۱۳۹۵ بهمن ۲, شنبه

شاض، شاخل، ارهر

بفتح شین و الف و ضاد معجمه بزبان هندی ارهروتور نیز نامند
ماهیت آن
حبی است از حبوب ماکولۀ معروفۀ مشهوره که در اکثر بلاد خصوص مازندران و هند و بنکاله و دکهن بهم می رسد بقدر نخود کوچکی و مدور اندک پهن و بر سر آن مانند دانۀ باقلا نشانی و در دکهن و بندر سورت و کجرات و عظیم آباد خوب و بالیده می شود
طبیعت آن
سرد و خشک در دوم کفته اند و شاید کرم و خشک باشد
افعال و خواص آن
نفاخ و بطی الهضم و قلیل الغذا و قابض و مبخر و جهت اسهال صفراوی و ذرب و فساد بلغم و خون و دفع زهر نافع دانسته اند
مداخل مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
شاخل .[ خ ُ / خ َ / خ ِ ] (اِ) غله ای است که آن را به هندی ارهر* گویند. (فرهنگ جهانگیری ) (فرهنگ شعوری ). نام نوعی از غله است و نان از آن پزند. (برهان قاطع) (غیاث اللغات ) (آنندراج ) (انجمن آرای ناصری ). اسم حبی از حبوب ماکوله است . (فهرست مخزن الادویه ) :
میخوری تو گرچه الوان نعمت اندر خوان کس
نان شاخل بهتر آید گر خوری بر خوان خویش.
* ارهر
अरहर arhar,[S. आढकी], s.f. A species of pulse, Cajanus Indicus: (Syn. توأر tū`ar).
Origin: Hindi
ویکی پدیای فارسی همینقدر  گوید که:
نخود کفتری
از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامه آزاد
نخود کفتری
طبقه‌بندی علمی
فرمانرو: گیاه
(طبقه‌بندی‌نشده):          گیاهان گلدار
(طبقه‌بندی‌نشده):          دولپه‌ای‌های نو
(طبقه‌بندی‌نشده):          رزیدها
راسته:   باقلاسانان
تیره:     باقلاییان
سرده:   Cajanus
گونه:    C. cajan
نام علمی
Cajanus cajan
(L) Millsp.
نخود کفتری (به انگلیسی: Pigeon pea)[۱][۲]، نخود رنگی [۳]، نخود کنگو[۴] یا نخود سودانی یکی از حبوبات است.

این گیاه در ایران معمولاً برای تهیه لپه کشت می‌شود.


دانه‌ها قبل از جداسازی پوست

Cajanus cajan
ارزش غذایی[ویرایش]
درصد ارزش روزانه محتویات مغذی غذاهای رایج (خام و نپخته) در هر صد گرم
[نمایش]          پروتئین ویتامین‌ها        کانی‌ها (مواد معدنی)
درصد کاهش ارزش بر اثر پختن : حداکثر کاهش درصدی ارزش‌های غذایی به دلیل جوشیدن بدون در نظر گرفتن گروه گیاه‌خواری حاوی شیر و تخم مرغ (ovo-lacto-vegetables group).

لپه, کال, خام
Pigeon peas.jpg
Pigeon peas in ترینیداد و توباگو
Nutritional value per ۱۰۰ گرم (۳٫۵ اونس)
انرژی مواد خوراکی      ۵۶۹ کیلوژول (۱۳۶ کیلوکالری)
23.88 g
شکرs   3 g
فیبر غذایی       5.1 g
1.64 g
پروتئین‌ها در رژیم غذایی
7.2 g
ویتامین ب۱     (35%) 0.4 mg
ویتامین ب۲     (14%) 0.17 mg
ویتامین ب۳     (15%) 2.2 mg
پانتوتنیک اسید
(14%) 0.68 mg
ویتامین ب۶     (5%) 0.068 mg
اسید فولیک      (43%) 173 μg
کولین   (9%) 45.8 mg
ویتامین ث       (47%) 39 mg
ویتامین ای       (3%) 0.39 mg
ویتامین کا        (23%) 24 μg
Calcium       (4%) 42 mg
Iron   (12%) 1.6 mg
Magnesium (19%) 68 mg
Manganese  (27%) 0.574 mg
Phosphorus (18%) 127 mg
Potassium    (12%) 552 mg
Sodium        (0%) 5 mg
Zinc   (11%) 1.04 mg
Link to USDA Database entry
Values for Choline, Vit. E/K available
μg = میکروگرمs • mg = کیلوگرمs
IU = یکای بین‌المللیs
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
لپه, رسیده, خام
Cajanus cajan Steve Hurst 1.jpg
Seeds of the pigeon pea
Nutritional value per ۱۰۰ گرم (۳٫۵ اونس)
انرژی مواد خوراکی      ۱٬۴۳۵ کیلوژول (۳۴۳ کیلوکالری)
62.78 g
شکرs   n/a
فیبر غذایی       15 g
1.49 g
پروتئین‌ها در رژیم غذایی
21.7 g
تریپتوفان         212 mg
ترئونین 767 mg
ایزولوسین       785 mg
لوسین (مواد)    1549 mg
لیزین   1521 mg
متیونین  243 mg
سیستین 250 mg
فنیل‌آلانین        1858 mg
تیروزین          538 mg
والین    937 mg
آرژینین 1299 mg
هیستیدین        774 mg
آلانین   972 mg
اسید آسپارتیک  2146 mg
اسید گلوتامیک  5031 mg
گلیسین 802 mg
پرولین  955 mg
سرین (اسید آمینه)        1028 mg
هیدروکسی‌پرولین        0 mg
ویتامین ب۱     (56%) 0.643 mg
ویتامین ب۲     (16%) 0.187 mg
ویتامین ب۳     (20%) 2.965 mg
پانتوتنیک اسید
(25%) 1.266 mg
ویتامین ب۶     (22%) 0.283 mg
اسید فولیک      (114%) 456 μg
کولین   (0%) 0.000000 mg
ویتامین ث       (0%) 0 mg
ویتامین ای       (0%) 0.000000 mg
ویتامین کا        (0%) 0.000000 μg
Calcium       (13%) 130 mg
Iron   (40%) 5.23 mg
Magnesium (52%) 183 mg
Manganese  (85%) 1.791 mg
Phosphorus (52%) 367 mg
Potassium    (30%) 1392 mg
Sodium        (1%) 17 mg
Zinc   (29%) 2.76 mg
Link to USDA Database entry
Values for Choline, Vit. E/K unavailable
μg = میکروگرمs • mg = کیلوگرمs
IU = یکای بین‌المللیs
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
پرش به بالا مقالات کشاورزی
پرش به بالا Glosbe
پرش به بالا باشگاه خبرنگاران
پرش به بالا [۱]
پرش به بالا درصد ارزش روزانه به مفهوم DRI: Dietary Reference Intake. نکته : تمام ارزش‌های غذایی شامل پروتئین به صورت درصد ارزش غذایی در هر 100 گرم از غذای مورد نظر هستند http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/nutrients/index
پرش به بالا http://nutritiondata.self.com/
پرش به بالا به: ۷٫۰ ۷٫۱ http://nutritiondata.self.com/topics/processing
پرش به بالا «USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors, Release 6». وزارت کشاورزی ایالات متحده آمریکا (USDA)، دسامبر ۲۰۰۷.
متاسفانه ویکی عربی در این مورد مهم خاموش است:
قس آذری:
Göyərçin noxudu (lat. Cajanus cajan) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin kayanus cinsinə aid bitki növü.
قس دیوِهی (مالدیوی):
މުގު ތޮޅި (ސައިންޓިފިކް ނަން: Cajanus indicus)ނުވަތަ (އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުން: pigeon pea)އަކީ ގަހެއްގައި އަޅާ ތޮޅީގެ ބާވަތެކެވެ.މިއީ ފެހިއޮށުގެ ބާވަތެއް ކަމުގައި ބެލެވެއެވެ. މުގުތޮޅި ދުނިޔޭގައި ހެދޭތާ މިހާރު 3 ހާސް އަހަރު ވަރުވެދާނެ ކަމަށް ސައިންސްވެރިން ލަފާކުރެއެވެ. މުގުތޮޅި އާންމުކޮށް ހައްދަނީ ހޫނު ހިސާބުތަކުގައެވެ. ހޫނު ގައުމު ތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން 25 އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ގައުމުގައި މުގު ތޮޅި ހައްދައި ވިޔަފާރީގެ ގޮތުގައި ބޭނުން ކުރެއެވެ.

މުގު ތޮޅި ތަފާތު ގޮތްގޮތަށް ބޭނުންކުރެއެވެ. އޭގެ ތެރޭގައި ތޮޅި ހިއްކައިގެންނާއި، ތޮޅި ރޯކޮށް ހުއްޓައި، އަދި ތޮޅި މުގުރައިގެން ފުށުގެ ގޮތުގައި ވެސް ބޭނުންކުރެއެވެ.
قس باسای اندونزی:
މުގު ތޮޅި (ސައިންޓިފިކް ނަން: Cajanus indicus)ނުވަތަ (އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުން: pigeon pea)އަކީ ގަހެއްގައި އަޅާ ތޮޅީގެ ބާވަތެކެވެ.މިއީ ފެހިއޮށުގެ ބާވަތެއް ކަމުގައި ބެލެވެއެވެ. މުގުތޮޅި ދުނިޔޭގައި ހެދޭތާ މިހާރު 3 ހާސް އަހަރު ވަރުވެދާނެ ކަމަށް ސައިންސްވެރިން ލަފާކުރެއެވެ. މުގުތޮޅި އާންމުކޮށް ހައްދަނީ ހޫނު ހިސާބުތަކުގައެވެ. ހޫނު ގައުމު ތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން 25 އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ގައުމުގައި މުގު ތޮޅި ހައްދައި ވިޔަފާރީގެ ގޮތުގައި ބޭނުން ކުރެއެވެ.

މުގު ތޮޅި ތަފާތު ގޮތްގޮތަށް ބޭނުންކުރެއެވެ. އޭގެ ތެރޭގައި ތޮޅި ހިއްކައިގެންނާއި، ތޮޅި ރޯކޮށް ހުއްޓައި، އަދި ތޮޅި މުގުރައިގެން ފުށުގެ ގޮތުގައި ވެސް ބޭނުންކުރެއެވެ.
قس سواحلی:
Mbaazi (Cajanus cajan) ni mmea wa mazao wa nusufamilia Faboideae katika familia Fabaceae. Matunda yake huitwa mbaazi pia. Mmea huu hukuzwa sana katika maeneo makavu ya tropiki na nusutropiki.
قس باسای مالایا:
Kacang Dal (Cajanus cajan) merupakan sejenis kekacang yang boleh dimakan dan ditanam secara meluas. Ia merupakan salah satu bahan utama bagi membuat kuah dal yang biasanya dimakan bersama roti canai.
Pigeon pea
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pigeon pea
C. cajan
Cajanus cajan
(L.) Millsp.
The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is a perennial legume from the family Fabaceae. Since its domestication in India at least 3,500 years ago, its seeds have become a common food grain in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It is consumed on a large scale mainly in south Asia and is a major source of protein for the population of that subcontinent.
Common names[edit]
The pigeon pea is known by numerous names with different etymologiesno-eye peatropical green peagungo pea in Jamaica, and gandule bean.
Pigeon pea is a perennial which can grow into a small tree.
Cajanus cajan - MHNT
The cultivation of the pigeon pea goes back at least 3,500 years. The centre of origin is probably peninsular India, where the closest wild relatives (Cajanus cajanifolia) occur in tropical deciduous woodlands.[1] Archaeological finds of pigeon pea dating to about 3400 years ago (14th century BC) have been found at Neolithic sites in Karnataka (Sanganakallu) and its border areas (Tuljapur Garhi in Maharashtra and Gopalpur in Orissa).[2] From India it traveled to East Africa and West Africa. There, it was first encountered by Europeans, so it obtained the name Congo Pea. By means of the slave trade, it came to the American continent, probably in the 17th century.[3]
Today, pigeon pea is widely cultivated in all tropical and semitropical regions of both the Old and the New Worlds. Pigeon peas can be of a perennial variety, in which the crop can last three to five years (although the seed yield drops considerably after the first two years), or an annual variety more suitable for seed production.
Pigeon pea is an important legume crop of rainfed agriculture in the semiarid tropics. The Indian subcontinent, eastern Africa and Central America, in that order, are the world's three main pigeon pea-producing regions. Pigeon peas are cultivated in more than 25 tropical and subtropical countries, either as a sole crop or intermixed with cereals, such as sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), or maize (Zea mays), or with other legumes, such as peanuts (Arachis hypogaea). Being a legume capable of symbiosis with Rhizobia, the pigeon pea enriches soil through symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
The crop is cultivated on marginal land by resource-poor farmers, who commonly grow traditional medium- and long-duration (5–11 months) landraces. Short-duration pigeon peas (3–4 months) suitable for multiple cropping have recently been developed. Traditionally, the use of such input as fertilizers, weeding, irrigation, and pesticides is minimal, so present yield levels are low (average = 700 kg/ha). Greater attention is now being given to managing the crop because it is in high demand at remunerative prices.
Pigeon peas are very drought-resistant, so can be grown in areas with less than 650 mm annual rainfall. With the maize crop failing three out of five years in drought-prone areas of Kenya, a consortium led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) aimed to promote the pigeon pea as a drought-resistant, nutritious alternative crop. Successive projects encouraged commercialization of legumes, by stimulating the growth of local seed production and agro-dealer networks for distribution and marketing. This work, which included linking producers to wholesalers, helped to increase local producer prices by 20–25% in Nairobi and Mombasa. The commercialization of the pigeon pea is now enabling farmers to buy assets, ranging from mobile phones to productive land and livestock, and is opening pathways for them to move out of poverty.[4]
World production of pigeon peas is estimated at 4.98 million tons2. About 77% of this is grown in India. Africa is the secondary centre of diversity and at present it contributes about 21% of global production with 1.05 million tons. In Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda are the major producers. These days it is the most essential ingredient of animal feed used in West Africa, especially in Nigeria, where it is also grown.
John Spence, a botanist and politician from Trinidad and Tobago, developed several varieties of dwarf pigeon peas which can be harvested by machine, instead of by hand.[5]
Split pigeon pea, used in making lentil soup in India
Pigeon peas are both a food crop (dried peas, flour, or green vegetable peas) and a forage/cover crop. In combination with cereals, pigeon peas make a well-balanced human food. The dried peas may be sprouted briefly, then cooked, for a flavor different from the green or dried peas. Sprouting also enhances the digestibility of dried pigeon peas via the reduction of indigestible sugars that would otherwise remain in the cooked dried peas.[6]
In India, split pigeon peas , called toor dal in Urdu), Kandhi pappu in Telugu, Togari bele in Kannada and Tuvaram paruppu in Tamil are one of the most popular pulses, being an important source of protein in a mostly vegetarian diet. In regions where it grows, fresh young pods are eaten as a vegetable in dishes such as sambar. In Ethiopia, not only the pods, but also the young shoots and leaves are cooked and eaten.[7]
Kenyans shelling pigeon peas
In some places, such as the Caribbean coast of ColombiaDominican RepublicPanama and Hawaii, pigeon peas are grown for canning and consumption. A dish made of rice and green pigeon peas (called moro de guandules) is a traditional food in the Dominican Republic. Pigeon peas are also made as a stew, with plantain balls. In Puerto Ricoarroz con gandules is made with rice and pigeon peas and is a traditional dish, especially during Christmas season. Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada have their own variant, called pelau, which includes either beef or chicken, and occasionally pumpkin and pieces of cured pig tail. In the Atlantico department of Colombia the sopa de guandú con carne salada (or simply "gandules") is made with pigeon peas.
Unlike in some other parts of the Greater Caribbean, in The Bahamas the light brown colored dried seeds of the pigeon pea plant are used (instead of the fresh green pigeon peas used elsewhere) to make the heartier, heavier, signature Bahamian staple dish "Peas 'n Rice." A slab of partially cubed or diced pork "fatback" lard with skin on (bacon is a common substitute), diced onions and sweet pepper, and a mixture of spices are all sauteed in the bottom of a deep pot. Tomatoes and tomato paste are added. Then water is added along with the peas and rice, and slow boiled until tender. The dish becomes a medium-dark brown color, resulting from absorbing the colors of the browned initial ingredients and the cooked tomato paste. The pigeon peas themselves absorb the same, becoming a much darker brown, providing some contrast while still complementing the distinctive "browned" theme of the dish.[8]
In Thailand, pigeon peas are grown as a host for scale insects which produce lac, the key ingredient in shellac.
Pigeon peas are in some areas an important crop for green manure, providing up to 90 kg nitrogen per hectare (Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2007) . The woody stems of pigeon peas can also be used as firewood, fencing and thatch.
Genome sequence[edit]
The pigeon pea is the first seed legume plant to have its complete genome sequenced. The sequencing was first accomplished a group of 31 Indian scientists from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, it was then followed by a global research partnership, the International Initiative for Pigeonpea Genomics (IIPG), led by ICRISAT with partners such as BGI –Shenzhen (China), US research laboratories like University of Georgia, University of California-Davis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and National Centre for Genome Resources, European research institutes like the National University of Ireland Galway and also support from the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme, US National Science Foundation and in-kind contribution from the collaborating research institutes.[9][10] It is the first time that a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)-supported Center such as ICRISAT led the genome sequencing of a food crop. There was a controversy over this as CGIAR did not partner with National team of scientist and broke away from the Indo American knowledge Initiative to parallelly start their own sequencing.[11]
Nutrient contents in %DV of common foods (raw, uncooked) per 100 g
Ch. = Choline; Ca = Calcium; Fe = Iron; Mg = Magnesium; P = Phosphorus; K = Potassium; Na = Sodium; Zn = Zinc; Cu = Copper; Mn = Manganese; Se = Selenium; %DV = % daily value i.e. % of DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) Note: All nutrient values including protein and fiber are in %DV per 100 grams of the food item. Significant values are highlighted in light Gray color and bold letters. [12][13] Cooking reduction = % Maximum typical reduction in nutrients due to boiling without draining for ovo-lacto-vegetables group[14][15] Q = Quality of Protein in terms of completeness without adjusting for digestability.[15]

Pigeon Peas, immature, raw
Pigeon peas.jpg
Pigeon peas in Trinidad and Tobago
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
569 kJ (136 kcal)
23.88 g
3 g
5.1 g
1.64 g
7.2 g
0.4 mg
0.17 mg
2.2 mg
0.68 mg
0.068 mg
173 μg
45.8 mg
39 mg
0.39 mg
24 μg
42 mg
1.6 mg
68 mg
0.574 mg
127 mg
552 mg
5 mg
1.04 mg

Link to USDA Database entry
Values for Choline, Vit. E/K available
·         Units
·         μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
·         IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
Pigeon peas, mature, raw
Cajanus cajan Steve Hurst 1.jpg
Seeds of the pigeon pea
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
1,435 kJ (343 kcal)
62.78 g
15 g
1.49 g
21.7 g
212 mg
767 mg
785 mg
1549 mg
1521 mg
243 mg
250 mg
1858 mg
538 mg
937 mg
1299 mg
774 mg
972 mg
2146 mg
5031 mg
802 mg
955 mg
1028 mg
0 mg
0.643 mg
0.187 mg
2.965 mg
1.266 mg
0.283 mg
456 μg
0.000000 mg
0 mg
0.000000 mg
0.000000 μg
130 mg
5.23 mg
183 mg
1.791 mg
367 mg
1392 mg
17 mg
2.76 mg

Link to USDA Database entry
Values for Choline, Vit. E/K unavailable
·         Units
·         μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
·         IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
Pigeon peas contain high levels of protein and the important amino acidsmethioninelysine, and tryptophan.[16]
Following table indicates completeness of nutritional profile of various amino acids within mature seeds of pigeon pea.
Essential Amino Acid
Available mg/g of Protein
Min. Required mg/g of Protein
As can be seen from the table above, Methionine+Cystine combination is the only limiting amino acid combination in pigeon pea. In contrast to the mature seeds, the immature seeds are generally lower in all nutritional values, however they contain a significant amount of vitamin C (39 mg per 100 g serving) and have a slightly higher fat content. Research has shown that the protein content of the immature seeds is of a higher quality.[17]
·         Phytophthora cajani
·         Fusarium wilt
See also[edit]
·         Dal
1.     Jump up^ Van der Maeson, L. J. G. (1995). "Pigeonpea Cajanus cajan", pp. 251–5 in Smartt, J. and Simmonds, N. W. (eds.), Evolution of Crop Plants. Essex: Longman.
2.     Jump up^ Fuller, D. Q.; Harvey, E. L. (2006). "The archaeobotany of Indian pulses: Identification, processing and evidence for cultivation". Environmental Archaeology. 11 (2): 219–246. doi:10.1179/174963106x123232.
3.     Jump up^ Carney, J. A. and Rosomoff, R. N. (2009) In the Shadow of Slavery. Africa’s Botanical legacy in the Atlantic World. Berkeley: University of California Press
4.     Jump up^ Pigeonpea in Eastern and Southern Africa http://exploreit.icrisat.org/page/eastern_and_southern_africa/887/329ICRISAT Posted 10 October 2012. Downloaded 26 January 2014.
6.     Jump up^ "Effect of Sprouting on invitro digestibility of some locally consumed leguminous seeds". Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. Vol. 10, Num. 3, 2006, pp. 55-58
7.     Jump up^ Zemede Asfaw, "Conservation and use of traditional vegetables in Ethiopia"Proceedings of the IPGRI International Workshop on Genetic Resources of Traditional Vegetables in Africa (Nairobi, 29–31 August 1995)
8.     Jump up^ "Tru Bahamian Must Eats: Peas & Rice". Tru Bahamian Food Tours. Retrieved 12 January 2015.
9.     Jump up^ "ICRISAT-led global team cracks pigeonpea genome". Retrieved 2014-12-21.
12.  Jump up^ "National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28". United States Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service.
17.  Jump up^ Bressani R, Gómez-Brenes RA, Elías LG.; Hobart (1986). "Nutritional quality of pigeon pea protein, immature and ripe, and its supplementary value for cereals". Arch Latinoam Nutr. 36 (1): 108–16. PMID 3632193.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cajanus cajan.
·         Singh, Nagendra K.; et al. (2011). "The first draft of the pigeonpea genome sequence". Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 21: 98–112. doi:10.1007/s13562-011-0088-8PMC 3886394Freely accessiblePMID 24431589.
·         Decoding of the Pigeonpea (Arhar) Genome by Indian Scientists, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
·         Varshney, Rajeev K; et al. (2011). "Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers". Nature Biotechnology. 30 (1): 83–9. doi:10.1038/nbt.2022PMID 22057054.
·         ICRISAT-led global team cracks pigeonpea genome, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
·         Pigeonpea a wonder crop for women farmers in Rajasthan, India, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
·         Phaseoleae

·         Edible legumes
·         Flora of India
·         Crops originating from India
·         Nitrogen-fixing crops
·         Tropical agriculture
·         Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus