بضم شین و سکون حا و ضم راء مهملتین و سکون واو و راء مهمله در
آخر لغت عربی است و بترکی قراطارخ و باصفهانی غوغار و بمازندرانی توکاور نامند
در ماهیت آن
اختلاف است اکثری کفته اند طائریست سیاه بجثۀ قمری و منقار و پاهای
آن دراز و زرد مائل بسرخی و اقوال دیکر که دراج و کبک دری و نوعی از کنجشک بزرک سیاه
طویل العنق و منقار و پا است توهم است
طبیعت آن
در دوم کرم و تر و در اول کرم و خشک نیز کفته اند
افعال و خواص آن
سریع الهضم صالح الغذا و جهت کزاز و مالیخولیا و فالج نافع و خون
آن با روغن بادام بغایت مورث حسن صوت و رافع کرفتکی آواز و صاحب منهاج کفته که بهترین
آن کوشت آنست و صلب و کرم و خشک و دیر هضم بسبب صلابتی که دارد و ردی الغذا و دیرهضم
و مولد خون کرم و مضر معده مصلح آن روغن بسیار است
مداخل مخزن الادویه عقیلی خراسانی
شحرور. [ ش ُ ] (ع اِ) سار سیاه . سحرور.
شحور. نوعی ازمرغان صحرایی باشد و بعضی گویند کبک دری است و عربی است . (برهان ). شحور.
(منتهی الارب ). پرنده ای است سیاه رنگ کمی بزرگتر از گنجشک ، بخاطر لحن خوشی که دارد
او را در قفس گذارند. ج ، شحاریر. (از اقرب الموارد) (از صبح الاعشی ج 2 ص 75). مرغی
است سیاه و منقار و پای او زرد مایل به سرخی و به قدر قمری و به ترکی او را قره طاوخ
و به اصفهانی غوغاز و به مازندرانی توکا* نامند. (از تحفه حکیم مومن ). و رجوع به شحور شود.
* توکا. (اِ) مرغی است از جنس تیهو
به قدر کبوتر و بر بدنش خالهای سفید و سیاه است و در جاهای مرطوب بیشتر پیدا شود. در
مازندران این مرغ را تیکا گویند. (فرهنگ نظام ).
توکای سیاه یا توکای معمولی (Turdus merula) پرندهای از سردهٔ توکا و بومی اروپا، آسیا و شمال
آفریقا است و انسان آن را به مناطق دیگر دنیا مثل استرالیا و نیوزیلند، آمریکای شمالی،
پرو، برزیل، آرژانتین، اروگوئه، شیلی و جزایر فالکلند هم وارد کردهاست.
چندین زیرگونه از این پرنده در محدودهٔ زیستی گستردهٔ آن زندگی میکنند، تعدادی از
زیرگونههای آسیایی را گاه گونهای مستقل در نظر میگیرند. با توجه به عرض جغرافیائی،
توکای سیاه ممکن است مقیم، نیمهمهاجر یا کاملاً مهاجر باشد.
جنس نر زیرگونهٔ اصلی این پرنده که در بیشتر مناطق
اروپا زندگی میکند، کاملاً سیاه با حلقهٔ چشمی و منقار نارنجی و آوازی با ملودی
غنی است؛ جنس ماده و پرندهٔ نابالغ پوشش قهوهای پررنگ دارد. این پرنده در درختزارها
و باغها زندگی میکند و لانهای شکیل با نوارهایی از گِل و فنجانشکل میسازد. توکای
سیاه همهچیزخوار است و از انواع مختلف حشرات، کرمهای خاکی، توتها و میوهها تغذیه
هر دو جنس در فصل زادآوری خود قلمروطلبند
و از نمایشهای تهدید مشخصی بهره میجویند، اما در هنگام مهاجرت و نواحی زمستانگذرانی
اجتماعدوستتر میشوند. جفتها در طول سال، در جاهاییکه هوا به اندازه کافی معتدل
باشد، در قلمرو خود باقی میمانند. اشارات زیادی به این پرندهٔ پرشمار و متمایز از دیگر پرندگان
در آثار ادبی و فرهنگی دیده میشود که معمولاً به آواز آن مرتبط میباشند.
توکای سیاه وبگاه پرندگان ایران
Wikipedia contributors,
"Common Blackbird," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed January 2, 2011).
قس عربی:
الشحرور أو الزرياب (الاسم العلمي: Turdus merula) (بالإنجليزية: Common Blackbird)، هو طائر ينتمي إلى
فصيلة السمنية (فصيلة: Turdidae)
، يعيش في أوروبا وآسيا والمشرق العربي والمغرب العربي بالإضافة إلى أستراليا ونيوزيلندة.
ويسمى ايضا الشحرور الاوراسي وخاصة في
امريكا الشمالية.[2] ذكر الشحرور البالغ أسود اللون في كل جسمه عدا منقاره وحلقة حول
عينيه أصفرا اللون؛ للأنثى وللشحرور الصغير لون بني داكن بشكل عام. يعيش الشحرور في
الغابات والحدائق. إنه قارت يأكل أنواعا عدة من الحشرات، الديدان الأرضية، العوز والفواكة.
و يكون لون بيضه اخضر مائل الى الازرق
عش الشحرور وفيه 3 بيضات
زرياب الموسيقي.
^ مذكور في : القائمة الحمراء للأنواع
المهددة بالانقراض 2016.3 — معرف القائمة الحمراء للأنواع المهددة بالانقراض: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/103888106/0 — تاريخ الاطلاع: 11 ديسمبر
2016 — عنوان : The IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species 2016.3
— تاريخ النشر: 8 ديسمبر 2016
^ Common_blackbird
مشاريع شقيقة في كومنز صور وملفات عن:
أيقونة بوابة
قس آذری:
qaratoyuq (lat. Turdus merula) - qaratoyuqlar fəsiləsinin qaratoyuq cinsinə aid
heyvan növü.
قس باسای اندونزی:
قس عبری:
השַחֲרוּר (שם מדעי: Turdus merula) היא ציפור ממשפחת
הקיכליים בסדרת ציפורי השיר. נפוץ באירופה, באסיה ובצפון אפריקה והובא על ידי האדם
לאוסטרליה ולניו זילנד.
אורכו של השחרור הוא 23.5
- 29 ס"מ, מוטת כנפיו היא 45-39 ס"מ ומשקלו נע בין 80 ל-125 גרם. גוף הזכר
כולו שחור (מכאן שמו בעברית ובערבית) מלבד טבעת צהובה מסביב לעיניו ומקור צהוב. בנקבה
בוגרת, הנוצות והמקור הם בצבע חום ואין טבעת צהובה מסביב לעיניים. לגוזלים יש צבע נוצות
בהיר במקצת משל הנקבות, וחזה מנומר.
قس کردی:
Boqijeya reş an
jî reşwêle, cureyekî fîkaran e. Perikên vê çivîkê seranser reş in, lê nikil û
qiraxa çavên wê pirteqalî ne. Meziniya wê mîna ya boqijê 25 cm e.
قس کردی سورانی:
ڕەشیشە یان شالوور (دهوك:شالیل) ( بە ئینگلیزی Common Blackbird، بە فارسی توکای سیاە، بە عەرەبی شحرور) باڵندەیەکە لە خێزان و تۆرەمەی ڕەشیشەکان .
٢٥سمە، نێر لە مێ گەورەترە و تەواو ڕەشە. مێکان دندووک و بازنەی دەوری چاویان نارنجییە و ملیان خاڵخاڵە. نێرەکان بە باڕی قاوەیی ئاماڵ ڕەشن و دندووکیان تۆخە. ئەم باڵندەیە لە سەر زەوی چینە دەکا، کلکی وەک چەتر لێدەکا و قیت ڕایدەگرێ و باڵان شۆڕ دەکا. لە لێڕەوار و باخاندا دەژی. لە نێو پەرژین و میچی تەویلە و ھۆڵان ھێلانە ساز دەکا. زستانان زۆر دەبینرێت.
قس ترکی استانبولی:
ya da kara bakal (erkek) ve boz bakal (dişi) (Turdus merula), karatavukgiller
(Turdidae) familyasından tüyleri kara, meyve ve böceklerle beslenen ötücü bir
kuş türü.
Common blackbird
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Common blackbird
A male common blackbird with a worm in its mouth
T. merula
Global range of the nominate subspecies Year-Round Range Summer Range Winter Range
The common
blackbird (Turdus merula) is a species of true thrush. It is also called Eurasian
blackbird (especially in North America, to distinguish it from the
unrelated New World blackbirds),[2] or simply blackbird where
this does not lead to confusion with a similar-looking local species.
It breeds in Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has been introduced to Canada, United States,
Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, the Falkland Islands, Chile, South Africa, Australia
and New Zealand.[3] It has a number
of subspecies across its large
range; a few of the Asian subspecies are sometimes considered to be full
species. Depending on latitude, the common blackbird
may be resident, partially migratory, or fully migratory.
male of the nominate subspecies, which is found throughout
most of Europe, is all black except for a yellow eye-ring and bill and has a rich,
melodious song; the adult female and juvenile have mainly
dark brown plumage. This species breeds in
woods and gardens, building a neat, mud-lined, cup-shaped nest. It is omnivorous, eating a wide range
of insects, earthworms, berries, and fruits.
sexes are territorial on the breeding grounds, with
distinctive threat displays, but are more gregarious during migration and in
wintering areas. Pairs stay in their territory throughout the year where the
climate is sufficiently temperate. This common and
conspicuous species has given rise to a number of literary and cultural
references, frequently related to its song.
common blackbird was described by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1758 as Turdus
merula (characterised as T. ater, rostro palpebrisque fulvis).[4] The binomial name
derives from two Latin words, turdus,
"thrush", and merula, "blackbird", the latter
giving rise to its French name, merle,[5] and its Scots name, merl.[6]About 65 species of
medium to large thrushes are in the genus Turdus, characterised by
rounded heads, longish, pointed wings, and usually melodious songs. The common
blackbird seems to be closest in evolutionary terms to the island thrush (T. poliocephalus)
of Southeast Asia and islands in the southwest Pacific, which probably diverged
from T. merula stock fairly recently.[7]
may not immediately be clear why the name "blackbird", first recorded
in 1486, was applied to this species, but not to one of the various other
common black English birds, such as the carrion crow, raven, rook, or jackdaw. However, in Old English, and in modern English up to about the
18th century, "bird" was used only for smaller or young birds, and
larger ones such as crows were called "fowl". At that time, the
blackbird was therefore the only widespread and conspicuous "black
bird" in the British Isles.[8] Until about the
17th century, another name for the species was ouzel, ousel or wosel (from Old English osle, cf.
German Amsel). Another variant occurs in Act 3 of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where Bottom refers to "The
Woosell cocke, so blacke of hew, With Orenge-tawny bill". The ouzel usage
survived later in poetry, and still occurs as the name of the closely
related ring
ouzel (Turdus
torquatus), and in water ouzel, an alternative name for the unrelated but
superficially similar white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus).[9]
Juvenile T. m. merula in
related Asian Turdus thrushes, the white-collared blackbird (T. albocinctus)
and the grey-winged blackbird (T. boulboul),
are also named blackbirds,[7] and the Somali thrush (T. (olivaceus)
ludoviciae) is alternatively known as the Somali blackbird.[10]
The icterid family of the New World
is sometimes called the blackbird family because of some species' superficial
resemblance to the common blackbird and other Old World thrushes, but they are
not evolutionarily close, being related to the New World warblers and tanagers.[11] The term is often
limited to smaller species with mostly or entirely black plumage, at least in
the breeding male, notably the cowbirds,[12] the grackles,[13] and for around 20
species with "blackbird" in the name, such as the red-winged blackbird and the melodious blackbird.[11]
would be expected for a widespread passerine bird species, several geographical
subspecies are recognised. The treatment of subspecies in this article follows
Clement et al. (2000).[7]
Near adult of nominate subspecies still
showing some brown in the wings
Female of subspecies merula
T. m. merula, the nominate
subspecies, breeds commonly throughout much of Europe from Iceland, the Faroes and the British
Isles east to the Ural Mountains and north to about
70 N, where it is fairly scarce. A small population breeds in the Nile Valley. Birds from the north of
the range winter throughout Europe and around the Mediterranean including Cyprus and North Africa.
The introduced birds in Australia and New Zealand are of the nominate race.[7]
T. m. azorensis is a small race
which breeds in the Azores. The male is darker and
glossier than merula.[14]
T. m. cabrerae, named for Ángel Cabrera, Spanish zoologist, resembles azorensis and
breeds in Madeira and the
western Canary
T. m. mauretanicus, another small dark
species with a glossy black male plumage, breeds in central and northern Morocco, coastal Algeria and northern Tunisia.[14]
First-summer male, probably
subspecies aterrimus
T m. aterrimus breeds in Hungary,
south and east to southern Greece, Crete northern Turkey and northern Iran. It winters in southern
Turkey, northern Egypt, Iraq and southern Iran.
It is smaller than merula with a duller male and paler female
T. m. syriacus breeds on the
Mediterranean coast of southern Turkey south to Jordan, Israel and the
northern Sinai. It is mostly resident,
but part of the population moves south west or west to winter in the Jordan Valley and in the Nile Delta of northern Egypt
south to about Cairo. Both sexes of this
subspecies are darker and greyer than the equivalent merula plumages.[7]
T. m. intermedius is an Asiatic race
breeding from Central Russia to Tajikistan, western and north east
Afghanistan, and eastern China. Many birds are resident but some are
altitudinal migrants and occur in southern Afghanistan and southern Iraq in
winter.[7] This is a large
subspecies, with a sooty-black male and a blackish-brown female.[15]
Asian subspecies, the relatively large intermedius also
differs in structure and voice, and may represent a distinct species.[15] Alternatively, it
has been suggested that they should be considered subspecies of T. maximus,[7] but they differ in
structure, voice and the appearance of the eye-ring.[15][16]
Europe, the common blackbird can be confused with the paler-winged
first-winter ring
ouzel (Turdus
torquatus) or the superficially similar European starling (Sturnus
vulgaris).[17] A number of
similar Turdus thrushes exist far
outside the range of the common blackbird, for example the South American Chiguanco thrush (Turdus
chiguanco).[18] The Indian blackbird, the Tibetan blackbird, and the Chinese blackbird were formerly
considered subspecies.[19]
common blackbird of the nominate subspecies T.
m. merula is 23.5 to 29 centimetres (9.25 to 11.4 in) in
length, has a long tail, and weighs 80–125 grams (2.8 to 4.4 oz). The adult male has glossy
black plumage, blackish-brown legs, a
yellow eye-ring and an orange-yellow bill. The bill darkens
somewhat in winter.[17] The adult female is
sooty-brown with a dull yellowish-brownish bill, a brownish-white throat and
some weak mottling on the breast. The juvenile is similar to the female, but has
pale spots on the upperparts, and the very young juvenile also has a speckled
breast. Young birds vary in the shade of brown, with darker birds presumably
males.[17] The first year male
resembles the adult male, but has a dark bill and weaker eye ring, and its
folded wing is brown, rather than black like the body plumage.[7]
common blackbird breeds in temperate Eurasia, North Africa, the Canary Islands, and South Asia. It has
been introduced to Australia and New Zealand.[7] Populations
are sedentary in the south and
west of the range, although northern birds migrate south as far as
northern Africa and tropical Asia in winter.[7] Urban males are
more likely to overwinter in cooler climes
than rural males, an adaptation made feasible by the warmer microclimate and
relatively abundant food that allow the birds to establish territories and
start reproducing earlier in the year.[20]
over most of its range in woodland, the common blackbird has a preference for
deciduous trees with dense undergrowth. However, gardens provide the best
breeding habitat with up to 7.3 pairs per hectare (nearly three pairs per acre), with woodland
typically holding about a tenth of that density, and open and very built-up
habitats even less.[21]They are often replaced
by the related ring
ouzel in
areas of higher altitude.[22]
common blackbird occurs up to 1000 metres (3300 ft) in Europe,
2300 metres (7590 ft) in North Africa, and at 900–1820 metres
(3000–6000 ft) in peninsular India and Sri Lanka, but the large Himalayan
subspecies range much higher, with T. m. maximus breeding at
3200–4800 metres (10560–16000 ft) and remaining above
2100 metres (6930 ft) even in winter.[7]
widespread species has occurred as a vagrant in many locations in Eurasia outside
its normal range, but records from North America are normally considered to
involve escapees, including, for example, the 1971 bird in Quebec.[23]However, a 1994 record
from Bonavista, Newfoundland, has been accepted as a
genuine wild bird,[7] and the species is
therefore on the North American list.[24]
Eggs in a nest
Two chicks in their first hours as another
egg begins to hatch
Two chicks in a nest
male common blackbird defends its breeding territory, chasing away other males
or utilising a "bow and run" threat display. This consists of a short
run, the head first being raised and then bowed with the tail dipped
simultaneously. If a fight between male blackbirds does occur, it is usually
short and the intruder is soon chased away. The female blackbird is also
aggressive in the spring when it competes with other females for a good nesting
territory, and although fights are less frequent, they tend to be more violent.[21]
The bill's appearance is
important in the interactions of the common blackbird. The territory-holding
male responds more aggressively towards models with orange bills than to those
with yellow bills, and reacts least to the brown bill colour typical of the
first-year male. The female is, however, relatively indifferent to bill colour,
but responds instead to shinier bills.[25]
long as winter food is available, both the male and female will remain in the
territory throughout the year, although occupying different areas. Migrants are
more gregarious, travelling in small flocks and feeding in loose groups in the
wintering grounds. The flight of migrating birds comprises bursts of rapid wing
beats interspersed with level or diving movement, and differs from both the
normal fast agile flight of this species and the more dipping action of larger
male common blackbird attracts the female with a courtship display which
consists of oblique runs combined with head-bowing movements, an open beak, and
a "strangled" low song. The female remains motionless until she
raises her head and tail to permit copulation.[21] This species is
monogamous, and the established pair will usually stay together as long as they
both survive.[14] Pair separation
rates of up to 20% have been noted following poor breeding.[26] Although the
species is socially monogamous, there have been studies showing as much as 17%
extra-pair paternity.[27]
Nominate T.
merula may commence breeding in March, but eastern and Indian races
are a month or more later, and the introduced New Zealand birds start nesting
in August (late winter).[7][22] The breeding pair
prospect for a suitable nest site in a creeper or bush, favouring evergreen or
thorny species such as ivy, holly, hawthorn, honeysuckle or pyracantha.[28] Sometimes the birds
will nest in sheds or outbuildings where a ledge or cavity is used. The
cup-shaped nest is made with
grasses, leaves and other vegetation, bound together with mud. It is built by
the female alone. She lays three to five (usually four) bluish-green eggs marked with
reddish-brown blotches,[21] heaviest at the
larger end;[22]the eggs of
nominate T. merula are 2.9×2.1 centimetres
(1.14×0.93 in) in size and weigh 7.2 grammes (0.25 oz), of which
6% is shell.[29] Eggs of birds of
the southern Indian races are paler than those from the northern subcontinent
and Europe.[7] The female
incubates for 12–14 days before the altricial chicks are hatched
naked and blind. Fledging takes another 10–19 (average 13.6) days, with both
parents feeding the young and removing faecal sacs.[14] The nest is often
ill-concealed compared with those of other species, and many breeding attempts
fail due to predation.[30] The young are fed
by the parents for up to three weeks after leaving the nest, and will follow
the adults begging for food. If the female starts another nest, the male alone
will feed the fledged young.[21] Second broods are
common, with the female reusing the same nest if the brood was successful, and
three broods may be raised in the south of the common blackbird's range.[7]
common blackbird has an average life expectancy of 2.4 years,[31] and, based on data
from bird
the oldest recorded age is 21 years and 10 months.[32]
A male singing
its native Northern Hemisphere range, the
first-year male common blackbird of the nominate race may start singing as
early as late January in fine weather in order to establish a territory,
followed in late March by the adult male. The male's song is a varied and
melodious low-pitched fluted warble, given from trees, rooftops or other
elevated perches mainly in the period from March to June, sometimes into the
beginning of July. It has a number of other calls, including an aggressive seee,
a pook-pook-pook alarm for terrestrial predators like cats,
and various chink and chook, chook vocalisations.
The territorial male invariably gives chink-chink calls in the
evening in an (usually unsuccessful) attempt to deter other blackbirds from
roosting in its territory overnight.[21] During the northern
winter, blackbirds can be heard quietly singing to themselves, so much so that
September and October are the only months which the song cannot be heard.[33] Like other
passerine birds, it has a thin high seee alarm call for
threats from birds
of prey since
the sound is rapidly attenuated in vegetation, making the source difficult to
least two subspecies, T. m. merula and T. m.
nigropileus, will mimic other species of birds, cats, humans or alarms, but
this is usually quiet and hard to detect.
common blackbird is omnivorous, eating a wide range
of insects, earthworms, seeds and berries. It
feeds mainly on the ground, running and hopping with a start-stop-start
progress. It pulls earthworms from the soil, usually finding them by sight, but
sometimes by hearing, and roots through leaf litter for other invertebrates. Small amphibians and lizards are occasionally
hunted. This species will also perch in bushes to take berries and
collect caterpillars and other active
insects.[21] Animal prey
predominates, and is particularly important during the breeding season, with
windfall apples and berries taken more in the autumn and winter. The nature of
the fruit taken depends on what is locally available, and frequently includes
exotics in gardens.
human habitation the main predator of the common blackbird is the domestic cat,
with newly fledged young especially vulnerable. Foxes and predatory
birds, such as the sparrowhawk and other accipiters, also take this species
when the opportunity arises.[35][36] However, there is
little direct evidence to show that either predation of the adult blackbirds or
loss of the eggs and chicks to corvids, such as the European magpie or Eurasian jay, decrease population
species is occasionally a host of parasitic cuckoos, such as the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus),
but this is minimal because the common blackbird recognizes the adult of the
parasitic species and its non-mimetic eggs.[37] In the UK, only
three nests of 59,770 examined (0.005%) contained cuckoo eggs.[38] The
introduced merula blackbird in New Zealand, where the cuckoo
does not occur, has, over the past 130 years, lost the ability to recognize the
adult common cuckoo but still rejects non-mimetic eggs.[39]
with other passerine birds, parasites are common. 88% of common blackbirds were
found to have intestinal parasites, most frequently Isospora and Capillaria species.[40] and more than 80%
had haematozoan parasites (Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Trypanosoma species).[41]
blackbirds spend much of their time looking for food on the ground where they
can become infested with ticks, which are external parasites that most commonly
attach to the head of a blackbird.[42] In France, 74% of
rural blackbirds were found to be infested with Ixodes ticks, whereas,
only 2% of blackbirds living in urban habitats were infested.[42] This is partly
because it is more difficult for ticks to find another host on lawns and
gardens in urban areas than in uncultivated rural areas, and partly because
ticks are likely to be commoner in rural areas, where a variety of tick hosts,
such as foxes, deer and boar, are more numerous.[42] Although ixodid
ticks can transmit pathogenic viruses and
bacteria, and are known to transmit Borrelia bacteria to birds,[43] there is no
evidence that this affects the fitness of blackbirds except when they are
exhausted and run down after migration.[42]
common blackbird is one of a number of species which has unihemispheric slow-wave sleep. One hemisphere of the
brain is effectively asleep, while a low-voltage EEG, characteristic of wakefulness, is present
in the other. The benefit of this is that the bird can rest in areas of high
predation or during long migratory flights, but still retain a degree of
common blackbird has an extensive range, estimated at
10 million square kilometres (3.8 million square miles), and a
large population, including an estimated 79 to 160 million individuals in
Europe alone. The species is not believed to approach the thresholds for the
population decline criterion of the IUCN Red List (i.e., declining more than
30% in ten years or three generations), and is therefore evaluated as Least Concern.[45] In the
western Palaearctic, populations are
generally stable or increasing,[14] but there have been
local declines, especially on farmland, which may be due to agricultural
policies that encouraged farmers to remove hedgerows (which provide nesting
places), and to drain damp grassland and increase the use of pesticides, both of which could
have reduced the availability of invertebrate food.[35]
common blackbird was introduced to Australia by a bird dealer visiting Melbourne in early 1857,[46] and its range has
expanded from its initial foothold in Melbourne and Adelaide to include all of
south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania and the Bass Strait islands.[47] The introduced
population in Australia is considered a pest because it damages a variety of
soft fruits in orchards, parks and gardens including berries, cherries, stone
fruit and grapes.[46] It is thought to
spread weeds, such as blackberry, and may compete with
native birds for food and nesting sites.[46][48]
introduced common blackbird is, together with the native silvereye (Zosterops lateralis),
the most widely distributed avian seed disperser in New Zealand. Introduced
there along with the song thrush (Turdus
philomelos) in 1862, it has spread throughout the country up to an
elevation of 1,500 metres (4,921 ft), as well as outlying islands such as
the Campbell and Kermadecs.[49] It eats a wide
range of native and exotic fruit, and makes a major contribution to the
development of communities of naturalised woody weeds. These communities
provide fruit more suited to non-endemic native birds and naturalised birds,
than to endemic birds.[50]
Sing a Song for Sixpence cover illustration
common blackbird was seen as a sacred though destructive bird in Classical
Greek folklore, and was said to die if it consumed pomegranate.[51]Like many other small
birds, it has in the past been trapped in rural areas at its night roosts as an
easily available addition to the diet,[52] and in medieval
times the conceit of placing live birds under a pie crust just before serving
may have been the origin of the familiar nursery rhyme:[52]
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie!
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie!
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
common blackbird's melodious, distinctive song is mentioned in the poem Adlestrop by Edward Thomas;
And for that minute a blackbird sang
by, and round him, mistier,
Farther and farther, all the birds
Farther and farther, all the birds
the English Christmas
carol The Twelve Days of Christmas, the line commonly sung
today as "four calling birds" is believed to have originally been
written in the 18th century as "four colly birds", an archaism meaning "black
as coal" that was a popular English nickname for the common blackbird.[55]
recording of a male blackbird is heard singing on 'Blackbird' by the Beatles,[56][incomplete short citation][57] although it is not
clear whether the song was about an actual blackbird or was an allegory for the
civil rights struggle in America.
common blackbird, unlike many black creatures, is not normally seen as a symbol
of bad luck,[52] but R. S. Thomas wrote that there is
"a suggestion of dark Places about it",[58] and it symbolised
resignation in the 17th century tragic play The Duchess of Malfi;[59] an alternate
connotation is vigilance, the bird's clear cry warning of danger.[59]
common blackbird is the national bird of Sweden,[60] which has a
breeding population of 1–2 million pairs,[14] and was featured on
a 30 öre Christmas postage stamp in 1970;[61] it has also
featured on a number of other stamps issued by European and Asian countries,
including a 1966 4d British stamp and an 1998 Irish 30p stamp.[62] This
bird—arguably—also gives rise to the Serbian name for Kosovo, which is the
possessive adjectival form of Serbian kos ("blackbird")
as in Kosovo
Polje ("Blackbird
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