百合(变种) Lilium
brownii var. viridulum, 渥丹 Lilium
concolor, 毛百合 Lilium
dauricum, 川百合 Lilium
davidii, 东北百合 Lilium
distichum, 卷丹 Lilium lancifolium, 新疆百合(变种) Lilium
martagon var. pilosiusculum, 山丹 Lilium
pumilum, 南川百合Lilium rosthornii, 药百合(变种)Lilium
speciosum var. gloriosoides.
野百合 Lilium brownii, 百合(变种) Lilium
brownii var. viridulum, 渥丹 Lilium
concolor, 毛百合 Lilium
dauricum, 卷丹 Lilium lancifolium, 山丹 Lilium
pumilum, 南川百合 Lilium rosthornii, 药百合(变种)Lilium
speciosum var. gloriosoides]], 淡黄花百合 Lilium sulphureum.
And there are researches about the selection of new
varieties of edible lilies from the horticultural cultivars, such as
'Batistero' and 'California' among 15 lilies in Beijing,[49] and
'Prato' and 'Small foreigners' among 13 lilies in Ningbo.[50]
- Culinary use:
Yuri-ne (lily-root) is also common in Japanese cuisine,
especially as an ingredient of chawan-mushi (savoury
egg custard). The major lilium species cultivated as vegetable are Lilium
leichtlinii var. maximowiczii, Lilium lancifolium, and Lilium
- Herb use:
Lilium lancifolium, Lilium brownii var. viridulum, Lilium brownii var. colchesteri, Lilium
- Culinary use:
The parts of lilium species which are officially listed as
food material are the flower and bulbs of Lilium lancifolium Thunb., Lilium brownii var.viridulum Baker, Lilium
pumilum DC., Lilium
candidum Loureiro.[54] Most
edible lily bulbs which can be purchased in a market are mostly imported from
mainland China (only in the scale form, and most marked as 蘭州百合 Lilium davidii var. unicolor)
and Japan (whole bulbs, should mostly beLilium
leichtlinii var. maximowiczii). There are already
commercially available organic growing and normal growing edible lily bulbs.
The varieties are selected by the Taiwanese Department of Agriculture from the
Asiatic lily cultivars that are imported from the Netherlands; the seedling
bulbs must be imported from the Netherlands every year.[55][56][57]
- Herb use:
Lilium lancifolium Thunb., Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker, Lilium
pumilum DC.[58]
South Korea[edit]
- Herb use:
The lilium species which are officially listed as herbs are 참나리 Lilium lancifolium Thunberg; 당나리 Lilium brownii var. viridulun Baker;[59][60]
Not Lilium[edit]
The "lily" flower buds known as jīnzhēn (金针, "golden
needles") in Chinese cuisine are actually from Hemerocallis citrina.[61]
Lilium regale : bud formation
Orange Lily showing stamenswith
pollen-covered anthers. Ontario, Canada. June 2002.
Recently open and still unopened flowers of white Asiatic
Hybrid variety
Pollen of Lilium
auratum(Oriental Lily) Back-scattered electron microscope image
Microscopic view of Lily pollen100X
Lilium 'Centerfold'
Lilium candidum
L. |